Having a hard time...

I am having a hard time reaching my daily goal...

Your Daily Goal
Carbs: 267
Fat: 65
Protien: 73

I find that I go over on the protien and fat, but am under on the calories and carbs...

Anyone have a similar goal? Any tips on the best way to reach all the goals and not go over any of them?

Thanks in advance!


  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    You just have to really be diligent on what you eat. I don't mind the protein, but I can't do fat. I'm not sure what you're eating, but I eat alot of chicken. I don't track my protein so I may be going over on the recommended amount. I've had to replace a lot of thing in my kitchen from regular to low cal or low fat. I've also started eating Sara Lee 45 calorie bread. Makes a huge difference when making sandwiches. You're just gon' have to buckle down and check your ingredients. I like to put what I am going to eat in before I eat it so I can see where it will put me at as well. This way if its too high in something then I won't eat it or I eat a smaller portion of it. That might help you as well.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Wow - that is a crazy amount of calories.
    You sure you have all of your settings entered correctly?
  • jodygirl777
    This happens to me a lot! Especially the protein. I am on a 1200 calorie limit and seem to do fine with cals and carbs also. I usually dont worry about going over in my protein especially if I do a good workout on those days.

    Good luck!
  • Nasty77
    How about eating 6 times a day??? Eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner but include snacks in between and before you go to bed but set a finally time to eat like 7pm or 8pm. Eat every 2 hrs 2.5hrs. :smile:
  • pitapieface
    Wow - that is a crazy amount of calories.
    You sure you have all of your settings entered correctly?

    Yes, it asked me my weight, height, age, exercise amount, and how much weight I want to lose per week. I did it twice just to be sure.
  • Nasty77
    My calories is higher than her is and the only time I'm in the read zone is the two days I don't go in the gym:frown: That only happened once.......wont let that happen again.
  • fitmom125
    I noticed I have been over my fat and protein too. I guess we have to watch and read the labels of what we eat so that we don't go over.
  • harleygurl72
    Wow - that is a crazy amount of calories.
    You sure you have all of your settings entered correctly?

    If you enter all your information correctly than that calorie amount is correct. When I started using the website I was at a much higher level, because I started working an active job, exercising several times a week and if you are heavy you still need the calories to fuel your body. I am not overweight I am obese I went from eating fast food while going though a divorce and working at a 8 hour a day sit down at a desk job to working on my feet 9 ours a day moving all the time lifting and carrying thing, so my body still needs about 1850 a day before I exercise. Before I was probably eating about 1200-1500 calories a meal that if prepare all my meals I am having trouble getting to 1500 for the complete day. I have been doing very well on my weight loss, I weigh myself only once a week and when I put it into my plain it changes my intake levels.

    The less you weigh the less fuel your body needs, the more you exercise the more fuel your body needs.