most embarrassing moment while working out...



  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Simple enough.

    Water aerobics and reeky fart bubbles coming to the surface. Dietary changes can do embarrassing things to your guts.

    Lucky for me there were quite a few people around and I SURE was not going to admit it was me.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    I wouldn't call this embarassing, but... doing a fitness test for the Navy, my boss wanted to be an *kitten* because he didn't believe I could do 80 situps in 2 minutes, so he was my "spotter". So I got to about 70 which is more than I needed, and let out a good 10-15 second fart... while he's holding my feet.

    The extra workload for 2 months was totally worth it.

    An actually embarassing story, working out with ALL of my coworkers, I split my shorts doing bodyweight squats. Luckily Navy PT shorts double as swim trunks, so the liner kept everything concealed, but it's still not fun. I had split every pair of those poorly fitting shorts within the next 3 months of weight lifting.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I totally dribbled pee on the floor today... first heavy squat of the day- apparently I just didn't have the grip I thought I did on my insides.

    pretty epic. and awful.

    Thankfully the only other two people in the gym didn't witness this awesome venture.

    Was not a good start to my lifts.

    I usually make a couple of trips to the ladies room during squat & deadlift days. LOL. But only LOL because I feel your pain, not because I'm LOLing at you! :flowerforyou:
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    Peeing when lifting is pretty normal. Most of the women I know who are over 30 and have had children wear pads during a competition. It's standard gear. I prefer poise. I've passed them out at meets to some who forgot them. Most meets I've been to have had at least one platform pee.

    I mostly train at home so the only one who witnesses the embarrassment is my husband. I sharted doing heavy deadlifts but finished my set. Heavy pulls while experiencing lower intestinal disquietude are always an adventure.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Come on, I can't really be the only person to hit fatigue on a barbell bench press and get trapped under it, can I? Managed to rack one end and not the other so it was on me at an angle and I just didn't have the strength to get it back up. Cue much squirming and red-faced grunting, legs flailing like a beached octopus.

    Only then to have some gorgeous, muscular bloke come and lift it off me - with one hand...

    Oh, the shame! He always keeps an eye on me when I bench now, so I can't even pretend it didn't happen.

    this happened to me yesterday. but i work at home, alone in the basement, so there was no gorgeous muscular bloke to come to my rescue. only a couple cats staring at me like "now what is she up to?" lol

    i tried to do the roll of shame but it hurt so bad once i got it over my rib cage that i started to panick. so i leaned to one side and all the weights went clanging down, then that end popped up & the weights on other side were next. the cats took off running. it made quite a racket. I feel a bit silly about it but i guess it was bound to happen one day.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Peeing when lifting is pretty normal. Most of the women I know who are over 30 and have had children wear pads during a competition. It's standard gear. I prefer poise. I've passed them out at meets to some who forgot them. Most meets I've been to have had at least one platform pee.

    I mostly train at home so the only one who witnesses the embarrassment is my husband. I sharted doing heavy deadlifts but finished my set. Heavy pulls while experiencing lower intestinal disquietude are always an adventure.

    this is what I've heard-
    so I kind of shrugged and went- woops- should have come better prepared- but I was grateful the gym was empty- not everyone else me thinks would have been so normalized about it. I haven't ever had excess issues with it but this was the first flat out pee break type deal- I've had slips - but nothing that hit the deck. was a big fat MEH in my book- and a reminder to wear liners.

    I think I was mostly irritated/embarrassed that it was an opening weight and not a PR or anything. <shameface>
    I usually make a couple of trips to the ladies room during squat & deadlift days. LOL. But only LOL because I feel your pain, not because I'm LOLing at you! flowerforyou
    You know- I did hit the head before that- and apparently there was still some left!!! I made trips between EACH lift just to make sure. LOL whatever PADS next time- I will be having them!!!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Peeing when lifting is pretty normal. Most of the women I know who are over 30 and have had children wear pads during a competition. It's standard gear. I prefer poise. I've passed them out at meets to some who forgot them. Most meets I've been to have had at least one platform pee.

    I mostly train at home so the only one who witnesses the embarrassment is my husband. I sharted doing heavy deadlifts but finished my set. Heavy pulls while experiencing lower intestinal disquietude are always an adventure.

    this is what I've heard-
    so I kind of shrugged and went- woops- should have come better prepared- but I was grateful the gym was empty- not everyone else me thinks would have been so normalized about it. I haven't ever had excess issues with it but this was the first flat out pee break type deal- I've had slips - but nothing that hit the deck. was a big fat MEH in my book- and a reminder to wear liners.

    I think I was mostly irritated/embarrassed that it was an opening weight and not a PR or anything. <shameface>
    I usually make a couple of trips to the ladies room during squat & deadlift days. LOL. But only LOL because I feel your pain, not because I'm LOLing at you! flowerforyou
    You know- I did hit the head before that- and apparently there was still some left!!! I made trips between EACH lift just to make sure. LOL whatever PADS next time- I will be having them!!!

    I had to buy pads after I had a moment on the treadmill, and I did pee before I got on! The weird thing is it doesn't happen all the time, so I don't know what makes the difference. I also flat out peed myself doing side shuffles up and down the rows of heavy bags during kickboxing class. It wouldn't stop! I wanted to die, but thankfully I was wearing black pants and I did have a liner on, it just wasn't quite enough. I never know I have to go until I'm about to pee my pants, since I had my 2nd baby, so I go randomly just in case. Thankfully I've only farted when working out at home, because I will laugh hysterically if I'm not alone. Because I'm 12.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I am basically 16- perhaps 15- and the older I get- the funnier the fart jokes get.

    it is what it is LMAO
  • Jelaan
    Jelaan Posts: 815 Member
    At the beginning of every warm up in karate class I used to "spring a leak" every time I started jumping. Problem is that I was the one leading the class so I used to pray that my gi would soak it up without leaving a wet mark. Finally wore a pad to class and peed 4 or 5 times before. Lots and lots of keegels and squats later, I no longer have that problem lol.
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    Simple enough.

    Water aerobics and reeky fart bubbles coming to the surface. Dietary changes can do embarrassing things to your guts.

    Lucky for me there were quite a few people around and I SURE was not going to admit it was me.

    That's when you do some kind of extra jumps or hand movements so nobody can tell if it is fart bubbles or just normal activity bubbles.
  • Daymia
    Daymia Posts: 57 Member
    First (and only) time doing stability ball jackknives with my trainer. It looked easy enough when he did it. I struggled doing them and as I went to get off the ball, I must have tried to take both legs off at once and face-planted. My trainer told me I looked like a crime scene victim, and we both got a good laugh!
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I am basically 16- perhaps 15- and the older I get- the funnier the fart jokes get.

    it is what it is LMAO

    I had a pretty epic deadlift fart a couple of weeks ago. These dipshidiots thought they were going to be cool and get right up behind me and do their sets of curls, and I was as far forward as I could go. 295# deadlift + epic protein day = HAHAHAHA ON YOU, DIESELBROS!

    Edit to add: I thought this was hilarious and promptly started laughing when I finished the lift. :laugh:
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I am basically 16- perhaps 15- and the older I get- the funnier the fart jokes get.

    it is what it is LMAO

    I had a pretty epic deadlift fart a couple of weeks ago. These dipshidiots thought they were going to be cool and get right up behind me and do their sets of curls, and I was as far forward as I could go. 295# deadlift + epic protein day = HAHAHAHA ON YOU, DIESELBROS!

    I wanna high five you!
  • rabblerabble
    rabblerabble Posts: 471 Member
    A few months ago I was starting my run and looking down at my GPS watch to make sure it was starting to track correctly, tripped over an uneven part of the sidewalk and landed on my knee and head. Ended up with a black eye that took a lot of explaining. Had to keep on saying "yeah you should have seen the other guy" when people asked who hit me in the face.
  • whatascene
    whatascene Posts: 119 Member
    Hahaha these are funny :D I run through the plats behind and around my apartment complex. I often times have an audience (elderly sitting on their porch or children playing) and for some reason, I have no idea why except I must have not taken enough time to wake up before my run- I trip and fall. This wasn't some 'oh hehe I tripped', no I ate pavement with my full on weight, I couldn't even attempt to catch myself. I just laid on the ground in shock and agony in front of someone's house and had to trudge/limp away before anyone tried to come out to me. ahaha, I still have a scar on my elbow XD
  • hmadrone
    hmadrone Posts: 129 Member
    I totally dribbled pee on the floor today... first heavy squat of the day- apparently I just didn't have the grip I thought I did on my insides.

    pretty epic. and awful.

    Thankfully the only other two people in the gym didn't witness this awesome venture.

    Was not a good start to my lifts.
    I can relate to this (after two kids) and am really impressed that you've stuck with lifting and look amazing. There are various exercises I shy away from because I end up with the same result as you - ie star jumps, skipping, snatch & clean.

    You ladies should totally add kegels to your workout routine. That will take care of the dribble issue.

    After four kids, my pelvic floor is stronger than it was when I was 16.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,135 Member
    Haahaa the fart ones made me remember another. Years ago, I was training in MMA and the instructor had us pair up and you had to put your legs over your partners shoulders and they stood up so you were basically dangling from their shoulders (face away from them) and then had to do 20 crunches. Got about 5 in and totally ripped a fart on my partner. Right in his face. He got the giggles and damn near dropped me on my head.
  • surferxterra
    surferxterra Posts: 120 Member
    Trusted a fart while deadlifting... wasn't a fart.
  • LanceKarcher
    LanceKarcher Posts: 43 Member
    1. Having to bail out on a squat when I went too low and could not muster it up.
    2. Falling down a small flight of stairs on jelly legs after an elliptical session.
    3. Having a weighed olympic bar roll over my hand while replacing it exhausted onto a low rack.
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    Peeing when lifting is pretty normal. Most of the women I know who are over 30 and have had children wear pads during a competition. It's standard gear. I prefer poise. I've passed them out at meets to some who forgot them. Most meets I've been to have had at least one platform pee.

    I mostly train at home so the only one who witnesses the embarrassment is my husband. I sharted doing heavy deadlifts but finished my set. Heavy pulls while experiencing lower intestinal disquietude are always an adventure.

    Hmmm that's interesting. I don't have any heavy lifting girlfriends and I had no idead I wasn't the only one!
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Farting during pilates.

  • benaddict
    benaddict Posts: 1,381 Member
    I'm afraid to say this but I don't have one yet... I'm sure now that I've said that something really embarrassing will happen to me soon! I have done a few farts during my cardio, but thankfully they haven't smelled and I always look around to make sure everyone around has earbuds in before letting them go... lol!
  • Marguarretthe
    Marguarretthe Posts: 14 Member
    These are all hilarious!! Love this thread!

    I was doing a sprint triathlon a few years back, starting in an indoor pool. I finished my swim, ran past EVERYONE at the pool, out the doors, over to the bike transition area, trying to figure out why everyone was looking at me funny.

    Apparently not only my left boob managed to escape both my sports bra and my bathing suit. yeah!
  • akindc
    akindc Posts: 84 Member
    Sprained my ankle 5 minutes into a BodyCombat classes 3 days ago. I know it happens, but I was really embarrassed because the instructor noticed my ankle rolling and I had to leave the class.

    Not sure if it was the shoes or just an accident.
  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    This girl I think is totally hot was next to me on the stepmill. I peeked at her book to see what she was reading and she caught me. Other than that everything I do at the gym is totally cool all the time. haha
  • AnthonyThrashD
    AnthonyThrashD Posts: 306 Member
    I don't workout much, mostly walking outside. I have a small sanza clip mp3 player I like to clip to my shirt or cargo shorts. Sometimes when I cross busy roads with lots of cars stopped at the redlights...I knock my arm into the ear buds cord, and my sanza clip and ear buds go crashing to the pavement. Nothing like scrambling to grab my little player, and my earbuds as the light changes to green :-S
  • dunlol
    dunlol Posts: 57 Member
    I farted right at the bottom of a squat. Had to drop the weight because going up would have caused more than gas to come out =[
  • rdavidson180
    rdavidson180 Posts: 11 Member
    After a very long day that started out with 5:15 AM group cycling, then 8 hrs of work, an evening yoga class that was just too relaxed was startled when I snorted out a gasping snore when I lost consciousness. I went and did again 30 seconds later as i slipped off again.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Come on, I can't really be the only person to hit fatigue on a barbell bench press and get trapped under it, can I? Managed to rack one end and not the other so it was on me at an angle and I just didn't have the strength to get it back up. Cue much squirming and red-faced grunting, legs flailing like a beached octopus.

    Only then to have some gorgeous, muscular bloke come and lift it off me - with one hand...

    Oh, the shame! He always keeps an eye on me when I bench now, so I can't even pretend it didn't happen.

    this happened to me yesterday. but i work at home, alone in the basement, so there was no gorgeous muscular bloke to come to my rescue. only a couple cats staring at me like "now what is she up to?" lol

    i tried to do the roll of shame but it hurt so bad once i got it over my rib cage that i started to panick. so i leaned to one side and all the weights went clanging down, then that end popped up & the weights on other side were next. the cats took off running. it made quite a racket. I feel a bit silly about it but i guess it was bound to happen one day.

    I would consider getting some sort of safety setup (power rack, stands, spotter) in the future. Bench press with no safety is pretty much the easiest way to kill or maim yourself while lifting weights. You drop that bar on your neck or face and you're going to be in some serious trouble.
  • SinCityFit
    SinCityFit Posts: 96
    Recently I was in the gym. Going thru the various pieces of equipment, when I notice I was getting strange looks from different people. This went on for over an hr. Finally, a sweet young thing came up to me and whispered in my ear. have a bubble gum wrapper stuck to your forehead.

    I slowly slung out the back door.
