Sudden Weight Gain.... Alcohol? Meat/dairy?

Hi everyone,

I have been very active on MyFitnessPal in the past but found the calorie logging produced too much of a focus on numbers for me. I am 24 and have weighed the same thing (within a few lbs) for about 6 years. For those six years I have weighed 149-151 with basically no effort involved in maintaining (would occasionally jump as high as 153 after particularly indulgent periods like vacations/holidays but was EASILY back to normal within days just by returning to my more normal habits). This has been true in periods of consistent exercise and times of complete sedentary living. This has been true through 2 years of veganism (the most carefree period of my life, weight-wise), periods of vegetarianism, pescatarianism, and times of being pretty omnivorous (for me at least, not really that into meat).

However, about 1.5 months ago I weighed myself and suddenly I weighed 156.5 lbs. I had weighed myself a week before and it was 151. I had been a bit more indulgent and was PMSing so I tried not to freak out and chalked it up to water weight and figured it would come off soon with a return to normal habits/hormonal fluctuations. Now here I am a 1.5 months later and it has not budged. I have been pushing the water (I already drank a lot of water) and have tried to be a bit more mindful about my eating habits. I feel so gross, like someone taped a layer of fat to my stomach and it feels like there is constantly something in my belly. Its weird, even when I'm hungry I have this half-full feeling, and then when I eat I feel super full and fat.

ANYWAY, I am trying to pinpoint what this could be. Looking at the last year, there are 3 things I can see have been different.

1. I started eating meat and dairy almost as much as the typical American. I noticed this effected my digestion but not largely so. I have a strong stomach that isnt often bothered by anything at all. I have not had a period where I have been so willing to eat meat (and the many iterations and types) and dairy probably EVER in my life, but definitely in 7+ years. Growing up, before I became vegan, my family ate meat but only turkey/chicken breast and fish and low fat dairy, as my dad had heart problems, so the world of red meat and processed meats has been a new adventure for me over the last year. I don't put a lot of weight in the blood type diet, but I am type A (for which the recommend a plant-based diet), for what it's worth.

2. Alcohol. Being a graduate of a big party school, I definitely drank in college, but it was pretty much relegated to going out on weekends. About a year ago, I started to drink more habitually/routinely? (i.e. 1-2 beers/glasses of wine every day minimum at home with dinner or whatever, more when out with friends). In the past drinking hasnt seemed to have any impact on my weight in either direction. I once drank nothing alcoholic for 3 months and lost no weight (however, I had only been drinking 1-2 days a week before that, so it was not as dramatic of a change). Is it possible/probable that the more routine drinking for the better part of a year just decided to catch up to me one day all at once? My weight hadn't been unusual until about 1.5 months ago. I've also read that the body doesnt really absorb alcohol calories the way it does calories from food and that SOME drinking (obviously less then what I was doing) can help to maintain a lower BMI.

If so, will cutting out alcohol lead to this extra sudden weight coming off so I can get back to my normal set point at least? How long would that likely take?

3. A year ago I went off of hormonal birth control and got a copper IUD. In theory it should not effect weight at all, but I have read some scary stories about copper toxicity producing weight gain.

Thoughts? Any suggestions are appreciated.


  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    Based on what you've written I would absolutely take a look at your alcohol consumption! Beer, wine, liquor etc all have calories and absolutely can impact your weight. A 5oz glass of wine has at minimum 100-120 calories (who has a 5oz glass?). If you are having that more frequently and aren't accounting for it in your daily calorie intake plus eating more calorie dense foods like meat and dairy you could be completely eliminating any calorie deficit you have.

    Good luck!
  • lad5144
    lad5144 Posts: 17 Member
    But do you think it would just come on like that? In one week? Like build up for months but never show?
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You have started consuming too many calories. You don't have to give up alcohol but you must track your calories correctly if you want to lose weight. Set your MFP profile to reflect your lifestyle before any exercise then add your exercise and eat back portion of those calories. Set your weekly weight loss rate to 1 lb. a week.

    As a rule of thumb, the following weekly targets would give a balance between minimizing negative side effects and seeing a reasonable weekly weight loss:

    More than 75 lbs: 2 lbs/week
    40-75 lbs: 1.5 lbs/week
    10-40 lbs: 1 lb/week
    Less than 10 lbs: 0.5 lb/week
  • lad5144
    lad5144 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm well versed in calorie counting. I guess I'm just trying to get an idea of what could have caused such a dramatic/sudden change, assuming all other things equal.
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    Check to make sure something weird isn't going on with your scale. Something similar happened to me, but then I moved my scale and it went back to normal. Must've been sitting on the tile weird or something.

    The IUD might also make sense. I gained 5 lbs pretty quick after I started birth control, although it all came off in a week exactly 6 months later. Odd, right?!
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    The bottom line is you are still eating/drinking too much calories.
  • OffKilter5150
    OffKilter5150 Posts: 24 Member
    It's not the IUD. It's the alcohol. It adds up quickly.
  • Becre8tive
    Becre8tive Posts: 108 Member
    Well, I came to the same conclusion and started a group last week. It's called weekend only, mainly because I felt like I was drinking up my calories.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    You mentioned that you feel half full even before you eat and then super full after a normal meal.
    This raises a bit of a red flag for me. My advice would be to visit your ob/gyn for a check-up and report your concern with the sudden weight gain and the full feeling.
    It's probably nothing but better safe than sorry.
    Other than that-you are eating/drinking too much.