new to weight loss

cindydenise Posts: 2 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
yes this is my first time I really have to commit. I am freaking out. I am so emotional on other issues in my life right now that my real comfort is my food. So I am new here. I hope to be a support and find some support on this journey. ... God help me.


  • I know you can do it! :]
    I'm pretty new to this too, and you just really have to "get your head in the game." This website has helped me so much already, and this is only my 3rd day! I hope/motivates you as much as it does me!
  • harrysdiner
    harrysdiner Posts: 10 Member
    Keep working with it, It def gets easier. I've found this site really helped me stay on track. Didn't realize before I was either not eating enough or eating too much of the wrong things. This site has really got me on track and helped me lose weight. good Luck!
  • jppoynt
    jppoynt Posts: 16 Member
    You've got this!!! You're doing a beautiful thing for yourself.
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