Body water percentage

Jaisha9 Posts: 7 Member
I can't believe it's so hard to find what I'm looking for on this topic without being flooded with info only on body fat percentage! Hoping someone can help me here...
Apparently for my age/weight, I should be about 60-70% water, however my scale that measures this and fat percentage always puts me at about 35% water. Based on what I have found, I should be dead with that little amount of water in my body, lol. FYI - The fat percentage and weight is always spot on compared to when I've been weighed by doctors and when I've gotten fat percentage assessments by personal trainers.
I drink at least 64 oz a day, but aim for half my weight in oz (almost a gallon of water a day).
So my question - is my scale just weirdly off, or am I interpreting this body water percentage info wrong and I'm actually close to what I should be? (Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, please spare me the snarky comments if so)


  • turpenoid
    turpenoid Posts: 73
    I apologize for not knowing much about this topic. I found two links regarding body composition and body water percentage that may be of interest.

    Although, it's certainly possible you've seen these! But now you've prompted me to look into a subject I'm not familiar with. Always learning from people on here :)

    Best wishes.
  • FoxyLifter
    FoxyLifter Posts: 965 Member
    I also do not have a lot of information on the subject, so I apologize. Are you worried about hydration? I would then say that as long as your urine is a light yellow or almost clear by the end of the day, then you're good. Also, I think I know the scale you're using. From what I've heard as far as body fat goes, it's margin of error is high. I would imagine that the same could be said about the amount of water in your body.

    TL;DR = Is your pee light yellow? You're good.
  • Jaisha9
    Jaisha9 Posts: 7 Member
    Yep, my pee is DNC - damn near clear :-)
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Well...since you aren't dead, perhaps you'd be better off not worrying about the readings of an inexpensive bathroom scale? And if there's no information to be found about percentage of body weight that's comprised of water, perhaps you're wasting energy worrying about an inconsequential, made up thing? Eat sensibly, drink sensibly, and stop sweating the small stuff
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    As DavPul stated, using a Bio impedance reader (whether hand held or weight scale) isn't the most reliable way to measure water % or body fat %.
    Your best way to assess progress is the mirror, your clothing and how you are feeling with your eating and exercise.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Jaisha9
    Jaisha9 Posts: 7 Member
    Well, it seems from what I have studied up on regarding hydration, it's actually quite relevant.

    As to the scale if anyone cares, this is it:

    Inexpensive - yes, but seems to have good reviews
  • Jaisha9
    Jaisha9 Posts: 7 Member
    Gotcha, keep doing what I'm doing and keeping the pee DNC. Thanks everyone! :happy:
  • turpenoid
    turpenoid Posts: 73
    Well, it seems from what I have studied up on regarding hydration, it's actually quite relevant.

    As to the scale if anyone cares, this is it:

    Inexpensive - yes, but seems to have good reviews

    I don't mean to pry, but have you asked your doctor about your concerns with body water percentage? Maybe they can point you toward a specialist who can take more accurate readings for you. It's your health and you should be getting the information that you want in the most accurate way possible. :)
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    I weigh in on a Tanita scale at physio every week, and my water % is at about 40%. I don't know what that means exactly ( if only to compare to your figure) but I'm still alive too LOL
  • Jaisha9
    Jaisha9 Posts: 7 Member

    I don't mean to pry, but have you asked your doctor about your concerns with body water percentage? Maybe they can point you toward a specialist who can take more accurate readings for you. It's your health and you should be getting the information that you want in the most accurate way possible. :)

    No worries, I'm pretty sure the problem is with the scale. I had a bunch of tests a few months ago, and the only issue was a severe Vitamin D deficiency, all else was great (no other deficiencies, good cholesterol, no HBP, no diabetes, etc.). I originally went in for the tests because I developed vertigo out of the blue, but even that's gone since I've been regularly exercising over the last few months.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Well, it seems from what I have studied up on regarding hydration, it's actually quite relevant.

    As to the scale if anyone cares, this is it:

    Inexpensive - yes, but seems to have good reviews

    Oh, okay then. I thought you had questions because you were unsure of things but hey, you got this. Do your thing.
  • Jaisha9
    Jaisha9 Posts: 7 Member
    Well, it seems from what I have studied up on regarding hydration, it's actually quite relevant.

    As to the scale if anyone cares, this is it:

    Inexpensive - yes, but seems to have good reviews

    Oh, okay then. I thought you had questions because you were unsure of things but hey, you got this. Do your thing.

    I also said spare me your snarkiness. So much for that.

    Thanks again to everyone else
  • my scale shows me percentage for fat, water, bone, and muscle. they add up to 122%. how is that possible? even if the scale is inaccurate in it's measurement, i would think that who ever designed it would have programmed it to at least know a whole is made of 100%
    does anyone else's scale do this?