Shredz Alpha Female

Has anyone tried shredz and seen results? I Read good and bad things, and read that the good reviews were from those that work for the company, or are friends with the owner. Wanted to see if there is anyone with experience with this product out there.


  • shannag15
    shannag15 Posts: 1
    I've been taking the alpha female stack for about 3 weeks. I love the Fat Burner and the creatine...the multivitamin gives me headaches, but I'm kind of sensitive to vitamin c in supplement form. I fast walk/jog in intervals at 10% incline for 30 min 5-6 days a week and also do the Transform part of Tracy Anderson's Metamorphasis video and I've seen great results. I feel like the supplements are definitely helping in leaning me out and I see definition that I haven't seen in a long time. I'm not sensitive to caffeine but if you are, take the fat burner with food and see how you feel first. I would take one for the first three days and then move to two, but don't take the second later than 3pm or you could have trouble sleeping. I'm very happy with my results so far and I'm going to do a full 8 weeks on it and see where it takes me! Good luck!
  • I am about to start the shredz stack, is there a special diet I have to follow or will I be good if I just eat clean and healthy?
  • skinnyfat14
    skinnyfat14 Posts: 107 Member
    I just ordered the fat burner and I'm curious to see how I'll like it. Excited to try it out.