Insanity help

I've recently started doing the Insanity workout. I did the first week and a half, then an injury got in the way, so I took a week off to recover, then started again. However, I can't make it through a single workout without crying and my arms and legs refusing to move. Either I pause the video to stop crying, or the video just runs it's course and I don't technically complete it. I'm not unfit, I swim three times a week, I belly dance every day, and I go jogging every night, as well as working 9 or 11 hour shifts running around at a pub 4 days a week. Does anyone have any tips on how to overcome this?


  • Hi. I think you might be overdoing it. If you do belly dancing and run everyday, then also swim and do Insanity, it might be to much.
  • abibubble
    abibubble Posts: 6
    The reason I started Insanity was because the other stuff stopped feeling like work
    They don't take effort any more than walking down the road does. And I'm still in need of losing weight
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    calorie deficit is how you lose weight- not over exercising yourself to the point of tears.

    pick a thing to work on and do that. Focus on your diet.
  • asdelmonte
    asdelmonte Posts: 171 Member
    calorie deficit is how you lose weight- not over exercising yourself to the point of tears.

    pick a thing to work on and do that. Focus on your diet.


    So much this! You need for whatever you do to lose the weight to be sustainable. It doesn't sound like what you are doing right now is sustainable. You should enjoy it, not cry about it.
  • ronaldheft
    ronaldheft Posts: 8 Member
    When you first start insanity, take it easy. Don't worry about keeping pace with the trainers in the video. Focus on the form, even if that means only doing a few reps each round. The form is what's important and the rest will come with time.
  • abibubble
    abibubble Posts: 6
    I've reduced my calorie intake by half, any less and I pass out constantly. However, I'll calm the Insanity down. I thought the point of it was keeping up with Shaun, he keeps saying to stay at his pace
  • I've reduced my calorie intake by half, any less and I pass out constantly. However, I'll calm the Insanity down. I thought the point of it was keeping up with Shaun, he keeps saying to stay at his pace

    How long have you been doing high intensity cardio? Insanity is not meant for beginners, it says so right in the disclaimer. I suggest looking for some different cardio workouts on youtube (fitness blender is a personal fave) that you can easily modify. Maybe put the insanity off until your stamina increases a bit.
  • babe077
    babe077 Posts: 16 Member
    With the extra cardio you seem to be doing it could be you aren't eating enough. You might be low on energy. Increase your intake by 150-200 for a week and see if it makes a difference.
  • abibubble
    abibubble Posts: 6
    I've done other cardio stuff before, but nothing set out workout-wise, and nothing quite as insane... An I'll try increasing my calorie intake a bit... Thanks for the suggestions, guys :)