Insanity and T25 Diet


I have been doing Insanity and T25 together for the past 4 weeks now. I know its crazy but I found it doable. The problem for me now is that I havent lost any inches off my body for the past 4 weeks. I know the results come in the second week but I did expect atleast some results till now. I have been consuming around 1500 calories everyday and with the workouts the net calories come below 1000. I believe I might be starving myself. I have more endurance for sure but my muscles are more tired. I wanted to know if I should increase my diet and if so then by how much.

I am a 22 year old male, 6'2 and weigh currently 235 pounds

Its getting really frustrating now and I need some help regarding my strategy on going about this.

Thanks for the help in advance.


  • rin_fitness
    Hello Akash,

    I personally agree with the thought that your net calorie intake should not be below 1200. At 6'2 your body may need more calories than that. Starving your body makes it go into protection mode and it will hold onto any fat that you take in so that it can use it to feed itself.

    Also, since you are working out, you may be gaining muscle mass and that may be contributing to your measurements. If looking to lose weight (not inches necessarily, although that will come), focus on the muscle building exercises. Muscle burns fat and calories so it will be helpful for getting that toned look. The muscle you are building now is under a layer of fat so it may take a bit for the muscle to overcome it. Protein helps build muscles and if you can avoid too many carbs you can "starve" the fat.

    Hope this helps. I'm not a professional so please do your own homework on what I have said. I hope I have given you some ideas on what to look into.


  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    ...yeaaaaaa you could probably increase that amount by about 1000 calories per day.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    You are severely underrating. Doing that much exercise, you should be in the 2200-2500 calorie/day range. If you continue eating like that, you are going to do a lot of damage to your metabolism, which is a serious pain to get back up.

    Please watch this video.

  • ctinawilson
    ctinawilson Posts: 127 Member
    Hi! I agree with terbusha - you need to be eating a lot more - even if your goal is to lose weight. Under-eating can really affect your metabolism.

    Try working out your TDEE calories - you can find a number of calculators using Google. The number you get will be just an estimate, but having a better idea of what the 'average person' of your height/weight etc should be eating, could help you find the right number.

    Can i also just mention the old adage; Get fit in the gym, lose weight in the kitchen - in other words you should be looking to eat a healthy, balanced, varied diet in order to lose weight and be nourished. Exercise should be part of this lifestyle, but if it were me, I would see exercise as a way of getting fit, rather than a way of burning off what you've eaten (that's a bonus!).

    Also, what are your goals? Are you trying to lose weight, get fit, gain muscle? Remember that you tend not to be able to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, and if your goal is to gain muscle / get toned etc, then you need to be eating more than your TDEE, not less, in order for your muscles to grow.

    Hope this helps! Just my opinion!