nutrition class

JBcat123 Posts: 211 Member
so hello everyone. im taking a nutrition course and I was wondering if you can answer these fallowing questions for me. I don't have any people to ask except here so proceed on reading.

1. Do your food choices change under stress?
2. Do you like to snack? What are your favorite snacks?
3. Are you rushed in the morning and as a result skip breakfast? If so, do you substitute a quick alternative like a health bar or sports drink?
4. The "good fats" are an essential part of a healthy diet. Can you name some food sources in which you can obtain these healthy fats?
5. Do you find that certain foods have a negative effect on your health?
6. Are you buying organically grown foods?
7. Could you please give me examples what you think is a good representative of a healthy and balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner?
8. What are you looking for when reading labels?
9. Are you now or have you in the past been on a diet?

I hope some of you would be able to answer these questions. they are not so hard. it would mean tons! :) thanks


  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    1. Do your food choices change under stress? Yes, I tend to want to eat more ice cream and chocolate.
    2. Do you like to snack? Yes, What are your favorite snacks? I like ice cream, dark chocolate-covered pretzels and vanilla flavored Greek yogurt with granola mixed in and some whip cream on top.
    3. Are you rushed in the morning and as a result skip breakfast? No. If so, do you substitute a quick alternative like a health bar or sports drink?
    4. The "good fats" are an essential part of a healthy diet. Can you name some food sources in which you can obtain these healthy fats? I usually get them from coconut and grapeseed oil and nuts.
    5. Do you find that certain foods have a negative effect on your health? Yes.
    6. Are you buying organically grown foods? About 80% of the time, I try to, if they are not too expensive.
    7. Could you please give me examples what you think is a good representative of a healthy and balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner? A healthy breakfast lunch and dinner would entail some lean protein, healthy fats, fruit, green leafy and colorful vegetables, and some kind of whole-grain or carb.
    8. What are you looking for when reading labels? I am looking for sugars, food coloring, artificial flavors, high sodium content, bad fats.
    9. Are you now or have you in the past been on a diet? No, I have just changed the way I eat. So, I am more selective about what I put into my mouth now.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    1. I tend to just eat more of whatever's on hand, anything I can munch on
    2. Yes, I always have snacks during the day. Normally fruit during the day, and something sweet/treatish after dinner
    3. I'm not rushed, but I usually have a protein shake in the morning to keep me going through classes
    4. Nuts, eggs, soymilk, oils
    5. I'm celiac, and lactose intolerant, plus a few other allergies. Other than that, I don't find any foods, in moderation, effect me badly
    6. Not usually. We grow a lot of our own fruit/vege, but we can't afford organic produce otherwise
    7. A good mix of protein, fat and carbs. I try to get fruit/veges into every meal, along with a protein source and some healthy fats
    8. First thing is gluten, then dairy, then calories and sodium.
    9. If diet means cutting calories then yes, but I've always eaten whatever I like, and not cut out specific foods as directed by any sort of 'plan'.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    so hello everyone. im taking a nutrition course and I was wondering if you can answer these fallowing questions for me. I don't have any people to ask except here so proceed on reading.

    1. Do your food choices change under stress? No
    2. Do you like to snack? What are your favorite snacks? I don't snack, I just eat one meal a day, at most 2.
    3. Are you rushed in the morning and as a result skip breakfast? If so, do you substitute a quick alternative like a health bar or sports drink? I never eat breakfast.i don't eat health bars, nothing healthy about them.
    4. The "good fats" are an essential part of a healthy diet. Can you name some food sources in which you can obtain these healthy fats? I eat lots of butter, heavy cream especially when I am travelling. Coconut oil, bacon, full fat cheese, nuts avocado. I eat saturated and mono unsaturated fats and avoid poly unsaturated(omega 6 ) like plague.
    5. Do you find that certain foods have a negative effect on your health? Yes, anything refined makes me feel like crap. I personally eat real food.
    6. Are you buying organically grown foods? Yes but not very particular.
    7. Could you please give me examples what you think is a good representative of a healthy and balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner? I personally eat 75% fat, 20% protein and 5% carbs. I firmly believe that there is no one size fits healthy meal. What's healthy for you might be bad for me.
    8. What are you looking for when reading labels? Sugar
    9. Are you now or have you in the past been on a diet? No. I don't diet, they are temporary. I eat what's good for me not because some one told me to eat or not eat something.

    I hope some of you would be able to answer these questions. they are not so hard. it would mean tons! :) thanks
  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    1. Do your food choices change under stress?
    Yes. I turn to the refined sugars and icecream a lot more than I would otherwise.

    2. Do you like to snack? What are your favorite snacks?
    Carbs. ETA yes, I do snack.

    3. Are you rushed in the morning and as a result skip breakfast? If so, do you substitute a quick alternative like a health bar or sports drink?
    Nope. I make time.

    4. The "good fats" are an essential part of a healthy diet. Can you name some food sources in which you can obtain these healthy fats?
    Avacado and nuts, yeah?

    5. Do you find that certain foods have a negative effect on your health?
    Delicious refined sugars mess with my levels something fierce.

    6. Are you buying organically grown foods?
    Try to.

    7. Could you please give me examples what you think is a good representative of a healthy and balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner?
    Packed oatmeal for brekky, a chicken burrito and some fruit for lunch and like, a steak with taters and veg on the side or something.

    8. What are you looking for when reading labels?
    Calories, protein, whether its got bad fats, whether sugar is high on the ingredients list...that sorta thing.

    9. Are you now or have you in the past been on a diet?
    I was on a VLCD for a week or so?