20lb weight loss success stories

hnyzthms Posts: 393 Member

I am currently at 155lb started at 164lb. I was wondering if there are any success stories for people who stared at around the 164lb and have reached 145lb.

Did it makes a difference in looks (size wise) did u drop a dress size etc?

I know a lot of people will probably think this is obvious. But so far I haven't noticed a difference and need a motivation boost or do I need to be aiming lower than 145lb?

Thanks guys


  • LittleDoodlePoodle
    LittleDoodlePoodle Posts: 154 Member
    Bump because I want to see this too!
  • millyvanilli321
    millyvanilli321 Posts: 236 Member
    I started at about 175lbs, so a bit heavier, and am currently 148lbs, so not quite at your goal just yet! But at 5'6" it has made a lot of difference to me!

    I'm at work right now so don't have access to my before/after photos but I can upload them for you later on :)
  • DCarter1701
    DCarter1701 Posts: 45 Member
    I've lost 30 pounds since November, going from 183 to 153 (weighed in today). I'm 5'8" and it definitely has made a difference. When I hit the 20 pound mark I had to buy all new clothes, my size 16 pants were sliding off me and I was tired of borrowing my husband's belt. My face is much thinner, my arms are thinner (even though I carried most of my weight in my middle and hips, my legs and arms were starting to gain weight as well) and clothes fit so much better at the 20 pound mark.

    I was back in a size 14 (US) jean when I hit 160s, and now could probably go down to 12 pretty soon. I have wide hips and a large frame, so I don't think single digit sizes are ever in my future, but it is wonderful to be back in the sizes I wore when I got married 15 years ago! My XL shirts are getting baggy as well.

    Sorry, no photos; what got me going on this journey was seeing a photo my FIL snapped of me last spring, and I destroyed it I was so humiliated.

    Keep going, you will see results! You didn't say how tall you are. That can make a difference in how one sees the weight loss.
  • sms9497
    sms9497 Posts: 58 Member
    I am in nearly the same boat. Started at 170 with a goal of 145. As we're on the same journey, you are welcome to friend me. Maybe we'll be able to create our own success stories!! We can all use encouragement.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I've lose 30 lbs (higher starting and current weight) and I still haven't changed jean sizes. People lose weight from different places. My clothes fit me better, but I've only had to buy new bras.
  • Followingsea
    Followingsea Posts: 407 Member

    I am currently at 155lb started at 164lb. I was wondering if there are any success stories for people who stared at around the 164lb and have reached 145lb.

    Did it makes a difference in looks (size wise) did u drop a dress size etc?

    I know a lot of people will probably think this is obvious. But so far I haven't noticed a difference and need a motivation boost or do I need to be aiming lower than 145lb?

    Thanks guys

    I started somewhere around 160-165. At the time, I was having a hard time squeezing into my size 10 jeans.

    I'm now down around 133. The size 8s I had kept around "just in case I'll be able to fit into these again someday" (this was nearly a decade later) are starting to get loose. The 10s I bought around Novemberish (in the low 150s) are still wearable, but not for much longer.

    So: yes.

    Edit: Regarding your goal, I'd say aim for 145 for now and re-evaluate when you get there. 145 was my goal originally, and then I realized 135 wasn't outside the realm of possibility. When I hit that I decided to aim for 130. Your ultimate goal is going to depend on a lot of things specific to you (eg height) - there's nothing wrong with moving the goalposts when you get closer.

    I can tell you that people started to notice and comment my weight loss when I hit 145 (about fifteen pounds down). I'm short, so your mileage may vary.
  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    I started at 170 (1/1/2014) and am currently at 149, but have been as low as 145. I'm 5'6" and it has made a HUGE difference! I went from a tight size 12 to a size 8 and in some size 6. I can't remember when I fit into this size before (probably college). What has helped me was logging every bite every day. I know it seems a bit OCD, but just guessing typically underestimates the actual calorie intake. I have also been exercising since I started in January and this has greatly helped reduce inches and tone up. If you want (or any one else) you can add me for support! I log every day and I think I have tried just about every diet out there and know that this is the only system that works. Good luck and don't give up!!! It will happen even if it is slow!
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
  • triciabh1
    triciabh1 Posts: 126 Member
    I'm 5'7" and after I had my 2nd child I weighed 168 lbs and lost 30 lbs in about 5 months with counting calories and exercising. I had my 3rd child in Sept 2012 and weighed the same, about 168 lbs and got down to 150 lbs just by eating healthier and keeping portion smaller but not really counting calories. In March of this year I really wanted to kick things into gear and get to my goal weight of 135 lbs...I now weigh about 137 lbs. Both times in losing weight I've noticed a big change...I was a size 12 at 168 lbs and I am a size 6/8 at 137 lbs. I have received a few comments from people noticing the weightloss...even since March and I've only lost about 12 lbs since then.
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    I started at 161, got down to 156 but hovering at 157 again, and my goal is 135 so we are pretty close! It's hard because I'm short (5'3") and have kinda sedentary habits but I do like to walk (and one of my jobs is on my feet, contantly walking)
    . Friend me if you want. Goal calories = 1207 but it feels like I'm starving myself unless I eat back most of my exercise calories. I had to go up a jean size (12 :( ) while I was gaining this unwanted weight but I'm getting closer to fitting into my 10's again.
  • krzykt75
    krzykt75 Posts: 15 Member
    I was up around 160lbs at Christmas and have lost about 18lbs of it since then and have noticed a huge difference. I'm down from a size 10 (or pretty tight 8) to a comfy size 6. I'm 5'3". I still have another 12lbs to go. I have been exercising consistently (lots of walking, circuit training 3-4 times per week and running 3 times a week) and I think that's has helped a lot.
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    I started in the 180s and am now in the 150s, I am 5'4". While I get comments constantly about my weight loss, it has had ZERO impact on my clothing size. I am an hourglass, and when I lose weight my arms, legs, waist, stomach, all slim down, but my curves hang on. Structurally, this makes it slow going to drop in clothing sizes - for example the pants I am wearing right now (an 11 or 12) are far too big in the stomach/waist (to the point of gapping and bagging in an unflattering way), but to get them on over my hips when I put them on, I cannot go down in size.

    All of that to say that it really depends on the person - a co-worker has lost 10 pounds and had to replace a lot of her wardrobe.
  • 37lbs_to_go
    37lbs_to_go Posts: 61 Member
    I'm 5'4" and hit my first 20 lbs loss this morning (178>158). It feels great and my clothes are definitely better. But I wouldn't say there is the huge difference others have noticed. I'm apple shaped and have a large muffin top/paunch. Because of that clothes are still hard to fit (tight in the stomach and baggy in the butt and legs). The stomach will be the last to go and will make the biggest impact.
  • 37lbs_to_go
    37lbs_to_go Posts: 61 Member
    Structurally, this makes it slow going to drop in clothing sizes - for example the pants I am wearing right now (an 11 or 12) are far too big in the stomach/waist (to the point of gapping and bagging in an unflattering way), but to get them on over my hips when I put them on, I cannot go down in size.

    So true! I'm just the exact opposite :) I've lost 20 lbs and still wear a size 12 which are unflatteringly baggy in the butt/legs and tight in the stomach. Looking forward to the day a pair of pants fits properly.
  • 949BeachMom
    Year's ago I went from 150 to 135 . A size 11 to 7 .
  • _L_A_
    _L_A_ Posts: 170 Member
    This is a 23lb difference in the same shorts, it has made a big difference! I've gone from a size 14/16 (UK) to a size 12 trousers and a size 12/14 top to a size 10/12 top. I still have a bit to lose, but this is the difference so far.

  • fufi04
    fufi04 Posts: 471 Member

    There's only about 20ish lbs difference in these pics. Made this progress from lifting heavy weights. Prior to that I had already lost snot70 lbs and I've lost another 10! Still gotta take new pics though(:
  • mjnagel1
    mjnagel1 Posts: 1 Member
    You can totally tell in your face. You almost don't look like the same person. Shout out.
  • jamiealdridge02
    jamiealdridge02 Posts: 93 Member

    I am currently at 155lb started at 164lb. I was wondering if there are any success stories for people who stared at around the 164lb and have reached 145lb.

    Did it makes a difference in looks (size wise) did u drop a dress size etc?

    I know a lot of people will probably think this is obvious. But so far I haven't noticed a difference and need a motivation boost or do I need to be aiming lower than 145lb?

    Thanks guys

    I'm 5'8 and started at about 170 and got down to 145. I've been maintaining my weight for almost three years between 145 and 150. I've gone from more of a 10-12 to an 8-10, but it honeslty depends on the clothing style/fabrics, etc. Sometimes I can squeeze lower, sometimes a 10 fits better. I was looking of pictures of me at 170 and I look sooooo much better and healthier. My whole body looks thinner and more toned. It can be a little frustrating to not be at a significantly smaller size, but I try to look more at how my body looks and how I feel. Find a weight where are you are healthy and happy and don't worry about your size :)
  • sassareno
    sassareno Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 5'1" and heavier than you-- started at 211.5 and I'm down about 24 lbs. It has absolutely made a difference, and it's only been 3 months. I had to get rid of a bunch of pairs of pants because they were super baggy and falling off of me.

    Here are "during" pics I took today:




    I actually just made a success stories post if you want to read more:
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