How to recover from amenorrhea?

'm 21 years old, 5'5", 120 pounds, muscular and active, and a female.
I have a good workout routine. Generally work out about 4-5 times a week with the following routine: Run every workout (usually between 2-3 miles, nothing extreme), lifting 2-3 days out of those (one day for shoulders and arms, one for back and chest, and one for legs), and usually doing abs two or three days a week too.

I eat very healthy too. Oatmeal and berries with coffee for breakfast, turkey sandwich on whole wheat with veggies for lunch, grilled chicken breast with brown rice or whole wheat pasta with veggies for dinner. For a snack, I'll have some mixed nuts or crackers with peanut butter.

I lost my period in January of 2013. I thought it was just because I was being very active and training for a race (Tough Mudder) at the time. I was hospitalized because my resting heart rate was 32, and they said I was just in good shape. I saw a nutritionist, who told me to up my caloric intake (which I tried to do). I have seen the gynecologist and gotten tests done and nobody is telling me anything.

What do I do? How do I get my period back? I'm actually very concerned because I don't want to create larger problems in the future. Please help.


  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    Thishappened to me too, about 2,years ago. I was working out 6-7 days a week and not eating enough. Even though I was at a healthy weight I wasn't ovulating. My gyn ran all these tests. I started taking 1 rest day a week and gained 7 lbs and it came back after 6 months. I'm 37 though-and I'm done having kids. I would see your dr. You may need to just eat a bit more.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    The doctors told you to up your caloric intake. Meeting your calorie goals each day is a good start (you're at a 1000 net or less!). Just eat.
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    You need to eat more.... You are netting less than 1000 cals a day and your goal is set to less than what I eat a day and I'm twice your age! Also, add some more fat to your diet - some butter, olive oil, avocado, or coconut oil. Dietary fat is actually essential for the absorption of many nutrients and is good in moderation. Finally, you are at a healthy weight... You probably should change your mdp goal to no more than half a pound a week - though you may find that you need to gain a few lbs back instead to get your cycle back
  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    Just peeked in your food diary and I agree, you should probably eat more. Side note, that just made me so hungry. I love fruits and veggies!! Great choices, just try to eat more of the things you like. Take care. :)
  • sunfastrose
    sunfastrose Posts: 543 Member
    Your current weight is in the healthy range; if you lost the 10 pounds you are aiming for in your profile, you would be underweight.

    Eat more. You aren't doing yourself any good with the low calorie intake given your exercise routines. Eat to maintenance and start heavier strength training if you want to reshape your body.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    I'm having this issue now. But I am over weight. My dr said I had 3 options. A) I could come in 4 times a year and get a 2 week round of pills that would make me have a cycle, B) birthcontrol pills that would make me have a cycle every month or c) he could give me meds to help me have a baby if I wanted. Which I didn't since I have a 2 yr old. I went with birthcontrol pills. Now I have my cycle monthly. He told me that if you do not have a cycle for a long period of time that the build up in your uterus could become cancer. That is accually what set me on my way to lose weight. I went home cried, and came up with the motivation I needed to do this. Cancer runs in my family and I want to do all I can to prevent it. I was 271 at 5 ft 3. Way to much for my small frame. Almost 40 pounds down and hoping soon I can stop taking these pills and be healthy. I still have a long road to go but I'm almost thankful that this happened to me. If not id still be fat and hating myself. Now I'm fat and working on loving myself
  • jessicagrieshaber
    jessicagrieshaber Posts: 167 Member
    Your current weight is in the healthy range; if you lost the 10 pounds you are aiming for in your profile, you would be underweight.

    Eat more. You aren't doing yourself any good with the low calorie intake given your exercise routines. Eat to maintenance and start heavier strength training if you want to reshape your body.
    Alright, in response to this post and basically all of the others. I changed my goal setting on here to maintenance instead of losing one pound a week. I feel like 1800 calories is a lot to eat in one day. I normally feel full off 1100-1200. How can I increase my caloric intake?
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    Your current weight is in the healthy range; if you lost the 10 pounds you are aiming for in your profile, you would be underweight.

    Eat more. You aren't doing yourself any good with the low calorie intake given your exercise routines. Eat to maintenance and start heavier strength training if you want to reshape your body.
    Alright, in response to this post and basically all of the others. I changed my goal setting on here to maintenance instead of losing one pound a week. I feel like 1800 calories is a lot to eat in one day. I normally feel full off 1100-1200. How can I increase my caloric intake?

    Avocados, nuts, nutbutters, and full fat cheese are all calorically dense and healthy. Add extra virgin olive oil or butter when you cook veggies. Use mayonnaise.
  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member
    Alright, in response to this post and basically all of the others. I changed my goal setting on here to maintenance instead of losing one pound a week. I feel like 1800 calories is a lot to eat in one day. I normally feel full off 1100-1200. How can I increase my caloric intake?

    Ad a bit of milk or cream to your oatmeal in the morning, Also flax and chia seeds in oatmeal are yummy and have lots of good fats that will help you out. Have some peanut butter for a snack. Put some avocado on your salads or sandwiches. Treat yourself to some ice cream. I end up eating around 1600-1800 calories a day so if you would like you are more than welcome to check out my diary. There are a lot of calorie dense foods that you can add into you diet though.