How to curb my appetite?

Hey everyone. So ever since losing most of my weight, I've noticed I'm much more hungry than I used to be before losing the weight. I know it sounds weird but it's true. I eat so much more now...quantity wise than I did before. (I gained weight eating high calorie foods and lots of bread-ish things.)

Back then my day would look something similar to this:

Breakfast - special K cereal with full fat milk

snack at school - a sandwhich with cold meats, or jam, or a candy bar and chips.

Lunch - a cooked meal of some meat veggies and rice...or a cheese bread roll with cheese and jam and a glass of milk.

afternoon snack - candy

dinner - another sandwhich with tomatoes and butter, and a glas of milk.

Healthy aint it? Lol, but I was never hungry on those things and now a sandwich just DOES NOT satisfy me at all!

It's actually really irritating to think of food friggin' all the time! Lol. And yes I know more protein will make me feel full, but I felt like I never needed it before to feel full? And it's so weird that I need it now.

Is there any other way I can curb my appetite? Or answers to why this might have happened? (No pills or anything like that, maybe some home remedies?)

Thanks everyone.


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Can you make your diary public? It is impossible to give advice of any value if we don't know what you currently eat.
  • Kitteneyes01
    Kitteneyes01 Posts: 125
    Okay it's opened. just keep in mind I do fast and I don't count too much...I've only logged a few days...but everyday is very much the same. Some days I just don't eat candy as much. They get replaced with veggies or tuna every now and then.
  • Kitteneyes01
    Kitteneyes01 Posts: 125
    Also I do hit my protein goal everyday. Or try to.
  • Kitteneyes01
    Kitteneyes01 Posts: 125
    Might have to go back a few weeks in my diary to get an idea, I only log every now and then lol. (I use hand portion control and just log to make sure I'm still on the right numbers.)
  • IGbnat24
    IGbnat24 Posts: 520 Member
    Doesn't sound healthy or filling. At all. Where are the fruits and veggies?
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Lots of H20 add some lemon. Helps me.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Okay it's opened. just keep in mind I do fast and I don't count too much...I've only logged a few days...but everyday is very much the same. Some days I just don't eat candy as much. They get replaced with veggies or tuna every now and then.

    It is up to you but if you eat lots more green veggies you will feel more satisfied because of their nutrients.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's impossible to say without seeing an accurate diary, to be honest. But I'd say lay off the candy if you're hungry.
  • Eat a cup of spinach and a few (like 10-15 almonds) whenever you feel hungry. Try and drink 3litres of water a day also.