Old member starting back! ;-)

I have been a member of MFP since 2011! So I should have been to my goal weight a long time ago,
But I let a lot of things in life stop me for keep moving forward. So finally getting back on track and hoping to add
More friends. So a little about me..... I am 26, I have been happily married for 8 years to a Marine and we have two
Cool kids (5&3). We also have a dog :-) being a military family we move a lot and just live a different life than civilians.
But if I wait until life was always good I would NEVER lose this weight so pushing forward and stop making POOR
excuses!!! So please add me :-)


  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member

    I joined MFP in January but stopped and now I am back to it! I am 22 years old. My Father is retired Air Force, So I would like to say a HUGE Thank you to your husband and family. I know being a military family can have it hard times, but its really good times too.
  • gettingfit4Rachel
    gettingfit4Rachel Posts: 21 Member
    ^^ Thank you to your father as well! Oh don't get me wrong I love this life! Seeing different places and meeting new people all the time is great!! I wouldn't trade this life for nothing or no one. But it's hard trying to lose weight in the middle of a cross country move or even moving to different continent!! Lol but it's amazing never the less. Gotta drop about 70 pounds.... Urgh but I have gotten close before but right not I am at my heaviest EVER and this is not a good look for me!
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Me too girl! 2nd time around. Add me!
  • karenb3358
    karenb3358 Posts: 3 Member
    Me also....this Feb. i reached my goal (the one I had set) of a 40 lb weight loss, but gained about 10 of it back, I'm changing my goal weight now and want to loose the 10 i gained back plus about 9 more! I shouldn't have ever left, but i did. I'm glad to be back and recording meals and exercises. Glad to meet you all and please feel free to friend me as i could use some encouragement.
  • gettingfit4Rachel
    gettingfit4Rachel Posts: 21 Member
    Thanks guys for such a great response! I love MFP! I was trying to do WW but I just couldn't into and I hated knowing I have MFP for free and paying for the same thing. Not trying to say anything bad about WW because I know for a lot of people it worked for them which is great! But since I haven't been on in such a long time I really liked the upgrade they did with the app!!