Any successful phentermine stories?



  • elissahg
    elissahg Posts: 1
    I took it for 3 months about 2 yrs ago...went from 108kgs down to 81kgs.2 yrs on I now weight 72kgs and still slowly loosing and enjoying food.
    Its very simple. If you dont learn good food habits you will gain when you come off. You cant expect to eat the same foods you did that made you overweight in the first place and not gain.
    I saw a personal trainer which helped. I now go to the gym 3-4x a week and lift weights and do a bit of cardio and feel the best I have in a long time.
    I hate it when people blame the pill for making them gain when they come off it. I think it can be a great tool to give u a kick starparticularly if your knees are bad ect but if u don't learn good nutrition and lifestyle ofcourse u will gain!!!
  • I'm on day 8 of phentermine (30mg, duromine) and so far, the first week i lost 2.3kgs, about 5 pounds. everyday on the scales i'd see anything that ranged from 0.2- 0.5kg of weight loss. i think some of that is water weight, but my clothes have definitely begun to fit better and my stomach has gotten smaller. i found that after the 6th day, i stopped losing weight although i was eating less calories than i should. my BMR is 1150 calories, so i tried to eat about 650-850 calories a day for the past week. one day i managed to consume about 574 calories, but i got dizzy and walked into a pillar, so i went back to 650 calories. i try to avoid carbs as much as possible, and stick to mainly protein and fibre, although i do eat fruit and the occasional bananas/pears. not much exercise, just some brisk walking (about 30 minutes) for one day out of six.

    i'm contemplating going off phentermine for a week or so if i don't lose anything this week, just to avoid building tolerance. initially it curbed hunger really well, but later on (ie. now)- i have started getting hungrier. the solution i've taken to this is to take more fibre and eat weet-bix, so i feel full more often. my maximum duration for phentermine is 3 months, so anything longer than that, i will stop taking it even if i haven't reached my target (my aim is to lose 10-12kg, but i'd be happy to lose about 7-8kgs too).

    my heart rate has increased a little, but not excessively- about 10 beats or less per minute maximum. some days my heart rate stays the same. i am more tense at times, but generally after the third day i stopped experiencing insomnia. i also take trenker nc2 collagen prescribed by my doctor for my joints (and skin & hair) and lindseed.

    this week i'm going to start trying to do more exercise and hopefully that'll help. will update on whether i lose any more weight.

    if anyone's interested, i can post the 650-850 calories per day meals i've been on for the past week.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    I'm on day 8 of phentermine (30mg, duromine) and so far, the first week i lost 2.3kgs, about 5 pounds. everyday on the scales i'd see anything that ranged from 0.2- 0.5kg of weight loss. i think some of that is water weight, but my clothes have definitely begun to fit better and my stomach has gotten smaller. i found that after the 6th day, i stopped losing weight although i was eating less calories than i should. my BMR is 1150 calories, so i tried to eat about 650-850 calories a day for the past week. one day i managed to consume about 574 calories, but i got dizzy and walked into a pillar, so i went back to 650 calories. i try to avoid carbs as much as possible, and stick to mainly protein and fibre, although i do eat fruit and the occasional bananas/pears. not much exercise, just some brisk walking (about 30 minutes) for one day out of six.

    i'm contemplating going off phentermine for a week or so if i don't lose anything this week, just to avoid building tolerance. initially it curbed hunger really well, but later on (ie. now)- i have started getting hungrier. the solution i've taken to this is to take more fibre and eat weet-bix, so i feel full more often. my maximum duration for phentermine is 3 months, so anything longer than that, i will stop taking it even if i haven't reached my target (my aim is to lose 10-12kg, but i'd be happy to lose about 7-8kgs too).

    my heart rate has increased a little, but not excessively- about 10 beats or less per minute maximum. some days my heart rate stays the same. i am more tense at times, but generally after the third day i stopped experiencing insomnia. i also take trenker nc2 collagen prescribed by my doctor for my joints (and skin & hair) and lindseed.

    this week i'm going to start trying to do more exercise and hopefully that'll help. will update on whether i lose any more weight.

    if anyone's interested, i can post the 650-850 calories per day meals i've been on for the past week.

    For the first week, that's okay to have such low calories. But I hope you increase your calories soon. I have been on Phentermine for two months now. To me, losing 20 pounds in two months is pretty amazing. But in order to have enough energy to work out and just to live, I need to have around 1200 calories at least, per day. I still lose a couple of pounds a week.
  • thanks Junebuggyzy for the advice :) yeah, i'm trying to make a conscious effort to eat more, although it's a little hard when you've gotten accustomed to eating so little. yesterday i tried (and failed) to eat above 800 calories, even though i ate six meals already. while i didn't work out or do any exercise (got lazy) again, i did lose half a pound again when i weighed myself this morning (that could just be water of course, but i guess i'll only know tomorrow). much less than than the one pound per day that was last week's rate, but still good.
    For the first week, that's okay to have such low calories. But I hope you increase your calories soon. I have been on Phentermine for two months now. To me, losing 20 pounds in two months is pretty amazing. But in order to have enough energy to work out and just to live, I need to have around 1200 calories at least, per day. I still lose a couple of pounds a week.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    Well it does make sense for you to lose half a pound a day. If a pound is 3000 calories, and you are eating 1500 less than you normally do in a day, that's half a pound right there.
  • mommy_shy
    mommy_shy Posts: 13 Member
    to up your protien you need to make protien shakes I am doing this right now also. They have shakes that have about 25gms of protein you should have 2 a day
  • mommy_shy
    mommy_shy Posts: 13 Member
    Finally a phentermine post with only a few negative Nancys!

    I started on 2/21. I lost 9lbs within the first 2.5 weeks. Because of how far my doctor is from my work, checking in once a week wasn't really doable. Instead, I check in once a month. My doctor gave me a 5 day trial and I came in on the 6th day to see how it went. I asked to weigh in and she hesitated because she didn't want me to be discouraged. I did it anyway! And I saw a 6lb loss! I was thrilled.

    I've hit my 1 month mark, but I don't weigh in until 4/15. I'm not weighing myself on the regular because I know how scales differ. I don't want to get my hopes up! But I did weigh myself Saturday morning at my boyfriends and it said I was down 17lbs in one month! I'm just going to kick butt at the gym the next 2 weeks to 'beat my last weigh in'. Haha I'm basically treating it like a challenge...a challenge against myself!

    I've completely changed my eating habits. It's funny that a few of you mentioned how you weren't satisfied by your normal go to junk food choices. Same with me! Pizza and fries are my weakness. I could eat an entire lg cheese pizza myself. My boyfriend and I got pizza this weekend for a little treat. I had 2 pieces and was so over it.

    I'm really trying to eat as clean as possible, but I do have a few processed foods that I eat- Morningstar nuggets or burgers...whole wheat pasta...and a couple soups. However, it's all about portion sizes! I don't eat meat except fish. I also try to limit my dairy intake, but I have a Greek yogurt in the morning. I eat fruits, veggies, and raw nuts, white fish, yogurt, luna bars, etc. Compared to my old ways, this is been a major improvement.

    I really need to up my protein. I get very little protein in my diet. This has been the case for years and years. I have a tough time fitting it into my daily routine. I only eat fish maybe 1-2x a week....

    The energy gets my butt to the gym and helps me push my workout longer and harder. I also take B12 liquid drops. They also have Folic Acid in it. I believe this is important because the two work together to absorb into the body. One dose a day. Helps with energy. I find these work better than the B12 tablets. I read the liquid absorbs into the body more than the tablets.

    Anyways...good luck to you all! Feel free to add me for support. I know it's tough to get it here if you're on medication. I don't judge...

    to up your protien you need to make protien shakes I am doing this right now also. They have shakes that have about 25gms of protein you should have 2 a day
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member
    My doctor has recommended phentermine, and I've been strongly considering it, but haven't made up my mind yet. Caffeine does weird things to me and I'm worried this will make me all wired. LOL!

    I'm not a binge eater, don't eat fast food, already drink a ton of water and I know portion sizes well (I measure everything and went to culinary school - I know what to eat and how much). So, I'm not sure if phentermine will help at all.

    -5'6", 190#.
    -Been tracking food, exercising 4-5x/week for over two years.
    -Have lost less than 20# in two years (13# came within the first three months).
    -Net around 1300 calories/day.
    -In February I upped my cardio by starting to train for a duathlon. Still no loss.
    -MD has run all necessary medical tests and the only thing wrong is elevated free cortisol...which shouldn't be hindering my weight loss that much.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    My doctor has recommended phentermine, and I've been strongly considering it, but haven't made up my mind yet. Caffeine does weird things to me and I'm worried this will make me all wired. LOL!

    I'm not a binge eater, don't eat fast food, already drink a ton of water and I know portion sizes well (I measure everything and went to culinary school - I know what to eat and how much). So, I'm not sure if phentermine will help at all.

    -5'6", 190#.
    -Been tracking food, exercising 4-5x/week for over two years.
    -Have lost less than 20# in two years (13# came within the first three months).
    -Net around 1300 calories/day.
    -In February I upped my cardio by starting to train for a duathlon. Still no loss.
    -MD has run all necessary medical tests and the only thing wrong is elevated free cortisol...which shouldn't be hindering my weight loss that much.

    Hi, sounds like you are doing great. I am not sure Phen is the right thing for you. The first few nights it's hard to sleep, then you get used to it. But if caffeine gives you the jitters, I don't know if this is good for you. Phen is a stimulant.
  • Bella0531
    Bella0531 Posts: 309 Member
    My doctor has recommended phentermine, and I've been strongly considering it, but haven't made up my mind yet. Caffeine does weird things to me and I'm worried this will make me all wired. LOL!

    I'm not a binge eater, don't eat fast food, already drink a ton of water and I know portion sizes well (I measure everything and went to culinary school - I know what to eat and how much). So, I'm not sure if phentermine will help at all.

    -5'6", 190#.
    -Been tracking food, exercising 4-5x/week for over two years.
    -Have lost less than 20# in two years (13# came within the first three months).
    -Net around 1300 calories/day.
    -In February I upped my cardio by starting to train for a duathlon. Still no loss.
    -MD has run all necessary medical tests and the only thing wrong is elevated free cortisol...which shouldn't be hindering my weight loss that much.

    Hi, sounds like you are doing great. I am not sure Phen is the right thing for you. The first few nights it's hard to sleep, then you get used to it. But if caffeine gives you the jitters, I don't know if this is good for you. Phen is a stimulant.

    I'm trying as hard as I possibly can...and I SHOULD be losing, but I'm not. I'm at a loss and frankly I think my doctor is too. I'm not sure what to do next.
  • loriepaulin
    loriepaulin Posts: 88 Member
    I am glad I found this thread. I think alot of people who don't suffer with a type of disease think we are taking short cuts when we are truly not. I have had thyroid (underactive) for 10+ years and I gained 50 pds with it. For the last 3 years I have counted calories, worked out, eat clean minus a few occassions, but who doesn't, and still can't lose weight. I seem to have stopped at 25 pds and nothing else regardless of how much work I put in will come off. My boyfriend said if I didn't have this disease he knows I would be where I should be. It's very frustrating and until you walk in someone's shoes you cant even imagine :)

    I went to my Thryoid/Endo specialist two days ago and he scribed me on 15mg of Phen to help me push the last remaining weight I want off. I have alot of other concerns too that comes with the disease and the weight was just one.

    I know there is no "miracle cure" and "no pill will work magic", I didn't ask the doctor for the pill I just advised I was frustrated with my lack of weight loss with having thyroid disease. I was told to maintain my exercise, clean eating etc and I was curious to find out if others have had any success as well on this.
  • holly55555
    holly55555 Posts: 306 Member
    I know someone who used phentermine to lose her baby weight. She lost it and more and then went completely crazy and now is a full-fledged drug addict.

    ....So, you know...yes, she lost weight on it successfully.

    Mind you, she was taking way too much and wasn't regulated by a doctor. A drug is a drug, cocaine and meth will make you skinny too.

    As long as you're very careful and monitored by a legitimate dr, it does work to lose weight. It's just at what personal cost.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    I know someone who used phentermine to lose her baby weight. She lost it and more and then went completely crazy and now is a full-fledged drug addict.

    ....So, you know...yes, she lost weight on it successfully.

    Mind you, she was taking way too much and wasn't regulated by a doctor. A drug is a drug, cocaine and meth will make you skinny too.

    As long as you're very careful and monitored by a legitimate dr, it does work to lose weight. It's just at what personal cost.

    That's really sad. I also know there are plenty of doctors out there that are pill pushers and just write the prescriptions and don't spend much time with their patients.

    I am glad I am going to a doctor that took an EKG, did blood work, and takes my blood pressure as well as monitoring me every month. She genuinely cares and spends plenty of time answering my questions at each visit. Thank goodness. I am really sorry about your friend.
  • sarahanncolorado
    sarahanncolorado Posts: 2 Member
    Last year I had a really successful stretch of weight loss (I broke my foot and couldn't work out, and between that and the holidays I put weight back on, so I'm back at it again and on phen to give me a starting boost . . . ). When I stalled out, I actually upped my calories by about 200 cal per day, mostly extra healthy protein added mid-morning (hard boiled egg, multigrain toast with no sugar peanut butter). I kept up with my regular exercise routine. I was so afraid to step on the scale at the end of the week, but actually dropped over two pounds just that first week! Sounds like your metabolism is stalled out, and more calories can actually help that.

    Phen helps curb your appetite, which can be a big help for overeaters and emotional eaters, people trying to establish a more healthy relationship with food. It doesn't actually make you lose weight - you lose because you are successful at reducing your caloric intake. If you're already good at tracking and sticking to 1300 net calories, I'm not sure phen will help you. Dropping below 1200 net per day isn't healthy weight loss, and you'll just lose muscle.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    Last year I had a really successful stretch of weight loss (I broke my foot and couldn't work out, and between that and the holidays I put weight back on, so I'm back at it again and on phen to give me a starting boost . . . ). When I stalled out, I actually upped my calories by about 200 cal per day, mostly extra healthy protein added mid-morning (hard boiled egg, multigrain toast with no sugar peanut butter). I kept up with my regular exercise routine. I was so afraid to step on the scale at the end of the week, but actually dropped over two pounds just that first week! Sounds like your metabolism is stalled out, and more calories can actually help that.

    Phen helps curb your appetite, which can be a big help for overeaters and emotional eaters, people trying to establish a more healthy relationship with food. It doesn't actually make you lose weight - you lose because you are successful at reducing your caloric intake. If you're already good at tracking and sticking to 1300 net calories, I'm not sure phen will help you. Dropping below 1200 net per day isn't healthy weight loss, and you'll just lose muscle.

    I've heard that too, that upping calories can help. I know that when I do it occasionally, it seems to result in a good weight loss after a few days. Is 1200 calories a day what they recommend for everyone here? It seems like it might be too low for some people.
  • bbabe282
    bbabe282 Posts: 1 Member
    I took the pill for three months total & had amazing results!

    First lets, acknowledge that my eating habits were HORRIBLE before doing this. I'd eat a bowl of pasta for breakfast & a bag of chips for lunch (not a personal sized one, an entire, household sized, bag of chips). For dinner I'd have something else starchy & 4 + glasses of wine.

    Let's also note that I did not enjoy working out one tiny speck. "Gym" was a four letter word in my book.

    I have taken appetite suppressants before & while I lost the weight, as soon as I stopped taking the pills I'd blow up bigger than ever. After doing that brutal yo-yo several times, I stopped taking all pills for several years & just accepted that I was going to be ginormous forever. Last fall I decided I had had enough so I made an appointment with a doctor at a medical weight loss spa. I told him that I knew how to eat properly, but I just had no ability to control the amounts I was consuming. I promised myself that I was not going to do the yo-yo again & that I would HAVE to change my eating habits if I wanted to keep the weight off permanently.

    The first month on the pill, I took them 7 days per week & lost 9 pounds. The doctor was amazed at my progress & had to review my food journal to be sure I was actually eating enough. I was drinking protein shakes for breakfast, eating hard boiled eggs for an early lunch, having a protein bar for a late lunch & then starting dinner off with a big salad. I also cut out all alcohol.

    The second month I started taking the pills every other day as I wanted to start weaning myself off of them. That month I had even more success!! I lost 16 lbs :D The doctor was in amazement at my loss. He said I had done significantly better than the people who paid him to provide every single one of their meals & had weekly weigh ins. I was able to continue with the small, protein heavy, meals through the day & kept away from alcohol. ((It was at this visit that the doctor told me I HAD to go clothes shopping as a reward for my hard work. wearing clothes that fit you 25 lbs ago is SO not flattering))

    The third month I was on the pills, I decided that the only times I was really having issues with my cravings, was on the weekends, so I stopped taking them M-F. Even doing this, I was able to lose another 9lbs.

    It has been 6+ months since I stopped taking the pills & while I have not lost any additional weight, I have managed to stay within 4lbs of the weight.

    If you plan on changing your life style & eating habits, then by all means, take the pill. If you are just looking for a quick fix then be prepared to blow up just as big (if not bigger) than you were before.

    The only side effects I had from the pill were EXTREME thirst & occasional insomnia. I'd drink a gallon of water easily & still be parched. But on the up side, my body now knows what it feels like to be fully hydrated & now if I have one cocktail I am incredibly thirsty for water. The insomnia was hit & miss. There were nights where I'd lay awake until 330am & then nights where I'd crash at 8pm. There were also days where something would wake me up at 4am & then I'd be wired & couldn't go back to sleep. I experienced no other symptoms though.

    Hoping to keep the weight off permanently this time :)
  • cnickolem
    cnickolem Posts: 15
    I currently take phentermine and so far I love my results. I have been on it for a month now, and along with taking it I get weekly b12/lipo-plex injections and biweekly b-complex injections. So far I have lost 12lbs and inches. When I started my doctor told me to cut carbs and sugar intake as that would help me more than anything. It really suppresses my appetite but I've been good about having 3 meals a day. (I also do IF, which is going great for when I just can't stomach much for lack of appetite) I have my activity level at sedentary and if I do workout I will input it but only eat back maybe half of what I burn. Out of my 4 weeks so far I have only worked out 5 days, but I have a 6 & 8y/o and 9 month old so i'm always doing something and keeping on my toes. I eat a little over 1400 cals a day and probably not as healthy as I should or as many veggies as I should but I'm not a veggie person, I just watch my portions and keep alternative healthy snacks available as I have a big sweet tooth (I do occasionally have my favorite candy just half of it), I drink water between 64-80oz but rarely log it. My diary is open if you want to look at my eating habits. I have energy and feel so much better overall healthwise. The only thing I had a problem with was that during my 3rd week I didn't "feel" the phentermine so I stopped taking it for 2 days and started back with half of 37.5 mg pill after those 2 days and I started to "feel" it again, but then again after just a few more days same thing happened so I stopped for a week and just started back yesterday and I feel just as great now as when I first started it. Also my weight loss has been sort of slow but my doctor told me the slower it comes off the better it will be at keeping it off and those who lose it fast tend to gain what they lost plus more back.
  • I have taken it and I lost weight on it but I gained it back my friend took it an lost abt 40lbs and didn't gain it back until she got pregnant. So I guess it does depend on the person.
  • I took it a few years ago and lost 80 pounds. I wished I could say I didn't gain it all back but I did. I think you should make sure you make lifestyle changes along with taking it or just take it when you get to a plateau.
  • niccisaxby
    niccisaxby Posts: 1 Member

    I know this reply is long after the original post, but I wanted to add my input for if anyone finds it in their internet travels as I did.

    Firstly, to the many that claimed to have a brilliant diet, A grade exercise routine and to be maintaining a moderate calorie deficit, consistently for over at least a month, if this 100% honest and you did not lose any weight, see your doctor, you need medical testing as to why your body isn't facilitating weight loss.

    Now, as to wanting duromine success stories, in 2012 I was 123kgs, I lost 10kgs on my own and went to the doctor at 113kgs requesting duromine, I lost 14kgs over the proceeding 8 weeks, came off duromine and lost around 5 more on my own (so I'd lost 29kgs in total). I kept this off with no struggle for over 6 months... Then as I slipped back into old habits, gained about 10kgs back by early 2013.

    Sept 2013 - Dec 2013, I lost those 10kgs naturally and have not been able to control my eating down further from there. So after much deliberation (the side effects listed are so real) I have restarted taking duromine (second day today) at 94kgs.

    I spend around 10 hours a week in the gym, attempt to be fairly active (choosing to walk places rather than drive etc), and have fairly well educated myself in nutrition. But we don't always practice what we preach, and I struggle greatly with an enthusiastic appetite mixed with a love/hate affair with calorie dense foods. So, all of this in mind, I honestly think I'm within my right to speculate that alot of the "duromine" failure stories should actually be considered a "duromine user failure".

    There is no magic pill, but it can greatly help if you're willing to work for it.