New to Weightloss

I have been trying maybe the past five years to lose weight, but never really took it seriously. Not until about month ago did I decide something had to change when I curiously stepped on the scale and it read 169.5. I never realized that in the past 2 years that I had gained over 20lbs since I graduated college back in December 2012. I've always been aware that I could afford to lose some weight but never gave it much thought because I was more worried about making that check, paying this bill, need to run here, need to run there, and on the way i'd just grab whatever was convienent to eat. Since I had yet another relationship go south back in March 2014, I picked myself up and moved back home and decided it was time to work on ME. Once I finally, straightened out my finances and found a new job, I decided it was time to get back out in the field and meet new people, but my confidence was shortly shot down when a potential date asked me to go to the pool with him and I went to try on my old bathing suit. After thinking omg where'd this come from I stepped on that dreaded scale curious to what it would say. That 169.5 popped up and I thought HELL NO. Something had to change. So 3 weeks ago, I started to change my diet. Less soda, less sugar, more water and trading in those snacks in work for Yogurt, Fruits, and Applesauce. I've lose 5lbs in a 1.5 weeks and I was estactic. Now I've been plateau, what with slipping for a bag of chips here, a bowl of ice cream every now and then and not doing my at home excercises as much. I'm determined to get back to my pre-college weight of 125lbs by my birthday, but need that extra motivation and inspiration. This is where this forum comes in.

I'm interested in hearing others success and struggle stories with weightloss. I'm 5'2" and have always felt that it was really difficult to get started in the weightloss. I feel that I have a good idea of how to do it, I want to know your stories, your strategy to lossing weight. With the research i've done, alot of it says tracking your intake helps motivate toward those goals and thats how i came across MFP. I'm oppitmistic and hopeful to meet others (local and nonlocal) who are going thru what I am going thru.

If you happen to be relatively local, I'd actually be open to meeting up for fitness training. I have never been the one for gyms, but mostly because I hate doing those things by myself. If you are interested, contact me.


  • rosa301
    rosa301 Posts: 2
    Good Luck! I'm just getting back on track as well. Exercise is definitely where I need to stay on track too. Just gotta keep at it! :)
  • tekmuse
    tekmuse Posts: 2 Member
    I am just getting back on the track again. I went to the doctor last week and got weighed realized I need to lost 20 pounds to get to the weight I thought I was. Back injury last year has sidelined me from yoga and now a foot injury is causing my running to suffer. I am hoping by using this site/app I can track my food and find alternative exercise to help me lost about 30 pounds.
    I have some friends that get out and about so I am hoping to solicit their help in exercise. The main issue for me is I am a stress eater, bored eater and I love chocolate. I need to work on my commitment to controlling those habits. I also am gluten free due to sensitivity so finding foods that aren't loaded with fats and sugars to make them taste good is an ongoing battle.
    Good luck on your weight loss journey, good vibes from me to you...stay strong!!
  • I'm a big stress/bored eater too. Thats my biggest challenge.
  • akalaynee
    akalaynee Posts: 1
    I've never been super skinny, and I remember always being conscious that I was bigger than my peers; not a lot bigger, but just bigger.

    I always swore to myself that I'd never go above 200lbs, but that happened, and I wasn't concerned. Surprised, yes, but not concerned.

    The past two years have been a lot of change. Moving in with my boyfriend, a diagnosis of Lupus and adjusting to that, being diagnosed and medicated for anxiety, and a couple job changes.

    Then thankfully, I guess(?), about a week ago my mild OCD latched onto the idea that I was HUGE and UGLY. Which I don't fully believe, but it spurred me into finally doing something serious. I had been going in spurts of running, or going to a gym for the past couple years...but the spurts never really lasted much past a month or so. I also never really watched my eating during those times; i tried to eat healthier, but never really watched calories.

    So, I got the mfp app, started logging my calories and started thinking about the reasons WHY i wanted to eat. Was i bored....probably; could i deal with feeling a little hungry until dinner in a half hour....probably; would an apple be a better snack than those cookies i really want....definitely. Can i still have a cookie or ice cream sometimes....yes, just not all the time and keep in mind the other things i've eaten that day.

    My motivation is being healthy for whatever Lupus could throw, being healthy and at a healthy weight just for my own well being, being a healthy role model for my future children, to be at a point that having a healthy lifestyle isn't something i need to track and think about.

    While I say that my motivations are mostly for health, and they are, I would also like to look a little thinner and feel prettier when I wear a dress or even *gasp* a swimsuit.

    I'm 5'9 and about 210lbs (I don't have a scale, so I'm guessing, but it might be as much as 220lbs). My goal is to be 175 which is range for a healthy weight for my body...then we'll see from there I guess.

    Good luck to you all and may you all have good days and health.
  • nitrospop
    nitrospop Posts: 122 Member
    My motivation was seeing the scale at 292. I decided right then to wage war against my weight. Today will be my very first day back to the gym in 15 years, but I changed my diet 6 weeks ago. Today the scale read 263. That's almost 30 pounds in 6 weeks without starving myself and having plenty of energy. If you'd like to know what I'm doing, send me a PM. Also, feel free to add me as friend.