Just Joined yesterday

Never tried this before, I'm hoping the added support of the forums will keep me on the straight and narrow. How does everyone find the site?


  • Dtermined89
    its a good site writing down everything you eat is an eye opener
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    I've been using this site for 3 weeks. I have become so interested with everything about my body. What I put into it, how I treat it, how to care for it. I am really trying to build self confidence and I think I am on the right road! There are SO many folks here ready to help, support, answer questions, encourage...

    You can enter in recipes for foods, you can add your own exercises, all sorts of stuff! I am still finding new things to do with this site.

    Love it!!

    Nice to meet you and best of luck with your goals!
  • francesc_ahhh
    Thanks guys, good to hear. I can't wait to get really stuck in!