Am I building muscle or not losing weight?

I have lost 62lbs since December. After hitting a plateau for a month I disciplined myself back to keep losing weight, but I'm not seeing the same amount of weight loss that I did when I first started. I know the first pounds were easier to task as they we more retained liquids (is that correct) but still, I went beyond the first 10-15lbs. Now I'm getting frustrated because even when I'm working out every day (run about 1/2 hour 3x a week, and P90X 3x a week) and eat around 1400-1500 calories I'm not noticing significant weight loss. One thing I have noticed, though, is that my calves and thighs are starting to define, as well as my chest.

Is there a chance that I'm not seeing "weight loss" because I might actually be building muscle? If so, would I still be lean and slim? Honestly, I don't mind if I'm heavy with muscle but my goal is to fit a 30"-32" pair of jeans at the end. :P

Thank you for your response.


  • Aliciaaah
    Aliciaaah Posts: 379 Member
    This is sort of what I'm going through right now.

    I'm about 190lbs, give or take 5lbs for good and bad days. And I've been this weight for months. My lowest weight was about 160 after losing 60lbs on MFP. I was about 170ish in November. I got up to about 190 by Late February/Early March.

    The first week of March I started lifting heavy. I incorporate some cardio here and there, but usually just for a quick warm up/cool down, or an occasional day where I'll go for a run or something. After 3 1/2 months of this, I still weigh almost exactly the same.

    The changes in my body are phenomenal though. All my muscles pop now, and I fit into a pair of shorts now that weren't even close just about 3-4 weeks ago. Sometimes you just have to be honest with yourself, evaluate if you're doing the right things, and have faith that it's working for you.

    I'll see if I can find a comparison picture to post.
  • bv109
    bv109 Posts: 83
    no. you are either building muscle and gaining weight or losing both. you dont get one with the other unless you on dat dere. only exception MAY be for newb gains.

    as long as youre losing weight (assuming that is your goal), then whether it is significant or not...does not matter?