Low carb success ?

Alright im all about a well rounded diet .
But to lose the last couple pounds , has anybody went low carb & kept the weight off after they transitioned back into a regular amount of carbs ? Im talking about going low carb without changing cals up at all . So basically replacing those calories from carbs with calories from protein ?


  • rudy336
    rudy336 Posts: 66 Member
    well, i switched from white bread to whole wheat bread and have had pretty decent results. down about 14 pounds since march. i do exercise too, cardio about 4 days a week and 2 days of weightlifting. give the low carb a try. but try switching from white bread to whole wheat and see what happens. it worked for me.
  • NikkiX0X0
    NikkiX0X0 Posts: 16
    Low carb works for me . Im just worried about when i transition carbs back into my diet .
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    Carbs are carbs and your body can't tell whether something is white or whole wheat. Low Carb is sustainable long term. I have lost 111 lbs and kept it off for almost 3 years now. I time my carbs around my exercise and then don't eat complex carbs for the rest of the day.

    Why do you feel that you need to transition carbs back in?
  • NikkiX0X0
    NikkiX0X0 Posts: 16
    When I eat low carb I eat under 40g carbs a day and I just don't see myself doing that forever . I mean...what are holidays without carbs ? & What is life without fruit ? Lol . I don't wanna do that long term . For those of you who can do that , congrats...its just not for me long term .

    But at the same time , I cant cut anymore calories . Not because I don't want to , but because I used to have an eating disorder
    and I refuse to get carried away with lowering calories .

    I want to lose about 10lbs eating low carb , which I totally know I can do . But I don't want to put in the work if when I add carbs back in im just gunna gain it back .
  • fit_rox
    fit_rox Posts: 83
    I have the same issue as you with "low carb"; it just doesn't seem sustainable in the long term for my personal preference. Maybe you could try carb cycling?

  • NikkiX0X0
    NikkiX0X0 Posts: 16
    Ive tried it before , it worked .
    Some reason I like binged on carbs after like 3 weeks of it , decided I had already screwed up , and kept eating hella carbs lol .

    I just wanna hear from someone who has successfully transitioned from low carb back to regular macros without gaining all the weight back ....but im starting to think that person doesn't exist .
  • hoca1001
    hoca1001 Posts: 8
    Perhaps you need a different diet then? Low carb is not meant to simply lose weight- it's supposed to be a way of eating. If you start adding carbs in like you did before, you will most likely gain weight. Unless you follow calories diligently every day, in which case it might be possible. Most people on LCHF don't even count calories, however, they simply lose weight because of the diet itself (of course staying full because of fats are the reason they don't eat as much which in turn means they are eating less calories, but you get the point) But then you'll most likely go back to feeling hungry throughout the day because carbs are not filling at all for very long.

    Once you are on maintenance, you can of course add more carbs in so that you are maintaining weight not losing it. However, if you add more carbs and you start gaining again, you'll know that you need to dial it down a little.

    *Edit* And if you are only worried about eating carbs for like holidays, you'll be fine. A few days will not completely make you gain everything that you have lost.

    *Double Edit* you can still eat fruit... just make sure they are berries. And if you want to splurge on fruit, just make sure that the rest of your day you are watching what other carbs there are. Fruit is sugar so even though it has some nutritional value, it's nature's CANDY, so eating tons of it on any diet is not going to be good for you.