In need of some serious motivation...

I've been on MFP since Feb 1st, and I am down 22lbs so far (down from 223 to 201). Everything was going great for the first couple of months, but my progress has completely stalled over the last month or so. I've been gaining and losing the same 3 lbs. I really am trying hard to break into the 100s for good, so I'd appreciate whatever input I can get. I feel like I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, but may be I'm wrong.

I am almost finished with my C25k program, so I do that 4 times a week, last week I started adding in some body weight resistance, and on my off days, I try to get my 10000 steps in through my fitbit. I try to eat back about half of my exercise calories every day. Also, while I've been notorious for not drinking water, I've been choking down around 10 cups a day for the last week. I weigh everything I eat with my food scale, and I use measuring cups as a plan b if I am at my in laws.

Is there something I'm missing? Or do I just need to ride it out? If so, how long will this last before I start dropping weight again.


  • deevalentine
    deevalentine Posts: 10 Member
    June 18, 2014 10:24 PM
    Hi, I really can relate to what youre going thru I have been on a yo-yo ride with weight forever. I started with mfp last year i had tons of support but then the holidays hit and I fail terribly! I gained back all the weight i lost and i lost all the friends that supported me. So Im truly starting back over again, It is my goal this time to loose this weight and make a life style change so that i will never gain it back again not even during holidays and events. I like friends that reply back and really motivate each other when they can because this is what i do! I will be sending you a friend request and if you add me i will support you all the way! I love motivation!
  • Andiebeanluvsu
    Andiebeanluvsu Posts: 105 Member
    Ack!! My post got buried in a bunch of spam. Hope no one minds if I bump this?