This is all soo NEW!

I am a new mother and i am trying to lose my baby weight. i have never counted calories or really ever paid attention to what i ate. although maybe i should have. i gained almost 50 lbs with my daughter and lost about 20 lbs in the first 3 weeks. :bigsmile: i thought the rest of it would be a breeze! But i was very wrong!!:sad: i have stoped the weight lose and i am so scared i will either never lose the weight or i will start to gain it because i dont really know how to eat the way i should. and to be honest i have NEVER been a veggie person!:sick: but seems like i should learn to love them.... My hubby is currently deployed and will return here in about 4 months. i need to lose at the least 20 lbs but would like 25 to 30. i have a brand new baby girl and tracking what i eat and wroking out isnt as easy as i thought it would be. i know i cant be alone!! :) anyone with me??:happy:


  • harleygurl72
    First of all congrats on the new baby!
    Second reading labels is very important and by coming to this site you have made a healthy choice for you and your family. I know that cooking for one can be very challenging, but stick with it and you will do great, I get a lot of meals out of cooking light and other healthy cooking magazines you can find them in the magazine area of your local grocery store or at the Exchange if you live on a Military Base/Post.:smile: