Any way to totally resolve runners knee?

I started having knee problems a couple of years ago. The orthopaedic said it is runners knee - gave me some exercises to do at home (very simple: leg lifts, workin with small ball, etc.). I've had several cycles where it'll get to feeling better... but then I can do something random that results in it getting aggravated again and I have to start all over - if it's really bad I can barely walk on it for up to a week.

Extremely frustrated with this and want it over!! Would love to get going on more challenging exercise to tone up but I'm scared (yep, I'm a wuss when it comes to pain!). Any tips on how to keep this knee "pain free" would be GREATLY appreciated!!


  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    bump...same problem here...
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I had a similar problem in college and it was a result of inflamed or "shiny" cartiledge in my knee. The cure? 9 months of no running/jogging/or exercises that would put undue stress on my knee. That was the worst 9 months of my life because I had just started to enjoy running! I did get over it, but I will occasionally have issues. I've found the best way to make sure it didn't come back was to get really good running shoes for my feet that fit my arches well (althought they're not cheap), and to change up my gait (I have long legs but I was taking short strides; when I lengthened my strides running just overall felt better). I also take glucosomine w/chondroitin (sp?) to help strengthen my joints and ligaments and that seems to help. I hope you find something that works for you, good luck!
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    Yep 58 and mine pops and is sore occasionally. I, too, take a glucosamine/chondroitin supplement. I would make sure you're taking a good quality supplement (I use for verification). I've also worn a magnet brace from time to time. Whatever works. I'm not going to stay off my legs for several months! That's for sure! Good luck!!!
  • livingthegoodlife
    livingthegoodlife Posts: 18 Member
    Did some more research. First thing -I'll be getting some new shoes at a running store. The foam roller appears to be a great tool to get the most out of the simple exercises. Will also be looking into the supplements. Glad to hear this problem CAN be a thing of the past!