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Morning or Evening Workouts?

Which is better? I want to get up earlier..but it is so hard!!

If I do it in the evening then I am wide awake! HELP!!

I work full time and have 2 little ones that are quite a handful!


  • Wellllll! I can't get up early either...i rather sleep haha! :) I usually go at 5---so by the time i get home i still have a while to relax and calm down before bed :)
  • I get up at 5am to go to the gym and workout for half an hour before going to work. During those days, I actually have more energy than if I hadn't worked out. So I prefer morning workouts to start my day.
  • mishamae
    mishamae Posts: 307 Member
    I started off doing evening workouts because I felt I had more energy than in the morning...Mornings i`m very sleepy and sluggish. I have started doing the mid-day, but idk if that is an option for you because you work full-time :) I would suggest when ever you have the most energy and time. Morning always seems ideal because then you are done, you`ll have energy during the day, but it`s tough to commit too! I hear ya :)
  • Edestiny7
    Edestiny7 Posts: 730 Member
    I would LOVE to workout out first thing in the morning, BEFORE eating, but can not get myself out of bed to do it. I read a study that showed that was the only way to purely burn fat and build muscle. Even if eating healthy, when exercising later in the day, the muscle was marbled with fat. Yuck.
  • CarlaAnn15
    CarlaAnn15 Posts: 55 Member
    I prefer Evenings. I have the Wii Biggest Loser and have it set up for a 12 week Challenge. When I know I have a workout scheduled (which isn't every day), I get up early and do it in the morning then in the evening I work out burning the rest of the calories I have set as a daily goal. I find if I do my workouts in the morning, I eat more all day

    One thing to remember, if you have 10 minutes in the day, it's ok to do a 10 minute workout 3 or 4 times a day. You still are burning calories, just not all at the same time!!!

    Good Luck to you on your weight loss and whatever option you choose!

  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member

    That way it doesn't NOT happen.

    If you make it a priority to do it first thing each day it will always happen & nothing gets in the way of my workout at 6:30am

    As Chalene Johnson says..."I am not a morning person, but I AM a disciplined individual."
  • If you're doing cardio, then mornings on an empty stomach are best. Why? Because you have low glycogen levels in the morning which are used up quickly.. Then, your body goes to the next available source for it's energy, which is fat!
    So, the result is that your body begins to burn fat sooner resulting in more fat loss in the exercise period.
    I hope this helps. :smile:
  • RLeighP
    RLeighP Posts: 232 Member
    I figure, whatever works best for you. I don't have time in the morning, unless I get up around 4 and I'm just not doing that, so I go to the gym after work (between 3 and 4) and then my classes are at 5 two days a week, so afternoons are great for me. I love going at night too. Quoting another study; this one said that afternoon workouts provide the best burn because your muscles are already warmed up. I do know that I can manage a much more intense workout in the afternoon versus the morning. But think of it this way, no matter what time you're getting the workout, at least you're getting it, right? :)
  • I say evenings. I also have two little ones and I used to try to workout in the morning before they woke up. I've changed it so that I work out in the evenings (after dinner and homework) and let them have video game or computer time then. They have been waiting all day to play a game and they don't interrupt me:) It is working out very well!
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    The best time to workout is the time when you can commit to it every day, be it mornings or afternoons.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I would LOVE to workout out first thing in the morning, BEFORE eating, but can not get myself out of bed to do it. I read a study that showed that was the only way to purely burn fat and build muscle. Even if eating healthy, when exercising later in the day, the muscle was marbled with fat. Yuck.

    I'll be the first to admit I don't know everything about human phisioligy....but that is BS.

    The time of day does not change chemical reactions in the body, or the physics of "working out" If there is a difference in calories burned/muscle reaction it's negligable.

    Bottom line: Work out when you'll work out consistantly. If you have trouble getting up in the morning, don't work out then. If you're like me and like getting up and getting after it...do it. Just don't not work out because there is this preception of a right or wrong time.
  • jpaul505
    jpaul505 Posts: 4 Member
    I have to agree with Steve up there about doing the cardio in the am before breakfast to burn the most fat. Five years ago when I lost 110lbs in 8 and a half months that was always my rule. It really worked good for me then but now I am doing my cardio after supper because it really helps me not to crave the bad food choices late at night which is my worst enemy.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I'm totally NOT a morning person, so I'll never be able to swing a morning workout. It takes me two hours just to be able move around without running into walls!*LOL*

    I'm a teacher, so I pack my workout clothes in my car. Immediately after school lets out (3:20pm), I drive to the gym and workout. I find that if I do this, I don't have time to sit around and tire out or think of excuses NOT to workout. Also, it's still early enough in the afternoon that it won't mess with my sleep cycle.

    Hope this helps!
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I put my elliptical beside my bed with my shoes, so I just get on and do it. If I leave it till later in the day, I can find 20 reasons (excuses) not to do it. So for me, morning works best:smile:
  • I usually workout mid-day or evenings. I think as long as you make time to workout, than that's all that matters!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm a stay at home mom so for me, it happens when it happens. But I try to go as early as possible just so I get it out of the way.
  • meanje
    meanje Posts: 2 Member
    The great thing about working out in the mprning is you do not have to think about doing it all day because it is already done. I suggest if you can get to bed 1/2 hour earlier so it will be easier to get up a 1/2 hour earlier. I currently am doing 25 minutes in th emorning and 17 minutes at 7pm. Have not had trouble sleeping yet but I know the night one takes motivation.
  • PediNurse67
    PediNurse67 Posts: 66 Member
    I prefer morning work outs. I usually go to the gym for 5/5:15am. Lay out your gym clothes before bed so all you have to do is get dressed, brush your teeth & leave. I know it's hard getting out of bed at that time but once you do it, you'll feel fabulous. You have the entire day with out having to worry when you'll get your work out in. It's also a plus to know how many extra calories you've earned for the day instead of worrying about burning them at the end of the day (if you've gone over).
  • The best time to workout is the time when you can commit to it every day, be it mornings or afternoons.

    This is GREAT advice...I was gonna write whenever you can get it in, I work overnights 3 nights a week so I do it whenever I can get it in

    good luck
  • pammbroo
    pammbroo Posts: 550 Member
    I'm a fan of early morning workouts. Yes, getting up at 4:30am SUCKS! But once I'm at the gym and get my workout done, I feel so much better mentally and physically. Also since using this site, it helps with daily meal planning and calorie counting. I know first thing what my totals should be for the day and I can plan accordingly.

    Good luck to you!