Pre-bariatric surgery weight loss. Anyone else?



  • Looking for friends
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Actually, I have already had a bariatric surgery, 15 years ago. This is a revision for medical reasons not by choice. Your questions/challenges about bariatric surgery are fair ones, though, and frankly it is common for people to misunderstand the point of bariatric surgery. Gastric Bypass (GP) is a permanent weight loss surgery that limits the calories that the body can absorb and also mechanically makes the amount you can eat smaller. I know it seems that if someone can lose 15 lbs in a few weeks then he/she should be able to just keep going and keep losing. Maybe some people can do that but some of us can't. Years of yo-yo'ing weight, health problems, metabolic issues, etc have taken their toll on my overall health to the point where weight loss is no longer a good thing to do, it's got to happen. I admire those who can lose over 100lbs like I have to and keep it off without regaining. After fighting this fight for my entire life, I have come to the conclusion that I am not one of those people. I do wish you the best with your weight loss goals, no matter how you chose to achieve them.

    That's actually a really interesting point. I don't need bariatric surgery myself, but I find the reasons people choose it interesting. To me, it seems like a huge risk to take and quite unpleasant, so I did wonder why people did it, when they are able to lose the weight to have the operation in the first place. Thanks for explaining to me!
  • Hi there,

    I am new to myfitnesspal and going through the process of getting ready for bariatric surgery. I went to my first appointment with nutritionist, have all my tests done, and now just need to do the work. I am looking for knowledge and any learning opportunities you may have. Please add me as a friend as I am new to this tool. Also, I haven't decided between gastro-bypass or sleeve, so would appreciate any thoughts.

    Thank you and good luck with your journey.
  • Ugogirl22
    Ugogirl22 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I had the gastric sleeve Oct. 21, 2013. I will say it is the best decision I have every made. Is it a easy decision, heck no. To most people they think this is the easy way out. This is not true by any means. The challenge(s) are still there. This is just a tool. Where food use to be my best friend sometimes it seems to be my worst enemy. The biggest challange for me and still is, is changing my eating habits. I still buy large portions, I still try to eat the many things I shouldn't. This is why the this tool is useful for people like me. My sleeve helps me gain control, it stops you in your tracks. I am afraid if I don't get it together I will stretch my little pouch. This is why we need to support each other. To all my bariatric family we need to support each other. There are things about our disorder that people just don't understand. If anyone have any question please don't hesitate to ask.
  • Looking for more friends to help me with right food choices
  • Hello, I also had the sleeve in June of 2012. I am down 87 pounds and am happy with my progress and current weight. However, the temptations are still there!!!! I am eating food I shouldn't be, and I feel terrible some days! I need help and support!!
  • 5555price
    5555price Posts: 18 Member
    Hi - I have just been approved for the gastric bypass surgery by my insurance. The doctor would like me to loose 35 lbs in 4-6 weeks to soften my liver and lessen the chance for complications. I began my diet today. I am using Bariatric Advantage Shakes and supplementing that with meal replacement bars and soups as well as some veggies. I am new here, just signed up today. Looking for friends who can help with suggestions and support for bariatric surgery. Thanks!
  • Good Morning,
    I am all done with my nutritional modules, blood work, ekg, psych evaluation etc. and just have my Sports Medicine consult tomorrow and my Sleep Study Consult next Monday and then the scheduling nurse will present to the team and my insurance for approval so I am getting close!! I am not sure where your having yours or their process but the Bariatric Center I go to is very thorough :) I have to lose about 20 pounds before surgery and have lost 4 this week by eating protein foods...I am going to purchase the Protein flavoring, shakes, and chicken soup from Until I can afford to buy them I purchased some protein bars for my snacks..they are 11grams of protein and 2.5 grams fat and 13 grams of sugar, sugar is high and still looking for one that is under 10grams atleast but getting that protein is important! I also went to Zumba and walked last week a cpl times. Do you have a surgery date or is it contingent upon your weight lose? Please feel free to add me and we can help each other thru this life changing lifestyle and experience :)
  • dcc56
    dcc56 Posts: 172 Member
    I am a post-op gastric sleeve guy....I have read many negative posts about bariatric surgery on these boards.
    Most of the people don't fully understand the topic. That is a polite way of saying they don't know what they are talking about because they are not medical experts.

    All I wanted to say was the decision and guidelines you need to follow are between you and your Doctor.
    Please don't "go to the bank" with any advice you read here....sure there are some good suggestions here
    but this a serious medical decision and process we are talking about here.

    For me, having the sleeve surgery was the best decision I ever made. Be sure your clinic is a Bariatric Center of Excellence your research before you choose your surgeon and your clinic...if you follow their guidelines you will be working with them the rest of your life. Good luck.
  • I had my gastric sleeve a week ago. I know I did the right thing for my health. But now I feel like this is mental torture. It's crazy how food consumes you. Everything is based on food. Please say a prayer!!! All I crave is a soda!!
  • lynnierose9
    lynnierose9 Posts: 34 Member
    Hello I had a VSG about 3 weeks ago. Always looking for more friends :)
  • kbear621
    kbear621 Posts: 32 Member
    I had gastric by-pass surgery on May 28. Yes it was a hard decision but it was the best one for me. i have only had one negative experince on MFP from someone who tried to talk me out of my surgery days before and unfriended me after I decided to go through with it. For the most part people have been super suportive and I have made a lot of friends because of that.

    I joined MFP because in order to qualify for the surgery I had to get to 500 lbs, starting here at 552, it was a great tool to keep myself motivated! Now logging my daily food and actiivty has become habit and I do it without even thinking about it. I lost 64 pounds in 100 days before surgery and have lost another 24 in the 3 weeks since.

    I know this was the best decision I could make for myself and would not change it for anything.

    Good luck on your surgery in a couple of days, feel free to add me if you need/want another cheerleader in your corner.
  • kbear621
    kbear621 Posts: 32 Member
    I am not sure what everyone uses for protien supplements but I have found a brand of protien powder that I absolutely love. It is called Unjury and you can only get it online, either at or on amazon. The flavor variety is great and they are pretty cost effective compared to some at only about $1.00 a serving. The chicke soup flavor is great to cook with or add to soups or broth for an added protien boost.
  • I had gastric bypass in 01/2011 and lost over 150 pounds in the first year and a half... Regained 50+ in the two years since and looking to lose most of it. I think if you start tracking your food and exercise in this site it helps tremendously! Also, if you haven't begun exercising yet, just get off the couch and start walking - even if just during commercials. That will help with your metabolism. Also try to get in lots of protein with eggs, cheese, chicken, etc. And steer clear of fast food restaurants - I know, easier said than done! And check back here for motivation as you progress!
  • kbear621
    kbear621 Posts: 32 Member
    I am a post-op gastric sleeve guy....I have read many negative posts about bariatric surgery on these boards.
    Most of the people don't fully understand the topic. That is a polite way of saying they don't know what they are talking about because they are not medical experts.

    All I wanted to say was the decision and guidelines you need to follow are between you and your Doctor.
    Please don't "go to the bank" with any advice you read here....sure there are some good suggestions here
    but this a serious medical decision and process we are talking about here.

    For me, having the sleeve surgery was the best decision I ever made. Be sure your clinic is a Bariatric Center of Excellence your research before you choose your surgeon and your clinic...if you follow their guidelines you will be working with them the rest of your life. Good luck.

    I agree with the Center for Bariatic Excellence! My hospital is one and the nurses on the floor and in the recovery room are all so well practiced in dealing with Bariatric patients that the hospital stay was very beneficial to me. They have a nutrition counselor and bariatric support staff to answer any of your questions no matter how small!
  • Hi there!

    I'm a just about a year post op gastric bypass and it was the BEST decision I have ever made. I'm only sorry it took me this long to do it. Feel free to friend me, as I'm always looking for support and people that understand, especially about WLS.