Running in the mornings?

Anybody else feel like poop running early? It'd be so much easier for me to run before work, but i feel so crappy running right out of bed. I can't eat anything before, because of medical stuff, I can't eat anything until 1 hr after i've woken up. I've been considering bringing a gu with me to eat after a half hour into the run, but I'm worried about ehat theyd do to my stomach. Without any food in me, 4 miles is my limit in the AM.

Anybody have any tips? Thank you!


  • Hmmm, I have never run (haha) into this issue, but maybe wake up earlier and eat then run? sorry for the lack of input
  • charlatte987
    charlatte987 Posts: 27 Member
    I would but that means waking up at 4 AM :c sorry haha
  • EllaIsNotEnchanted
    EllaIsNotEnchanted Posts: 226 Member
    See if it's just getting accustomed to a routine. In about 3 weeks you have done the routine and still feel bad- something has got to change. However, new adjustments are always going to cause some minor struggle (even if it is all mental). If you are worried about gu it is just a quick amount of calories. If gu makes your stomach unsettled there's other quick calorie products out there. You just need to develop a routine and see what works with your body. Also, if you are starting with running and supplementing-train away with what works for you.
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    Try a protein shake instead of Gu? Can still bring it with and drink it while you run. I second the getting into a routine. As I've gotten in better shape, I find I need less sleep, and can wake up fairly easy at 5am.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    I would but that means waking up at 4 AM :c sorry haha

    Nothing wrong with getting up at 4am. I hit snooze, take the dog out, make lunches and then exercise from 5:30 to 6:30. Then shower breakfast and at work for 7:30. Of course you have to adjust your bed time also.............

    I'm too bagged to exercise when I get home. If you want it badly enough, you find a way.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I run early, especially in summer to beat the heat - out the door at 5:30 on the really hot days. I don't eat anything, just drink some water, get my gear on and go. The hardest part is just getting out the door, but once I'm out there I love it. It's quiet, hardly any traffic, I get the cool of the morning and see the sunrise.

    I have no issues running in a fasted state, however my max distance is usually only about 5 miles this time of year, so it's not a problem.
  • Kickinkim418
    Kickinkim418 Posts: 257 Member
    I feel my best when I run first thing in the morning! I'm not a morning person, but when I do get up between 5-5:30 to go running, I feel great!!! It's nice and cool and there's hardly any traffic out there! Plus, I can go about the rest of my day knowing that I already got my run in! I usually have a few sips of coffee before I head out the door and that's it. I eat breakfast after...I feel at my worst if I go running later in the day!
  • zephyrq
    zephyrq Posts: 22 Member
    I prefer running first thing in the AM - it makes me get my exercise in before I can think of any excuses to avoid it. Though I have to admit that it sucks during the winter when it's both dark and cold out.
  • taytaylynn3
    taytaylynn3 Posts: 601
    I feel great running in the mornings. It's a nice way to start out the day. It's even better knowing you don't have to worry about it after work either!
  • I feel great running in the mornings. It's a nice way to start out the day. It's even better knowing you don't have to worry about it after work either!

    She is so right! I feel half dead when I roll out of bed, but after the first mile or so, I feel great!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    It takes time to adapt. I thought I'd never be able to lift in the morning, now I prefer it!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    4 miles is nothing to sneeze at, empty stomach or not. good for you!

    if you want to have a GU, you need to have some water with it, because of the way it's absorbed with the body.

    can you have a cup of coffee when you wake up? thats what i do, have a cup of coffee while i wake up and get dressed, go to the bathroom, etc. usually out the door after 30 minutes, quick warm up, and then i'm off running.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    4 miles is nothing to sneeze at, empty stomach or not. good for you!

    if you want to have a GU, you need to have some water with it, because of the way it's absorbed with the body.

    can you have a cup of coffee when you wake up? thats what i do, have a cup of coffee while i wake up and get dressed, go to the bathroom, etc. usually out the door after 30 minutes, quick warm up, and then i'm off running.

    Actually probaby best to have some fluid in the system before running in the am. I had a situation awhile ago where I ran without having tea or water first thing in the am. The jostling must have upset my bladder as my pee was red for the next couple of evacuations. Now the first thing I do in the am (after walking the dog) is 16oz of water.