Gram to Ounces Conversion

Can someone help me with this --
For this product - Edy's Slow Churned Chocolate Ice Cream - Single Serving Cup, the weight is shown on the front of the cup as 5.8 fluid ounces and the nutritional information on the back shows the weight in grams as 95 grams. One serving is one container. When I use any grams to ounces conversion chart, 5.8 ounces = approximately 165 grams or conversely 95 grams = 3.35 ounces. Can you help me understand this and explain the discrepancy? Does it have to do with "fluid" ounces?


  • Chelsarrr
    Chelsarrr Posts: 65 Member
    Fluid ounces = volume. Ounces = weight. :)
  • teecatin
    teecatin Posts: 8 Member
    But there are conversion charts for ounces to grams -- shouldn't the conversions be correct? I still don't understand what I'm missing....
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    8 fluid ounces = 1 cup (it is a measure of volume, not weight)

    The conversion charts of ounces to grams is a weight conversion, not a volume conversion. There are fluid ounces (which your ice cream is in) and there are weigh ounces. Two difference things, same name.

    ETA: My suggestion would be to weigh the ice cream from serving size and ignore the fluid ounces on the front altogether.

    Does that help?
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    A "fluid ounce" does not necessarily WEIGH an ounce. It is a measure of how much space something takes up, not its mass. So when ice cream is measured in "fluid ounces," a lot of what's taking up the space in the volume is AIR, not ice cream. Therefore the serving of ice cream taking up the space of 5.8 fluid ounces ONLY WEIGHS 95 grams instead of more.

    Fluid ounces are some crazy BULLSH*T. I hate them.
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    Totally messed up that the outdated English system of measurements has ounces for volume and for weight.

    Simply stubborn stupidity that the US doesn't join the rest of the planet and convert to the metric system.
  • teecatin
    teecatin Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks so much to all of you. I think I finally do get it!!
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Most ice cream containers give a size and weight. Some say the size is 1/2 cup then in parenthesis say something like "approximately 65 grams". This means if you use a 1/2 cup measuring cup and fill it with ice cream, then put the ice cream that filled that measuring cup on a scale (without the cup) it should weigh about 65 grams. In the case of your brand the measuring cup you would use would be the type that is used to measure liquids which usually has a spout.

    You can't translate 95 grams in weight into liquid ounces. There are 28 grams in an ounce, when you are talking about weight, not liquid ounces.