I am...beating obesity for life

Hi there!! I am 22, a WOHM, a wife and currently have 100+ lbs to lose. I've been on this site for two years, but I didn't start losing weight until March 2013.
My realization that I needed to change was when I could barely sit without having to be out of breath, being hot on a cold day, becoming so upset over the smallest things in life. I was becoming a depressed woman who ate her feelings away instead of opting for the healthier option like dancing, writing or something to channel my feelings to get them off my chest, not into my belly!!! I did not want to accept that would be my life because I knew I wanted to live a happy life and I knew that would feel a lot better than feeling miserable all of the time.
The first thing I had to do what accept the fact of where I was and not to hate myself but to learn that I needed to instead take care of myself. I was 315lbs last year and I am currently 279lbs just from changing my eating habits and learning to become aware of and take control of my boredom/stress eating.. After a long time of dieting, many workouts, and searching the web for information, I am very informed about what is good and bad for my body. The problem is, I still struggle to apply it to my daily life!
It's been a hard battle for me, but I will not give up or give in. Books do nothing for me, as it does not cheer me on, nor does it talk to me. I have to have someone pushing me, motivating me.. So, I'm finally gaining control of my life and be my own cheerleader to push myself and encourage myself to become the healthy person I long to be.
What I share is 100% true and I will log everyday. So follow me if you wish to see what happens on my journey, and maybe give me some tips along the way! I do encourage all of my friends as well and keep in touch. If you have a similar story to mine please feel free to add me! I would like to hear your breakthrough story!


  • hubn8147
    hubn8147 Posts: 110 Member
    Hello! Congrats on the weight loss so far and the decision to take control of your life! Only you can do this for you! I will add you. I'm 27 and about 10 pounds away from my goal.
  • IlluminatedMayhem
    I'm a 26-year-old SAHM to two small girls. I also have over 100lbs to lose.

    I started my current journey at 302lbs and, as of Friday, am at 275.

    Our stories are very similar. Even our weights are close. :smile:
  • Taymate
    Taymate Posts: 21 Member
    Good for you and your determination to beat obesity for life! You're doing great so far and I think you will succeed. Each day is one step closer to your goal so, don't give up. Weight Watchers has a saying that I live by and it's "Nothing tastes better than being thin feels." What helps me, whenever I see temptations, is to look at a piece of cake that is probably 500 calories loaded with fat and say, "I've had chocolate cake before" or "I've had apple pie before." Is there any dessert or sweet treat I haven't had? I doubt it! Being slim and healthy is the best feeling and I'm 74! You've got your whole life ahead of you so, stay focused. You might watch "Extreme Weight Loss" tonight at 8pm. I think it's on ABC. Great show and it always motivates me. I exercise almost the entire 2 hours.
  • beatingobesityforlife
    beatingobesityforlife Posts: 121 Member
    Nice to meet you!! Thank you and ok I will add you !! :) congrats on your current weight loss, keep it up you can do it girl !!
    Hello! Congrats on the weight loss so far and the decision to take control of your life! Only you can do this for you! I will add you. I'm 27 and about 10 pounds away from my goal.
  • sheedy17
    sheedy17 Posts: 128
    thats awesome to hear, you are a good source of motivation
  • beatingobesityforlife
    beatingobesityforlife Posts: 121 Member
    Woah that is awesome congrats on your current weight loss!!! Feel free to add me, we definately both weigh about the same and could help encourage each other, we can keep in touch !! And keep up the awesome work, just keep fighting for what you want and don't give up. :)
    I'm a 26-year-old SAHM to two small girls. I also have over 100lbs to lose.

    I started my current journey at 302lbs and, as of Friday, am at 275.

    Our stories are very similar. Even our weights are close. :smile:
  • beatingobesityforlife
    beatingobesityforlife Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you so much! You inspire me, not only because you are happy but focused on being healthy and happy!! That is probably one of the hardest battles is changing our mindset, well for me it was. I love that quote. And my worst temptations is anything salty, what I've started doing is drinking a lot of water if I get a craving for it. Sodium was the main reason for so much of my weight gain. I will definitely look that show up, I love motivating shows like that!!! Thank you for telling me about it. :).
    Good for you and your determination to beat obesity for life! You're doing great so far and I think you will succeed. Each day is one step closer to your goal so, don't give up. Weight Watchers has a saying that I live by and it's "Nothing tastes better than being thin feels." What helps me, whenever I see temptations, is to look at a piece of cake that is probably 500 calories loaded with fat and say, "I've had chocolate cake before" or "I've had apple pie before." Is there any dessert or sweet treat I haven't had? I doubt it! Being slim and healthy is the best feeling and I'm 74! You've got your whole life ahead of you so, stay focused. You might watch "Extreme Weight Loss" tonight at 8pm. I think it's on ABC. Great show and it always motivates me. I exercise almost the entire 2 hours.
  • beatingobesityforlife
    beatingobesityforlife Posts: 121 Member
    Thank you so much that means a lot!!
    thats awesome to hear, you are a good source of motivation