Losing weight for ectomorphs

So ive read its easy for an ectomorph to lose weight. And i am an ectomorph. Im trying to lose 15lbs. Im 125lbs and 5'6" right now. I have quite a small body fram so 110lbs would be okay for me. How can i do this? What diet and exercises should i follow?

My measurements

Straight up and down body type.
Cant gain like any muscle.
Naturally thin.
I eat whatever i want right now and my weight flucuates alot between 127-120lbs.
I do no exercising at the moment.
Ive got small bones.


  • Kamirose9047
    Being 110lbs would put you squarely into an underweight BMI. I wouldn't suggest losing weight unless you get the go-ahead of a doctor.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    So ive read its easy for an ectomorph to lose weight. And i am an ectomorph. Im trying to lose 15lbs. Im 125lbs and 5'6" right now. I have quite a small body fram so 110lbs would be okay for me. How can i do this? What diet and exercises should i follow?

    My measurements

    Straight up and down body type.
    Cant gain like any muscle.
    Naturally thin.
    I eat whatever i want right now and my weight flucuates alot between 127-120lbs.
    I do no exercising at the moment.
    Ive got small bones.
    Don't lose weight. You are already trim. You might benefit from lifting weight with no calorie deficit because you will tone but you won't go into the underweight category.

    Bu the way, endomorph, ectomorph, etc. are not valid measurements for whether one can or cannot lose weight. The secret is to eat less calories than you burn, period.
  • katealiceellis
    katealiceellis Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am 5'6 and currently 123lb with the same goal- 110lb. I too have a small frame and think it can be achievable. Just aim for cardio at least 5 times a week and eat sensible! If along to way you feel unhealthy or too thin just relax your regime.
  • kelleybean1
    kelleybean1 Posts: 312 Member
    At 5'6" and 125 (and 123) lbs why in the world would you want to lose weight??? You are perfect right now!!! If you are not happy with your body, try exercise-weight lifting in particular, but you don't need to lose weight!
  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 113-ish, it fluctuates. If I could gain muscle, I would LOVE to weigh 120-something. That's sort of my "goal," but I don't know if it's achievable due to my genetics. (Abnormally long, thin bones, underdeveloped muscles, connective tissue disease.) My doctors recommend my weight to be 110 due to my health problems, but I'm sure they would recommend much more if it was lean muscle mass. After Ramadan, I plan on getting into a calorie surplus + weightlifting routine. It may not help much, but it surely can't hurt either. I look absolutely awful at 110 pounds. :frown:
  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 113-ish, it fluctuates. If I could gain muscle, I would LOVE to weigh 120-something. That's sort of my "goal," but I don't know if it's achievable due to my genetics. (Abnormally long, thin bones, underdeveloped muscles, connective tissue disease.) My doctors recommend my weight to be 110 due to my health problems, but I'm sure they would recommend much more if it was lean muscle mass. After Ramadan, I plan on getting into a calorie surplus + weightlifting routine. It may not help much, but it surely can't hurt either. I look absolutely awful at 110 pounds. :frown:

    Genetics will not stop you from gaining muscle. You will have a genetic threshold but you won't be restricted from gaining muscle.

    What you need is exactly what you said above in bold.

    Thank you, I hope so. It's a bit hard to overcome a genetic anomaly, but I will try. God willing.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 113-ish, it fluctuates. If I could gain muscle, I would LOVE to weigh 120-something. That's sort of my "goal," but I don't know if it's achievable due to my genetics. (Abnormally long, thin bones, underdeveloped muscles, connective tissue disease.) My doctors recommend my weight to be 110 due to my health problems, but I'm sure they would recommend much more if it was lean muscle mass. After Ramadan, I plan on getting into a calorie surplus + weightlifting routine. It may not help much, but it surely can't hurt either. I look absolutely awful at 110 pounds. :frown:

    Genetics will not stop you from gaining muscle. You will have a genetic threshold but you won't be restricted from gaining muscle.

    What you need is exactly what you said above in bold.

    Thank you, I hope so. It's a bit hard to overcome a genetic anomaly, but I will try. God willing.

    You've got the right idea, of course with doctor's clearance. It sounds like you *may* have a longer journey to gain muscle, given your diagnoses, but that does not mean it is impossible. Indeed, God willing, you WILL succeed.

    Forgive me, I do not know the "correct" greeting, but have a Blessed Ramadan, I hope to see you around here more!
  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    You've got the right idea, of course with doctor's clearance. It sounds like you *may* have a longer journey to gain muscle, given your diagnoses, but that does not mean it is impossible. Indeed, God willing, you WILL succeed.

    Forgive me, I do not know the "correct" greeting, but have a Blessed Ramadan, I hope to see you around here more!

    Awww, that means more to me than you know. Thank you so much! I have the biggest smile on my face. :bigsmile: Incoming friend request!