I'm so new at this.

edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
So I have a coffee obsession, and I am putting regular granulated sugar in it, which I just discovered has 16 calories for a teaspoon!?!?!
my mom always says not to go for splenda and such because your body thinks it's sugar and when it doesnt get whatever it get's from sugar it produces fat. or something along those lines I dont exactly remember.
So I'm kindof stuck between a rock and a hard place. Help?

also another question. I want to start trying protien powder, but I dont know what it's good in. Is it good in coffee? Water, milk? I have noidea.


  • Sweetener called Stevia is supposed to be all natural.
    I personally don't like protein shakes, maybe I am making them with the wrong stuff.
    I guess I shouldn't expect it to taste like a McD's shake.
  • krhea31
    krhea31 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! I usually add my protein powder to soy milk. Or you can use it in a smoothie.
  • trackgirl_08
    trackgirl_08 Posts: 20 Member
    I use TRUVIA sweeter.....as for protien shakes I think it is a matter of taste. A quick after workout shake I have the Biggest Loser Chocolate Protien Mix and for actual meal replacement I have Advocare shakes.
    I did alot of trial and error before I found ones I could actually stand drinking
    Good Luck in your search :-)
  • Hello fellow advocare user!!!
  • Stevia is an all natural type of sweetener. It is based from the leaves of the stevia plant. I use one packet in an 6-8oz cup of coffee, It also comes in liquid form in natural health food stores. The liquid is VERY sweet though. I like the powdered form best. I think TRUVIA is one of a few of its brand names.
    Also, if you like flavored creamers such as Coffee-Mate, the powdered version called Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel ROCKS!! One tablespoon of it is all you need. And, its only 30 calories per tablespoon!
    Here is a quick recipe as well, make your coffee with the stevia and creamer, freeze into ice cubes and put it in the blender with a little cold coffee. Makes an awesome iced coffee! Reminds me of something you could get at Starbucks only its really low in calories and sugar free!
    I don't know for sure, but you might be able to add a little of the protien powder to the iced coffee as well? I think it would be worth a try! :drinker:
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