Help!! Please help!!



  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    I also am having that issue. I started a wheat, gluten sugar free diet a few weeks agon and it is tough! Although I have been still using equal in my coffee, and drinking crystal light, oh and flavored oatmeal (naughty me) everything else is gone. All I can say is try to hang in there. I have noticed that since I stopped consuming so many sugar laden treats, I don't obsess over them as much anymore. It will get easier, believe me. I also was the person to try "just a smidge" of something sweet only to find myself inhaling the entire pack. Yesterday, I had 1 skittle. ONE. Yay me!
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    I believe in all (well most) things in moderation. I mean when you look at it too much water can kill you! Enjoy your alloted amount and just keep it in moderation. When you have a craving its usualy your body saying "I need __" just don't go overboard :) Good luck
  • sd59940
    sd59940 Posts: 27
    Substitute your sugar with Stevia! There are many different brands that offer stevia. Experiment with different types I like NuNaturals White Stevia Powder

    Serving Size 1 Packet
    Servings Per Container 100

    Amount Per Serving % DV

    Calories 0.00

    Total Fat 0.00 0%

    Sodium 0.00 0%

    Total Carbohydrate 1.00 g 0%

    Sugars 1.00 g

    Most of them have zero calories and are low in sugar.
  • I can relate, as a dietitian I can tell you that sugar can be addicting but in moderation it's OK. Dark chocolate is actually good for you, find small pieces and have one when you feel the need. Good Luck!
  • secostley
    secostley Posts: 409 Member
    Try going off of the sugar gradually and substituting fruits or substitutes like Splenda. I went through the same thing trying to go cold turkey. It was crazy! I was literally addicted to Kool-Aide.

    Now Crystal Light seems to satisfy my occasional craving for sugar. Note that your body is just detoxing. It will adjust a little better with a gradual approach.

    Keep us abreast of your progress!

  • i LOVE ice cream. but instead of giving it up all together, I eat frozen yogurt with strawberrys, or skinny cow which is really low cal.
    and I'm also addicted to starbucks. but I'm letting myself have it once a week, instead of 2-3 times a week.

    if you give up what you love completely, you wont succeed. you will go crazy, binge, and undo everything you ahve worked so hard for. you have to have days where you are careful for your other meals, that way you can have what you want at the end of the day and not feel bad about it!
  • The good ol’ sugar craving. A big struggle for so many of us and yes..I’m still breaking the craving myself!

    I agree with the statement about gradually getting off of sugars. Going cold turkey is the way to say “hey, I’d like to fail soon…” lol, I mean, really. Think of it this way…we don’t all of a sudden consume 3,000 sugary candies, cupcakes, cookies, cakes, pies, ice cream, etc in one sitting or in one day. No. We are gradually introduced to sugars (I assume from the age of birth) from consuming delicious candies, cakes, pies from various celebrations and none occasions throughout our lifetime. So going from the sugar overload to no sugar is unrealistic. So controlling that craving has to come in that same way.

    Get use to sub’ing out those bad sugary things for better ones. I use Stevia (Truvia) in almost everything that I want to add sweetness to…from smoothies to my daily oatmeal. It’s great and it’s natural! From the research I’ve read, it’s safe. It’s also recommend as a sweetener by the BeachBody program I am currently on right now.

    I also recommend trying to eat new things. Lindt Dark Chocolate Excellent 70% cocoa (or higher) is so delicious and you can have 3 squares for under 200 cals. The squares are nice sized as well. Also, I like Country Soft Organic Double Fudge dark chocolate chip cookies. They are low in all the other stuff like sodium, fat, etc…and also SUGAR! Try Extra! Dessert gum. Zero Calorie Lifewater…there’s a lot of stuff out there to help curve those cravings.
    Just remember sugar is in everything that we from bread to milk. It’s just a matter of monitoring and making the best choices. However, if the craving becomes too much..just have what you are desiring. Have it and forget it. You don’t have to have it the next day or next week. You might still have the craving, but the key is finding a way to hold off from giving in to those cravings every time…like you might have done in the past! J
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I have to say that I truly believe that the reason my diet is working for me this time is because I allow myself to have sweets. (just in moderation) If I have a good day, I have something sweet. Only now I have one something instead of 8 somethings. I really really enjoy Swiss Miss Sensible Sweet hot chocolate. It is a sweet that I have almost daily. (And I have lost over 70 pounds over about 7 months.

    For me the reason diets don't work is because as soon as I tell myself I CAN"T have something, the 12 year old in me comes out and "it" is the only this I want. So I vote everything in moderation. I also find if I allow myself to have things, I tend not to want them as much.
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