Having a hard time getting protein....

mykosfemme Posts: 9 Member
I meet my calorie goals pretty closely, sometimes over, sometimes under, but within 200 calories. However, I am always very behind on protein, and too high on sugar and fat. Suggestions on how I can change my diet to meet my protein needs? I'm usually not super over my sugar and fat goals, but my protein is REALLY under!


  • AnchoredinHimfitness
    I eat A LOT of lean meats. Chicken, talapia, Salmon & turkey! I do also drink a protein shake every day.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    What is your protein goal? I don't eat meat and I get a good amount of protein. Start my day with a meal smoothie and 30 grams of protein
  • mykosfemme
    mykosfemme Posts: 9 Member
    Today the goal was 82 and I got 72. This was the best day I've had so far. I don't really like meat. I'm not a vegetarian, but I struggle to eat meat like I probably should - I just don't like it very much. Should I drink protein drinks to make up for the deficit? One day I was 30 behind!
  • kori0424
    kori0424 Posts: 25 Member
    I do protein shakes every morning. And I make protein balls with my protein powder, raw honey, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, chopped almonds and cocoa powder for flavor.
  • lockeddoor
    lockeddoor Posts: 103 Member
    I am not a fan of meat either, at least not in the quantities that Americans eat them (I'm from South Korea originally). I'm not a vegetarian, but I don't even like eating meat every day. It just seems excessive to me, but I guess not, since I'm always under.

    I eat tofu, nuts, cheese, yogurt, milk, small amounts of meat, eggs, and I also bought protein powder. I still generally fall short, and this is something I need to work on.

    I mix my protein powder into milk on days where I'm really behind, as that tends to be a pretty big dose right there. It doesn't taste that great, so I tend to add ice as well (it tastes better REALLY cold). I don't do anything fancy because I hate cleaning my blender LOL
  • PatriciaRicotta
    PatriciaRicotta Posts: 7 Member
    Try Jay Robb protein powder it taste pretty good. Do you like eggs? Greek yogurt is great for protein to.
    WHOZYERMAMA Posts: 3 Member
    Protein foods: Egg whites, tofu, can of tuna, cottage cheese, sushi, chicken, turkey (lean). I drink 3 protein drinks a day, depending on workouts and when you can't eat, take casein protein shake...high in protein and slow digestion protein so serves as a meal replacement when you can't get to food. Regular protein (isolate) is fast digesting (best for before & after workouts). Check out Jamie Eason's turkey meatloaf muffin...easy to make and easy to carry and eat on the go. Here is a protein intake calculator : http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/caltp.htm
    Figure out your intake and then divide that by how many meals you have...break it up evenly if you want and plan, plan, plan. It's a lot of work planning. It's like a travel itinerary, but a food itinerary. Once you've planned it, all you have to do is follow it !!
  • greyseale
    greyseale Posts: 5 Member
    Egg whites are a good choice, too. Maybe egg white omelette with loads of veggies? I use the kind that come in a carton, and combine with a few regular eggs to make a nice hearty breakfast that is loaded with protein. I add a protein shake as well in the afternoon. I don't mind eating meat, though I tend to eat more fish than chicken or beef.
  • mykosfemme
    mykosfemme Posts: 9 Member
    I am the same way, I cannot eat meat every day. It's so heavy and I just don't like the taste of it often. Most of my diet is roughage. I'll definitely try protein powder!
  • mykosfemme
    mykosfemme Posts: 9 Member
    I've always tried to avoid tofu because it's so processed but perhaps now is the time, until I get over the "hump". Plus, I do like the way it tastes! I'll remember the greek yogurt suggestion as well, I'm definitely all right with yogurt.
  • mykosfemme
    mykosfemme Posts: 9 Member
    If I do eat meat, I'll try for more fish. It is light enough so that I don't feel "bogged down" and still good healthy protein.... I'll try doing fish for dinner and protein shakes/concoctions for lunch. Thanks guys!
  • patrickfish7
    patrickfish7 Posts: 190 Member
    This mornings breakfast: USN Ultra-Lean shake and 3-egg scrambled with a yellow pepper - 354 calories, 44g protein. Problem solved.
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    I'm vegan and you don't need that much protein. Look up bite sized vegan. She's tiny, she can sport a 6 pack and her latest video shows that she consumes 48 g of protein. There's loads of vegans who are like that and don't "get enough" by whatever current trend is going on.