I think I'm in a rut. Thoughts?

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some suggestions. I haven't really made any progress in awhile, and I'm not quite sure what's up.

Overall, I think I'm eating reasonably well. It's possible that I'm not eating as well as I think I am. A couple of things I'm going to amend are more fresh fruits and vegetables and to cut more sugar out. For instance, I did start adding things to my coffee, but I cut it back and am making an effort to go back to drinking it black again. Today was the first day in awhile I used absolutely no additives in it at all. I do have some incomplete days in my diary, but I generally try to make sure it's complete most days.

As far as exercise goes, I typically do something almost every day. I do at least half an hour a day of running. I've upped that to roughly 45 minutes a day recently. If time at work allows, I try to get out and walk at lunch. I do weight train approximately 6 days a week. I know that sounds like a lot, but my weight training schedule is:
Monday and Thursday: upper body
Tuesday and Friday: lower body
Wednesday and Saturday: abs

Sometimes I don't get to the weight training each day, so sometimes stuff gets lumped up.

My weight seems to go down a few pounds, then it'll jump back up to where it was before. It's driving me insane! I know the number on the scale isn't everything, but I haven't noticed goal jeans fitting any better either.

I do use a heart rate monitor when working out, and I wear a fitbit daily. I have both set up to go for a 1000 calorie deficit, but it's possible the deficit isn't as large as I think it is. Still, it should be large enough for me to be seeing something.

I apologize if any of this sounds confusing. I'm at a loss myself.

Thanks for your time and for any suggestions you might have! :)


  • spikrgrl503
    spikrgrl503 Posts: 247 Member
    You wont get help until you open your diary so we can see how you're eating :)
  • candyandkringle
    candyandkringle Posts: 5 Member
    I forgot to mention that I've tried various deficits. I've tried 250, 500, and 750.
  • candyandkringle
    candyandkringle Posts: 5 Member
    Oops! I completely blanked on that. I've set it to public. :)
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    It would be helpful if you opened your diary.

    But chances are, you're eating more than you think. Do you weigh everything except liquids with a kitchen scale? Do you make sure to account for the hidden stuff, like condiments, liquid calories, etc? If not, that would be the best place to start.

    Also make sure that you correctly account for calories burned. It's very easy to over estimate how much you burn. How many of the calories to you eat back?

    EDIT: you opened your diary as I was responding :tongue:

    I would say definitely make sure you accurately weigh everything you eat. Also beware of calories burned, it may be a bit high (I missed, how are you calculating that).
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    You ...think... you are eating reasonably well. It should read you ...know... you are eating well.
    Measuring is the key to weight loss. Do you use a food scale? Are you logging correctly or at all?
  • candyandkringle
    candyandkringle Posts: 5 Member
    I do measure/weigh what I use before I eat it, and I do try to account for condiments.

    I'm going off of a hrm and fitbit numbers for calories burned. I know they're not perfect, but I'm not sure what else to go off of.

    Thanks! :)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I do weight train approximately 6 days a week. I know that sounds like a lot, but my weight training schedule is:
    Monday and Thursday: upper body
    Tuesday and Friday: lower body
    Wednesday and Saturday: abs

    this is not a lifting schedule. this is just you listing parts of your body and days of the week. also, why do you do abs twice a week? especially two dedicated days to abs?? do you want a bigger stomach?

    as a beginner, you should incorporate strength training, and the best type for beginners is circuit training.

    here are some articles that you should read to help steer you in the right direction.


    lift weights http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2011/07/21/meet-staci-your-new-powerlifting-super-hero/






  • heavydron
    heavydron Posts: 19 Member
    Well at that kind of deficit you should definitely be seeing constant results. If not then some of the above suggestions may help. Here are a few more. Might seem obvious but meat is weight pre-cooking, some people don't realize this. Also, if you have been at that kind of deficit, you need to incorporate higher calorie days once or twice a week to strengthen your metabolism; it adjusts when intake is very low. And remember that sugar from fruit carries calories the same as processed sugar, its just a healthier source (vitamins, etc.) Replacing them won't do much good where fat loss is concerned.
  • candyandkringle
    candyandkringle Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you for the information. I wasn't sure how much detail to go into. I will say that I'm not doing low weights/high reps. I am trying to do the higher weights/lower reps. The ab days are almost a rest day. Those aren't weighted or anything. They're just a series of crunches, leg lifts, etc.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Thank you for the information. I wasn't sure how much detail to go into. I will say that I'm not doing low weights/high reps. I am trying to do the higher weights/lower reps. The ab days are almost a rest day. Those aren't weighted or anything. They're just a series of crunches, leg lifts, etc.

    read this article, in regards to your ab training.

  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Thank you for the information. I wasn't sure how much detail to go into. I will say that I'm not doing low weights/high reps. I am trying to do the higher weights/lower reps. The ab days are almost a rest day. Those aren't weighted or anything. They're just a series of crunches, leg lifts, etc.

    Maybe pick up one of those home workout videos and start following? I find them more organized and every new program shocks my body in a good way for a while. :)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I felt I was in a rut since this Feb...but only last couple of weeks, I started seeing result again...not the number on the scale or anything, but my clothes start fitting better, and the pictures shart showing more definitions. I look leaner for longer time now.. It used to be lean for a day then bloated for another week...