Help with diet (no results in 2 months)

Hi, Ive been dieting for a while but after exam time i pushed my self and in the last two months ive lost no weight! And when i measure my left there is no inches lost :(

I try to eat right!, I exercise 5 times a week including gym, running, pole fitness.

So i have not seen any different and my doctor told me to try the 5:2 diet - i hope it works because im starting to get really upset with all my hard work - i wont give in but i would like to see something !!

I was 16 stone when i was 13 and got down to 11 - im now 12 stone and its almost like my body wont budge !!

Im worried that my body is getting used to my eating habits and then my exersise - i dont know what to do !

Any advice will help or someone who is in my position :( !!

I currently eat 1600 a day and 500 on my fasting days ( started the fasting 5:2 diet a week ago today)

Sorry if this is really long <3 ....


  • lshand28
    lshand28 Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, Ive been dieting for a while but after exam time i pushed my self and in the last two months ive lost no weight! And when i measure my left there is no inches lost :(

    I try to eat right!, I exercise 5 times a week including gym, running, pole fitness.

    So i have not seen any different and my doctor told me to try the 5:2 diet - i hope it works because im starting to get really upset with all my hard work - i wont give in but i would like to see something !!

    I was 16 stone when i was 13 and got down to 11 - im now 12 stone and its almost like my body wont budge !!

    Im worried that my body is getting used to my eating habits and then my exersise - i dont know what to do !

    Any advice will help or someone who is in my position :( !!

    I currently eat 1600 a day and 500 on my fasting days ( started the fasting 5:2 diet a week ago today)
    Before my exams i tried deiting at 1200 calories and no results and i was told i wasnt eating enough !!

    Sorry if this is really long <3 ....
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I do a version of 5:2.
  • lshand28
    lshand28 Posts: 45 Member
    Ive only started and i am hoping it works :( !
    How does it work for you ?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I would have a day where you eat amount maintenance every week. Keeping a high metabolism makes weight loss so easy. When you eat the more food you eat the more your body need to digestive it = higher metabolism.

    Fitness I recommend looking up HIIT workouts.
  • lshand28
    lshand28 Posts: 45 Member
    So for example one day a week i eat 2000 calories, two days a week 500 calories and the rest 1600 ? :) Ill have a look at the fitness:) thank you
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    On the day you eat 2000 calories do the most lifting ( recommend weight training) and cardio. on 500 calories days relax all day. the other days just like a normal exercise. As for HIIT I think I show get results. I do not do slow steady cardio anymore. MY HIIT is 4 minutes long if I can get there long in. It is hard to do. I do Tabata HIIT jump rope.
  • lshand28
    lshand28 Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you so much :) i will give it my all !!!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Do you think you have any muscle on your body?
  • FitnessInstructorKhalil
    What's your exact height and weight? Having to eat 160g if protein a day is too much, you will NOT lose weight like that, I'm 5'10 218lbs and my protein factor is only 128, so there's no way you should be consuming more protein than me. Also make sure each meal doesn't exceed 30g of protein
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    so what happens if over 30g of protein in one sitting?
  • lshand28
    lshand28 Posts: 45 Member
    Yeah im pretty sure i have muscles (in legs and arms and cant see under my layer of fat on stomach)

    Yeah i heard ... that you cannot consume more than 30g at a time of protien ??

    Im 5ft 6inch and 12 stone 5 lbs.

    What macros do you have ?? What are your macros then if you eat less protien ? I try to eat more protien and less carbs (why will this halt my weight loss ?
  • lshand28
    lshand28 Posts: 45 Member
    So ive changed my macros - protein is now 140g (macros are 30/35/35) ?? is this okay - i try not to eat too much fat - ive done a ketosis diet before and hated having to eat lots of fats :/ but i thought eating more protein was good for muscle gain etc.....
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member

    Yeah i heard ... that you cannot consume more than 30g at a time of protien ??

    That is completely false. I would suggest disregarding everything in that post.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Hi, Ive been dieting for a while but after exam time i pushed my self and in the last two months ive lost no weight! And when i measure my left there is no inches lost :(

    I try to eat right!, I exercise 5 times a week including gym, running, pole fitness.

    So i have not seen any different and my doctor told me to try the 5:2 diet - i hope it works because im starting to get really upset with all my hard work - i wont give in but i would like to see something !!

    I was 16 stone when i was 13 and got down to 11 - im now 12 stone and its almost like my body wont budge !!

    Im worried that my body is getting used to my eating habits and then my exersise - i dont know what to do !

    Any advice will help or someone who is in my position :( !!

    I currently eat 1600 a day and 500 on my fasting days ( started the fasting 5:2 diet a week ago today)

    Sorry if this is really long <3 ....

    I have seen great results fasting...getting close to 35 lbs now in 12 weeks. It is really easy as you eat your TDEE most of the week.
    Also..many other studies have been coming out about the benefits of fasting. I absolutely love it and it fits into any lifestyle. Holiday? party? Going out to a big dinner?

    No problem..that is your up/eating day!

    Once you get good at fasting you can have what I call a "win-win". A great meal and dessert and STILL only be at your TDEE. My saturdays I weigh in late morning and continue to fast until that evening and have a big time meal and dessert. Get the benefits of fasting, eat great food, and still be at my TDEE which is awesome.

  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    So for example one day a week i eat 2000 calories, two days a week 500 calories and the rest 1600 ? :) Ill have a look at the fitness:) thank you
    To really ramp it up I fast 3 days a week, the 4:3 version of fasting.

    3 days is 500 calories.
    3 days I eat between BMR and TDEE
    1 day is pretty much whatever I want which usually gets me to my TDEE around 2200-2500
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Hi, Ive been dieting for a while but after exam time i pushed my self and in the last two months ive lost no weight! And when i measure my left there is no inches lost :(

    I try to eat right!, I exercise 5 times a week including gym, running, pole fitness.

    So i have not seen any different and my doctor told me to try the 5:2 diet - i hope it works because im starting to get really upset with all my hard work - i wont give in but i would like to see something !!

    I was 16 stone when i was 13 and got down to 11 - im now 12 stone and its almost like my body wont budge !!

    Im worried that my body is getting used to my eating habits and then my exersise - i dont know what to do !

    Any advice will help or someone who is in my position :( !!

    I currently eat 1600 a day and 500 on my fasting days ( started the fasting 5:2 diet a week ago today)

    Sorry if this is really long <3 ....

    I have seen great results fasting...getting close to 35 lbs now in 12 weeks. It is really easy as you eat your TDEE most of the week.
    Also..many other studies have been coming out about the benefits of fasting. I absolutely love it and it fits into any lifestyle. Holiday? party? Going out to a big dinner?

    No problem..that is your up/eating day!

    Once you get good at fasting you can have what I call a "win-win". A great meal and dessert and STILL only be at your TDEE. My saturdays I weigh in late morning and continue to fast until that evening and have a big time meal and dessert. Get the benefits of fasting, eat great food, and still be at my TDEE which is awesome.


    Would you mind posting some of those studies? I've been considering giving this a shot, but I need to see the science behind it before I decide.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Hi, Ive been dieting for a while but after exam time i pushed my self and in the last two months ive lost no weight! And when i measure my left there is no inches lost :(

    I try to eat right!, I exercise 5 times a week including gym, running, pole fitness.

    So i have not seen any different and my doctor told me to try the 5:2 diet - i hope it works because im starting to get really upset with all my hard work - i wont give in but i would like to see something !!

    I was 16 stone when i was 13 and got down to 11 - im now 12 stone and its almost like my body wont budge !!

    Im worried that my body is getting used to my eating habits and then my exersise - i dont know what to do !

    Any advice will help or someone who is in my position :( !!

    I currently eat 1600 a day and 500 on my fasting days ( started the fasting 5:2 diet a week ago today)

    Sorry if this is really long <3 ....

    I have seen great results fasting...getting close to 35 lbs now in 12 weeks. It is really easy as you eat your TDEE most of the week.
    Also..many other studies have been coming out about the benefits of fasting. I absolutely love it and it fits into any lifestyle. Holiday? party? Going out to a big dinner?

    No problem..that is your up/eating day!

    Once you get good at fasting you can have what I call a "win-win". A great meal and dessert and STILL only be at your TDEE. My saturdays I weigh in late morning and continue to fast until that evening and have a big time meal and dessert. Get the benefits of fasting, eat great food, and still be at my TDEE which is awesome.


    Would you mind posting some of those studies? I've been considering giving this a shot, but I need to see the science behind it before I decide.
    For diebetes and cholesteral:

    and heart:

    You can google fasting wtih all the other benefits that go along with the weight loss. Longevity, etc. is incredibly easy and no food is taboo.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member

    Yeah i heard ... that you cannot consume more than 30g at a time of protien ??

    That is completely false. I would suggest disregarding everything in that post.

    I did
  • lshand28
    lshand28 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks ! I really though that when I read it on another post !!! Sounded bizzar!

    So eating more than 30g of protein is okay what about eating lots of protein in one day ?

    Thanks for all the help guys !!!
  • lshand28
    lshand28 Posts: 45 Member