Bad Egg or What???

GelasiaT Posts: 74 Member
Hello all,

I have a dilemma, not sure if anyone else has experienced this but hoping to get some insight here. About two years ago I started getting very sick(nauseated, vomiting)whenever I ate eggs. At first I thought it was just maybe I had possibly bought some bad eggs, so I continued eating them. After a while I noticed that this almost always happened whenever I ate them and so I did some research and came up with the conclusion that I may have developed a sensitivity to eggs. The problem is I really love eggs, and they are filled with so much nutritional value. I thought that maybe if I ate the egg substitutes it would be better, however I believe that is what places like McD use and I've eaten their eggs before with the same result. I'm at a lost, I don't want to give up on eating eggs and I refuse to feel sick just to have them.

Has anyone else experienced this type of thing? Is there any other substitutes out there that could possibly fill the place of real eggs? I appreciate any advice anyone has to help me figure this thing out.



  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    Sounds like you're allergic to eggs, but you can get an allergy test to confirm. I'd be bummed too! If you are allergic, unfortunately you'd have to avoid everything egg related. Maybe there's some sort of vegan egg substitute out there?
  • jwhackers84
    jwhackers84 Posts: 43 Member
    I, too, developed what I believe is a sensitivity or intolerance to eggs. I can eat them when they are baked into things, but eating them fried up for breakfast gives me horrible stomach pain. Especially if I were to eat just the whites. I went off eggs for two years because of it. I just today, actually, tried them again and had two eggs for breakfast. No pain today. So I think I can probably eat them occasionally, but eating them constantly like I was is a no go for me. I also think that my sensitivity is to the egg whites. Though, someone mentioned to me that I might try fresh or organic eggs as my sensitivity might not be to the eggs themselves but instead to what the chickens are being fed. Food for thought.
  • Hozman121
    Hozman121 Posts: 76 Member
    I have never tried it but I do see people substituting egg with tofu. I have seen it scrambled with veggies.
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    I've read online before that some people who are sensitive to chicken eggs can comfortably eat duck eggs, I'm not sure quite how accurate that info was but several people had commented confirming that a duck egg switch had worked for them. I know a couple of people who substitute eggs with thick applesauce.
  • GelasiaT
    GelasiaT Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks everyone. I will definitely look into trying your recommendations. Someone also told me to try powdered eggs, however I have no idea where to get them from.