Rest Days

I usually take 2 rest days off per week but not always consecutively, but as I'm upping my workout regiment, I'm finding I get a bit sorer than I used to.

Do you typically take your rest days off together or break them up? Do you know if there is any major benefit in giving your muscles 48 hours to recover versus 24?

Thank you!


  • Aliciaaah
    Aliciaaah Posts: 379 Member
    Personally, I only take off one day when I have a rest day. Unless there are some circumstances that make it harder to workout, or I decide to take an entire weekend off.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    I tend to listen to my body. Today is a rest day - It was supposed to be a run day, but I just feel exhausted, not physically, mentally. Like I could put my head on my desk and sleep for a couple of hours. Last three days were Legs, Run, Upper body.

    I think 48 hours gives you a chance to come back fully refreshed - but I also think it depends on age. (I'm 52 - which, however much I want it to be is not the reverse - 25 :wink: )

    The plan tomorrow is the run I missed today.
  • civilizedworm
    civilizedworm Posts: 796 Member
    Monday & Tuesday: total rest, unless I'm chasing my preschooler around.

    Friday: is kinda of an optional rest day, but I usually don't and take that evening to run and work on core.

    All others are workout days.

    Every day I feed.
  • I like the term "Feed". I struggle with rest days and meal plan. It sounds like your meal plan is the same each day... regardless of work out schedule. Is my understanding correct?

    BTW - I too am 52 and struggling with it not being the reverse of 25!:wink:
  • Cinnamonhuskies
    Cinnamonhuskies Posts: 78 Member
    if I have a busy Saturday or Sunday, it ends up being a rest day. Otherwise I always do something...even if it's a 2mile walk with the dog or 20 minutes of yoga on the wii-u.
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    I don't take rest days (unless I'm really hungover... happens about once a month).

    However, I try to vary my workouts enough that they're not repetitive and boring. I run almost every day, but I try to vary the distance. If I do a long run one day, I'll usually follow it up with a short run the next, but then add in a fun activity.

    Yesterday I did close to 10 miles on the road, so this morning I did a 3mile trail run at a slow pace. Then I went out kayaking for 45 minutes. Other days I'll go for long bike rides, or go hiking.

    Sunday is usually the only day I'll skip a run. It has more to do with my work schedule than anything else. When I do skip the run, I make up for it by riding my bike to work (10miles each way).
  • IndecisiveGirl2013
    IndecisiveGirl2013 Posts: 67 Member
    I normally take a rest day on Sunday and sometimes Monday as well. Depends if I feel I need a longer recharge or not.
  • pishposh12
    pishposh12 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks for all of the input! I'm basically trying to decide if I need a second day in a row or if I should just do it, and whether it would be more beneficial to take 2 days in a row or space them out...