Victoza users?

I have taken Victoza now for about 3 months.I have lost about 25 lbs since starting it. I am very close to my goal weight now...10 more to go. I take it for high sugar levels as well as weight loss. Victoza has made it easy to control my appetite. I am terrified that once I stop, my ravenous appetite will come back.
I am hoping that this is not the case...Can anyone share their experience after going off Victoza? It has worked great for me, I just dont want to be on it forever:) Thanks!


  • sweetaddict123
    sweetaddict123 Posts: 116 Member
    I just started taking Victoza yesterday and wanted to hear about some who've been on it also! I'm on Lantus injections 100 units daily. I told my doctor that I'm hungry all the time and he said it was the insulin. So he recommended the Victoza. I've read a few scary stories about it, so your story gives me hope!!!
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    It's been a few years since I last used it but I never really felt any change in my hunger during and after I stopped using it.
  • Suegoetz
    Suegoetz Posts: 2 Member
    i stayed on Victoza for about year. I was nauseas the entire time. I finally went off of it.
  • suttercm
    suttercm Posts: 189 Member
    I've been on Victoza for nearly 3 years. Have lost 60 lbs and have been keeping by blood sugars down (started with an A1C of 13.9, currently 5.4). I would think that if you weaned off of it slowly you would not experience any dramatic changes in appetite because your body is already used to less food/sugar that you used to take in. Just my 2 cents worth.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Update: I have been off of it for a couple of weeks now. I have been a little hungrier, not nearly as much as before taking the Victoza. I definitely still feel in control. I always felt a little nauseous on it as well, and that is gone. I am not quite at goal weight, but close enough! If it hadn't been for Victoza, I would still be fighting an endless battle. Good luck to all of you!
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I just started taking Victoza yesterday and wanted to hear about some who've been on it also! I'm on Lantus injections 100 units daily. I told my doctor that I'm hungry all the time and he said it was the insulin. So he recommended the Victoza. I've read a few scary stories about it, so your story gives me hope!!!

    My doctor said the same thing about the hunger, for me it was true!
    So, let me start by telling you, start slowly!! I almost quit initially because I could barely eat. I was nauseous and had indigestion constantly. This DID eventually go away. It has taught me how to eat proper portion sizes, and I feel so much more in control now. I think now my sugars are at a normal level so I do not get that "crash" around 3:30 that I used to. It has made me a healthier person, off blood pressure meds too (as long as I maintain my weight/exercise level) I will send you a friend request, if you ever want to talk about it.
  • sweetaddict123
    sweetaddict123 Posts: 116 Member
    I took .6mm the first 3 days and I was amazed. Then doc told me to increase to 1.2mm... I did have maybe a small amount of nausea yesterday, but I think I can handle it... lol.... My cravings are gone! I'm just hoping beyond hope that they stay gone. My sugars have been really good, even crashing in the middle of the night. So I started to decrease very little and see where that goes. Love that I have a fellow Victoza user!!!
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I was on .6 for much longer than the doctor said. I was very nauseous and did not up it until I felt like I could handle it. I do know someone who did not listen to her body when it said she was not hungry and she "ate through" it and did not lose weight. It is amazing and sometimes I miss it but, I am doing well, still losing. I see you are having success at your "check ins". I wish you continued success, I cannot wait to hear how you do!
  • LittleMsJai
    LittleMsJai Posts: 19
    My doctor just prescribed this to me for my PCOS and I'm anxious to start. Congrats to all you ladies who have had success. :)
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    My doctor just prescribed this to me for my PCOS and I'm anxious to start. Congrats to all you ladies who have had success. :)

    Good luck to you too!
  • My doctor also just prescribed this for me. I have been on it for about 10 days, but I'm down about 4 pounds, and have already increased to the 1.2 and the only side effect I've had is some headaches. I can deal with it! First time in forever the scale has gone the OTHER way!
  • LadyThanata
    LadyThanata Posts: 91 Member
    Just got prescribed this. Looking for friends that have been on this or who are on t for advice and support. I take it everyday at 3 pm. I noticed I'm a little more tired and I wake up feeling nauseous but not like super bad or anything really. I'm thinking maybe take it sooner and sleep through the mild sickness ?
  • Iv been on it now for about 7months and iv lost 28lbs but my Dr. Said the slower the better, I have high anxiety from it,makes my heart race and I have heart burn like u wouldn't believe, also I get prescribed nausea medication and I take it in the morning when I wake up and it helps all day. I'm happy to be on this except for feeling anxious and my blood pressure has been a little high oh plus headaches from hell they come and go but for the most part I'm excited about losing more weight and I'm happy my doc put me on it.