How do you use your PB2? Need ideas.



  • I add mine into smoothies or mix it up and put it on apple cinnamon rice cakes... But now I'm just gonna read all the delicious ideas that come in...
  • ptheders
    ptheders Posts: 24
    I love the satay idea! I'll be trying that for sure.
  • I just ordered PB2 and the chocolate PB2 from Amazon. Can't wait to try it!! I add peanut butter when I stir fry vegetables and shirataki noodles or brown rice. That's my #1 fave quick healthy dinner. So excited to cut out a nice chunk of calories and especially the fat grams.
  • bethanytapp
    bethanytapp Posts: 79 Member
    I've used the plain one in 'mock pad thai' - using zucchini noodles, other veggies, shrimp, pb2 & soy sauce
    I've used both with banana for banana ice cream...the chocolate one with banana was amazing!
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    What is PB2 comparable to as in taste?
    I bought some Walden Farms PB about 6 wks ago, had my 1st PB sandwich since 2 wks before that (finding out how many cals were in my Jif).
    It was Not comparable!
    It was semi tolerable & it cost more than my Jif.
    I haven't been able to bring myself to use it since that 1 time so it sits in my fridge because I hate the thought of tossing it out ie: wasting money :cry:
    I haven't seen PB2 but I don't know how much Id like the taste of "paste" either :ohwell:
    Whats the cost of PB2?
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    I looked up what is PB2:
    This was their take on it...just thought Id pass it on!
  • delazouche
    delazouche Posts: 55 Member
    I like to make mine into a satay sauce for chicken.

    I add

    1/2 tsp garlic powder
    1/2 tsp onion powder
    1 tsp soy sauce
    2 TBS PB2
    Water to thin it out

    Obviously you can adjust according to your tastes.

    I love it!! :)
    I can't wait to try this!!
  • LOL too funny
  • DeeVanderbles
    DeeVanderbles Posts: 589 Member
    In everything.

    I like making banana pancakes.

    1 ripe banana, mashed (heat it in the microwave to make it easier to mash)
    2 eggs
    PB2 (amount to your liking, I use 1 Tablespoon)

    Mix together and cook like normal pancakes.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Whats PB2? pls explain in detail

    PB2 - is wrong - all the details you need to know
  • loriedw6
    loriedw6 Posts: 9 Member
    I was thinking of trying to make a sauce with it for chicken... I am totally going to try teanbaa's recipe.. thanks
  • wlapp1107
    wlapp1107 Posts: 9 Member
    Of course its not the same as Crunchy Skippy but it sure fits the bill for similar taste at 1/4 the calories. I bought it as a prank 2 months ago and then tried it... haven't looked back since and I can see weight loss results in the meantime.

    I prefer it on a banana or in a smoothie.
  • LaurenBrooke1843
    LaurenBrooke1843 Posts: 73 Member
    I think chocolate PB2 is amazing and I'm picky. I'll eat it plain sometimes lol! My favorite thing ever though is the 125 calorie PB&J sandwiches I can make with it and have those ALL the time. Get some healthy life 35cal/slice sandwich bread, 2 tbsp chocolate PB2, and 1 TBSP of sugar free jelly and you have a filling 125 calories lunch! It's also good in ice cream:)
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Open jar and start eating. I nosh on it while goofing off on internet
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    I don't because it's blasphemy and I would never turn my back on regular ol PB.


    Sounds like you don't have the habit of mixing it with honey and eating it out of the jar. :p
  • cboelens
    cboelens Posts: 56 Member
  • jec285
    jec285 Posts: 145 Member
    I looked up what is PB2:
    This was their take on it...just thought Id pass it on!

    Ok so it's not organic and it MAY have a small amount of a mold that occurs in other foods we consume anyway? Wow I better go back to real peanut butter with HFCS and 5x the calories right now!
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I add it to my oatmeal, so I get a nutty oatmeal. I just recently bought and tried the chocolate one. I prefer the original, but the chocolate is good in my oatmeal too.
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    I looked up what is PB2:
    This was their take on it...just thought Id pass it on!

    Ok so it's not organic and it MAY have a small amount of a mold that occurs in other foods we consume anyway? Wow I better go back to real peanut butter with HFCS and 5x the calories right now!

    You should, it would be for the best!
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    I looked up what is PB2:
    This was their take on it...just thought Id pass it on!

    Ok so it's not organic and it MAY have a small amount of a mold that occurs in other foods we consume anyway? Wow I better go back to real peanut butter with HFCS and 5x the calories right now!

    Wow JEC285, it was intended as informative information as I didn't know the difference in certain PB's when I started on here (& Im still learning things all the time).
    Just simply passing that little bit of info just as others have in other know its community support, so Youre Welcome!
    No one is holding anything against your choice in PB's...sheesh!
    Most people appreciate reading up on things they didn't otherwise know :smile: