Tracking for 3 weeks, haven't lost a pound. What's going on?



  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    6/12 stuck out to me, a few days with no breakfast but if you are a meal skipper then that is that

    If you are confident in your logging then maybe you should look into getting a checkup and see if there are any other factors you should know about. Your calorie goal does not strike me as too low and you should definitely be seeing some results with it.

    ETA: I would give it a bit more time though too, its annoying but sometimes it just takes time to see results. You see alot of people on here talk about huge drops the first few days but I have always been the opposite, it takes me a few weeks to see anything and I lose in spurts, nothing then 2 lbs, nothing then 2 lbs. Also TOM will always mask any loss I have for about a week, then when its done poof, there it all goes.
  • goodnewsdoc
    goodnewsdoc Posts: 5 Member
    What has truly worked for me is activity tracking. I'm down about 62 pounds since starting two years ago. I used a Fitbit tracker...about $50. You wear it, put it in a pocket...whatever works for you. It provides both an APP and a friend network. It tracks your movement (steps) and is compatible with MFP. Pay a lot of attention to the nutrition pie chart on MFP. Try to balance your dietary intake such that fat, protein, and carbs each account for about 30 to 35%. Get yourself some friends on my Fitness Pal...encouragement from people who understand is great for motivation. Best wishes for success.
  • xSarabean
    xSarabean Posts: 16
    From a look in your diary, you are just really getting started so 1 have patience. Now the other I saw some suspect things:

    1.; An entry for dry cake mix and nothing that went with it
    2. Multiple entries that look like they were recipes created by other MFP members, stay away from these as you don't know what they cooked with and included in their calculations. The ribs is one of these.
    3. Some days look like you haven't fulled logged everything

    These are just a few

    Please read the accurate logging link that's already been given.

    Question with what to do with the ribs in that situation. The meat didn't have nutritional info on the package because it came from a traditional butcher shop. Also, my family cooked it, so it was a large portion and I really struggle with figuring out how to cut it into smaller portions and be correct when it comes to calories. Where should I get the caloric information for the meat if I scan the barcode and no nutritional information is available?
  • Barbellarella_
    Barbellarella_ Posts: 454 Member
    Breakfast, Breakfast, Breakfast!!!! They say it's the most important meal of the day for a reason! I typically blend fruit, powdered peanut butter, and protein mix in with milk and have that for breakfast.

    They "say" its the most important meal of the day, to get you to buy a box of cereal from their company.

    Meal timing is irrelevant to weight loss. Its your overall caloric deficit that matters.
  • sreuth
    sreuth Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with whomever said to lay off the carbs - at least while you are getting started. If you are not exercising, then the glycogen stores you need from carbs will not matter at the beginning anyway. If I have protein, a veggie, and some fruit for breakfast, again for lunch, and again for dinner, I can honestly see a difference in my weight almost daily. As you body gets used to your new diet and weight loss, after a couple of weeks, you can eventually add back in a carb here and a carb there, and this also helps you to identify what stalls your weight loss and what doesn't. For me personally, I guess you could say I'm about 80% paleo, and then about 20 % not so paleo :-) In other words, I cave on certain days like a normal human being once in a while. This is the eating style that works best for me and where I see consistent results. If I am diligent 80% of the time, then having a grilled cheese sandwhich at the local street fair (which I did just this past weekend!) doesn't make me feel guilty, I can enjoy it completely, and I still lost weight. ( Of course, I probably walked about 5 miles that same day as well!) You MUST incorporate exercise to see some results though that will stick. I would start simply with walking at a comfortable pace for as long as you can. It will happen - good luck! I am training myself to be a runner and I've realized that to have any endurance at all, I need a few good carbs here and there :-)
  • xSarabean
    xSarabean Posts: 16
    6/12 stuck out to me, a few days with no breakfast but if you are a meal skipper then that is that

    If you are confident in your logging then maybe you should look into getting a checkup and see if there are any other factors you should know about. Your calorie goal does not strike me as too low and you should definitely be seeing some results with it.

    ETA: I would give it a bit more time though too, its annoying but sometimes it just takes time to see results. You see alot of people on here talk about huge drops the first few days but I have always been the opposite, it takes me a few weeks to see anything and I lose in spurts, nothing then 2 lbs, nothing then 2 lbs. Also TOM will always mask any loss I have for about a week, then when its done poof, there it all goes.

    My weight fluctuates terribly. I was 297 for three days straight, and then I was 288 the next day, and 289 today. I use weight grapher to track trends but it's still frustrating. Interestingly, I actually weigh lower right before TOM by a pound or two.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    From a look in your diary, you are just really getting started so 1 have patience. Now the other I saw some suspect things:

    1.; An entry for dry cake mix and nothing that went with it
    2. Multiple entries that look like they were recipes created by other MFP members, stay away from these as you don't know what they cooked with and included in their calculations. The ribs is one of these.
    3. Some days look like you haven't fulled logged everything

    These are just a few

    Please read the accurate logging link that's already been given.

    Question with what to do with the ribs in that situation. The meat didn't have nutritional info on the package because it came from a traditional butcher shop. Also, my family cooked it, so it was a large portion and I really struggle with figuring out how to cut it into smaller portions and be correct when it comes to calories. Where should I get the caloric information for the meat if I scan the barcode and no nutritional information is available?
    Look for entries marked "USDA". Also, entries marked with an asterisk (*) are entered by other MFP members, so they may or may not be accurate -- I try to choose entries without an asterisk if possible when I'm not eating food from a package. Finally, I stay away from entries marked "generic," since they're almost never actually what you're eating.
  • xSarabean
    xSarabean Posts: 16
    Breakfast, Breakfast, Breakfast!!!! They say it's the most important meal of the day for a reason! I typically blend fruit, powdered peanut butter, and protein mix in with milk and have that for breakfast.

    I don't really eat breakfast because I'm almost never hungry in the mornings. Some mornings I feel naseous when I think of food (and no, I'm not pregnant). I have to force myself to my daily apple in the morning just so I have something.
  • Why is no one asking about the exercise? I know you said you are not, is there an important reason why? Logging food correctly really only is half of it, burning more really matters.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Ok don't listen to the 'less carb' or 'eat breakfast' stuff... it's totally irrelevant.

    If you're going to use cooked meat, look either for a USDA option with 'cooked', or just 'pork ribs cooked' and MFP's entries should pop up (they don't have asterisks if you use a computer, otherwise typically they come in oz and grams so it's easy to find them).
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Disclaimer: this is just an idea and I have no idea if it would work or not.

    If you are experienceing large swings in weight then it might be worth trying to make your eating habbits more consistant. Sodium and carb intake usually changes water retention but quite a bit. If you can steady those out and get on a consistant eating schedule that could keep your weight steadier and therefore easier to track. I only experience about 2lb fluctuations and I tend to be a very repetative eater. Also make sure you drink plenty of water, its counter intuitive but the more you drink the less you hold onto :)
  • melanelson
    melanelson Posts: 16 Member
    For me personally, until I added exercise, the scale wouldn't budge. Could you go for a walk after dinner? Any little bit helps.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Why is no one asking about the exercise? I know you said you are not, is there an important reason why? Logging food correctly really only is half of it, burning more really matters.

    One thing at a time skippy, while exercise is important and helps with weight loss I'm more concerned with her diary and how she's recording and measuring everything. Also exercise is not required to lose weight, one could simply lose weight by eating at a calorie deficit.

    That being said however, exercise is very important for one's general health and can give additional calories to help eat more/better. Once the OP figures this out I would strongly recommend she start including some exercise.
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member
    Breakfast, Breakfast, Breakfast!!!! They say it's the most important meal of the day for a reason! I typically blend fruit, powdered peanut butter, and protein mix in with milk and have that for breakfast.

    There's no evidence to suggest that eating a "healthy" breakfast or a breakfast at all will aide in weight loss. Not trying to be mean but this is a common myth. There's also no scientific data to suggest that one should not eat after a certain time of the day or before bed time. Calories in and calories out is all that matters.

    I personally eat breakfast most mornings. sometimes it's a bagel, power bar, protein shake, strawberries, Egg McMuffin etc. If I eat breakfast but eat at a calorie surplus for the day I will gain weight. If I skip breakfast but eat at a calorie deficit for the day I will lose weight. Breakfast isn't magic, sorry.
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member

    I am on birth control, but it's not an option to get off of it. I've talked to my OB/GYN about weight loss and she says the one I'm on doesn't typically cause problems. I've been tested for my thyroid within the last 3 years and it turned out normal. Could it change that quickly?

    Try a different birth control. I have an issue with the non-generic of the one I'm currently on. They docs and pharmacists always tell me, "oh, switching to the name brand shouldn't ... (insert nasty side effect here)..." but the reality of my life is that it does. As complex as the human body and the complex formulas for medications... not EVERYTHING can be predicted.
  • ashleeei
    ashleeei Posts: 35
    Haven't read everything on this post yet... But did want to mention that I was on the pill (hormonal birth control) for 8 years (since I was 16) and finally got off and switched to a NO HORMONE IUD and since then have lost over 30 lbs in a little over a year with no major life changes... with the exception I do eat a little healthier now but definitely had my share of cheats!

    So, I did slowly and steadily gain 60lbs+ while on the pill for 8 years then once removed, over the next year slowly and steadily lost over 30 lbs... I definitely blame birth control for some of that and will never go back on a hormone birth control.
  • ashleeei
    ashleeei Posts: 35
    Also in regard to my experience with birth control (pill) I NEVER once took the 4th week of pills (sugar pills) since they have ZERO hormones and are meant to just keep you on track of taking a pill daily...But can you imagine how much more weight I would have gained by taking the sugar pills to? Just the regular pills helped me gain.
  • Joshloe
    Joshloe Posts: 14 Member
    6/12 stuck out to me, a few days with no breakfast but if you are a meal skipper then that is that

    If you are confident in your logging then maybe you should look into getting a checkup and see if there are any other factors you should know about. Your calorie goal does not strike me as too low and you should definitely be seeing some results with it.

    ETA: I would give it a bit more time though too, its annoying but sometimes it just takes time to see results. You see alot of people on here talk about huge drops the first few days but I have always been the opposite, it takes me a few weeks to see anything and I lose in spurts, nothing then 2 lbs, nothing then 2 lbs. Also TOM will always mask any loss I have for about a week, then when its done poof, there it all goes.

    My weight fluctuates terribly. I was 297 for three days straight, and then I was 288 the next day, and 289 today. I use weight grapher to track trends but it's still frustrating. Interestingly, I actually weigh lower right before TOM by a pound or two.

    You might want to look into getting a new scale. Make sure you're weighing at the same time everyday, same situations. I get up and pee every morning, then weigh.
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    If its been 3 weeks and you're meticulously weighing everything, just give it more time.

    Worth noting: weigh things even if you think you don't have to. Call me crazy but I've started weighing the bread for my sandwiches. Package says 2 slices = 41g, but I've found 2 slices are actually 45-48g. Same with other items that are pre-portioned in the packaging.

    And incorporate exercise even if you start small. Its possible that the online estimators for your BMR, etc. are not perfect for you as an individual. You can do simple things, it doesn't have to be strenuous. Challenge yourself to be in constant motion for at least 15 minutes each day - walking is a great way to start. Then each week push yourself to do more. Moving more is good. :)
  • Are you drinking plenty of water? Measure, measure, measure...I am guilty, the days I measure and count are the weeks I loose. Slowly incorporate small walks...Hope this helps!