most embarrassing moment while working out...



  • biscuit71
    biscuit71 Posts: 43 Member
    I was trying to wipe off the treadmill and I tripped and fell flat on my face. My co-worker was on the treadmill next to mine.
  • Colli78
    Colli78 Posts: 135
    I work for a non profit that emphasize healthy living for the body and spirit. My co-worker and I started working out every day and eating right and we both lost a significant amount of weight. Our PR department told the local news who came to do a story on us. The camera man interviewed us and then wanted some shots of us working out. We did weights and the elliptical and everything was fine. We went over to the treadmills so that he could do a shot of our feet walking and I got on mine and started a slow jog (couldn't get too sweaty and ruin my TV makeup!). Next thing I know there is a loud boom and smoke starts coming up from the front of my treadmill. I was a little self conscious about still being over weight and being interviewed and then I blew up the dang treadmill. Fortunately, they didn't air that footage. We were already getting stared at though for having the news camera following us and then I called further attention to myself by blowing up the treadmill. Ugh!
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    I knew I was shrinking out of my swimsuit but didn't do anything about it until one of my boobs bounced out of the suit during water aerobics and I flashed the instructor. Needless to say I bought a new suit in my new size later that same day.
  • skyeny
    skyeny Posts: 51 Member
    I had no idea that sweat stains were an issue for some people... I sweat everywhere and a lot, and never feel embarrassed, because sweating at the gym is normal in my mind... The only stains that I'd be embarrassed to leave are the ones on the machines, that's why I wipe them. I feel like nobody's looking at me at the gym. If fact, I probably wouldn't recognize any single person from the gym in real life, because I don't pay attention to anybody.

    I don't think I could notice anything people confessed about in this thread. I wouldn't even hear somebody farting, because I have my ipod with me... And for me to notice you are peeing there, you'd need to take off your pants and sit in the middle of the gym....
    I'm embarrassed when I come home and start "trying to feel" if anything hurts today, how tired I am, and so on, just to make an excuse for myself to stay home that day.
    And when I'm at the gym, I don't feel embarrassed, even though I do have puddles of sweat under me, sweat stains on me; once my orange workout bra stained my white top; I twisted my ankle on elliptical to the point I fainted, and the gym owner had to call my bf, and they took me home, and when the gym owner tried to carry me when I couldn't jump on 1 leg anymore, I started screaming that I'm fat and too heavy for him to lift me; i can make funny sounds when I lift weights, my trainer asked me once if I got hiccups; I tripped and fell multiple times, including crushing a part of my bone, and now I have a metal part in me)) sometimes very painful, but no, not embarrassed at all... =)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Both of mine are run related.

    the first was after I had dropped enough weight that my clothes were getting ridiculously loose. got up one morning, donned my loose running pants and headed out to run my neighborhood. About halfway through the run, i realized my *kitten* was feeling really breezy. My pants had slipped down over my butt, somehow leaving the front still up and I was mooning my neighbors. :noway:

    The second was fairly recently - I was running along (again in my neighborhood), and my earbuds got tangled up. I had to slow down, and was jogging in place trying to get them untangled. My foot got caught on the side of the road (where the road ends and the grass begins), and I rolled my ankle and went down hard. In front of one of my neighbors who was driving off somewhere. :laugh:

    JoRocka - thanks so much for sharing your story. I laughed until I almost peed myself! I have had this problem too. You rock for getting through your workout anyway AND for cleaning it up after. Like an adult. :flowerforyou:

    LOL- breezy butt- that's hysterical- I have weird issues with my shirt and my pants- I'm ALWAYS checking to make sure I'm not falling out of the back of them.

    Glad I could make you chuckle- I honestly was shocked- I mean I've like had some spotting issues with heavy squats- but never enough to make me realize I just peed on the floor- not like oh my pants are wet- normally I would be moritfied- but after watching video's of guys lifting and projectile puking- or peeing- meh- whatever- I didn't blow my O ring out- so I'm okay with it- just gotta clean everything up!!!

    I'm totally wearing liners next time I have to do this though!!!
  • charmarbobar
    charmarbobar Posts: 251 Member
    Recently I was in the gym. Going thru the various pieces of equipment, when I notice I was getting strange looks from different people. This went on for over an hr. Finally, a sweet young thing came up to me and whispered in my ear. have a bubble gum wrapper stuck to your forehead.

    I slowly slung out the back door.

    ^ This was seriously my favorite of all!!

    The worst I have done (so far) is having my phone launch across the street cause my arm gets tangled in the ear plug, battery and cover flying in 3 different directions, leaving me to stop my run to put it all back together.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    First (and only) time I went on the treadmill the trainer told me to be careful as I was getting off it, "I'm fine... oof" jelly legs made me faceplant the floor.
  • PrimalGirl
    PrimalGirl Posts: 148 Member
    Come on, I can't really be the only person to hit fatigue on a barbell bench press and get trapped under it, can I? Managed to rack one end and not the other so it was on me at an angle and I just didn't have the strength to get it back up. Cue much squirming and red-faced grunting, legs flailing like a beached octopus.

    Only then to have some gorgeous, muscular bloke come and lift it off me - with one hand...

    Oh, the shame! He always keeps an eye on me when I bench now, so I can't even pretend it didn't happen.
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I gave Zumba a try even though I'm not the most graceful of people. I was really in the groove, but then I stepped on my own foot and fell on my rear. It was pretty sweet.

    My sister and her new boyfriend were walking through my workout area while I was doing some lifting. I was mid-deadlift, red-faced, sweaty, and grouchy because I was in the zone and he interrupted me by asking if I was training for MMA, lol. Not the best impression for either of us!
  • BrittanyMG3
    BrittanyMG3 Posts: 163 Member
    My 3 year old was doing yoga with me, I had a freak occurrence of gas and could NOT stop was every 2 minutes the entire daughter was purple she was laughing so hard and kept yelling "do it again mommy!" ugh..she later announced "I did Yoda with mommy and she farted A LOT" to everyone she spoke to.. :laugh: :sad:
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Simple enough.

    Water aerobics and reeky fart bubbles coming to the surface. Dietary changes can do embarrassing things to your guts.

    Lucky for me there were quite a few people around and I SURE was not going to admit it was me.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I wouldn't call this embarassing, but... doing a fitness test for the Navy, my boss wanted to be an *kitten* because he didn't believe I could do 80 situps in 2 minutes, so he was my "spotter". So I got to about 70 which is more than I needed, and let out a good 10-15 second fart... while he's holding my feet.

    The extra workload for 2 months was totally worth it.

    An actually embarassing story, working out with ALL of my coworkers, I split my shorts doing bodyweight squats. Luckily Navy PT shorts double as swim trunks, so the liner kept everything concealed, but it's still not fun. I had split every pair of those poorly fitting shorts within the next 3 months of weight lifting.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I totally dribbled pee on the floor today... first heavy squat of the day- apparently I just didn't have the grip I thought I did on my insides.

    pretty epic. and awful.

    Thankfully the only other two people in the gym didn't witness this awesome venture.

    Was not a good start to my lifts.

    I usually make a couple of trips to the ladies room during squat & deadlift days. LOL. But only LOL because I feel your pain, not because I'm LOLing at you! :flowerforyou:
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    Peeing when lifting is pretty normal. Most of the women I know who are over 30 and have had children wear pads during a competition. It's standard gear. I prefer poise. I've passed them out at meets to some who forgot them. Most meets I've been to have had at least one platform pee.

    I mostly train at home so the only one who witnesses the embarrassment is my husband. I sharted doing heavy deadlifts but finished my set. Heavy pulls while experiencing lower intestinal disquietude are always an adventure.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Come on, I can't really be the only person to hit fatigue on a barbell bench press and get trapped under it, can I? Managed to rack one end and not the other so it was on me at an angle and I just didn't have the strength to get it back up. Cue much squirming and red-faced grunting, legs flailing like a beached octopus.

    Only then to have some gorgeous, muscular bloke come and lift it off me - with one hand...

    Oh, the shame! He always keeps an eye on me when I bench now, so I can't even pretend it didn't happen.

    this happened to me yesterday. but i work at home, alone in the basement, so there was no gorgeous muscular bloke to come to my rescue. only a couple cats staring at me like "now what is she up to?" lol

    i tried to do the roll of shame but it hurt so bad once i got it over my rib cage that i started to panick. so i leaned to one side and all the weights went clanging down, then that end popped up & the weights on other side were next. the cats took off running. it made quite a racket. I feel a bit silly about it but i guess it was bound to happen one day.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Peeing when lifting is pretty normal. Most of the women I know who are over 30 and have had children wear pads during a competition. It's standard gear. I prefer poise. I've passed them out at meets to some who forgot them. Most meets I've been to have had at least one platform pee.

    I mostly train at home so the only one who witnesses the embarrassment is my husband. I sharted doing heavy deadlifts but finished my set. Heavy pulls while experiencing lower intestinal disquietude are always an adventure.

    this is what I've heard-
    so I kind of shrugged and went- woops- should have come better prepared- but I was grateful the gym was empty- not everyone else me thinks would have been so normalized about it. I haven't ever had excess issues with it but this was the first flat out pee break type deal- I've had slips - but nothing that hit the deck. was a big fat MEH in my book- and a reminder to wear liners.

    I think I was mostly irritated/embarrassed that it was an opening weight and not a PR or anything. <shameface>
    I usually make a couple of trips to the ladies room during squat & deadlift days. LOL. But only LOL because I feel your pain, not because I'm LOLing at you! flowerforyou
    You know- I did hit the head before that- and apparently there was still some left!!! I made trips between EACH lift just to make sure. LOL whatever PADS next time- I will be having them!!!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,375 Member
    Peeing when lifting is pretty normal. Most of the women I know who are over 30 and have had children wear pads during a competition. It's standard gear. I prefer poise. I've passed them out at meets to some who forgot them. Most meets I've been to have had at least one platform pee.

    I mostly train at home so the only one who witnesses the embarrassment is my husband. I sharted doing heavy deadlifts but finished my set. Heavy pulls while experiencing lower intestinal disquietude are always an adventure.

    this is what I've heard-
    so I kind of shrugged and went- woops- should have come better prepared- but I was grateful the gym was empty- not everyone else me thinks would have been so normalized about it. I haven't ever had excess issues with it but this was the first flat out pee break type deal- I've had slips - but nothing that hit the deck. was a big fat MEH in my book- and a reminder to wear liners.

    I think I was mostly irritated/embarrassed that it was an opening weight and not a PR or anything. <shameface>
    I usually make a couple of trips to the ladies room during squat & deadlift days. LOL. But only LOL because I feel your pain, not because I'm LOLing at you! flowerforyou
    You know- I did hit the head before that- and apparently there was still some left!!! I made trips between EACH lift just to make sure. LOL whatever PADS next time- I will be having them!!!

    I had to buy pads after I had a moment on the treadmill, and I did pee before I got on! The weird thing is it doesn't happen all the time, so I don't know what makes the difference. I also flat out peed myself doing side shuffles up and down the rows of heavy bags during kickboxing class. It wouldn't stop! I wanted to die, but thankfully I was wearing black pants and I did have a liner on, it just wasn't quite enough. I never know I have to go until I'm about to pee my pants, since I had my 2nd baby, so I go randomly just in case. Thankfully I've only farted when working out at home, because I will laugh hysterically if I'm not alone. Because I'm 12.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I am basically 16- perhaps 15- and the older I get- the funnier the fart jokes get.

    it is what it is LMAO
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    At the beginning of every warm up in karate class I used to "spring a leak" every time I started jumping. Problem is that I was the one leading the class so I used to pray that my gi would soak it up without leaving a wet mark. Finally wore a pad to class and peed 4 or 5 times before. Lots and lots of keegels and squats later, I no longer have that problem lol.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Simple enough.

    Water aerobics and reeky fart bubbles coming to the surface. Dietary changes can do embarrassing things to your guts.

    Lucky for me there were quite a few people around and I SURE was not going to admit it was me.

    That's when you do some kind of extra jumps or hand movements so nobody can tell if it is fart bubbles or just normal activity bubbles.