My first Mud Run

winyin Posts: 29 Member
I just ran my first 5 k Survivors Mud Run in Seattle June 7th. Had a great time and hope to do another one soon. My friend that I went with told me it wasn't timed so we didn't go full blast and I will came in about the middle of my age group. I was able to do all the obstacles but the overhead ladder and so now I know I need to work on my upper body strength. I never would of thought a couple of years ago that I would be able to do this and I'm thrilled that I can and I didn't even get tired and could of run faster but my friend is shorter then I am and doesn't run as fast and we wanted to stay together during the run. She is better at the obstacles than I am so we kind of complimented each other with our strengths and weaknesses. For anyone that hasn't done a mud run give it a try it is great fun and if there are obstacles you can't do at least try then before walking or running around them.


  • NerdyAdventurer
    NerdyAdventurer Posts: 166 Member
    I just did my first this last weekend. Did the Spartan Race in Vancouver. Had an awesome time and I've already signed up for another one for the end of September.
    Can't wait!
  • Changeisachoice
    Changeisachoice Posts: 63 Member
    Doing my first mud run on Saturday and am super excited! Biggest fear is probably the monkey bars. Never mastered them as a child since I have always lacked upper body strength. Congrats on completeing your run with flying colors!