what does a 1,500 diet plan look like

Been eating 1,200 cal. I know all the buzz on how its unhealthy and low in calories. But I was eating 500 cal-600cal before upped it to 1,200, now trying to up my calories even more. MFP says I am suppose to eat 1,700. Wondering what a 1,500 cal plan looks like.


  • barbrandazzo50
    barbrandazzo50 Posts: 2 Member
    I am on 1680 plan which might as well be 1700. It is geared to make you lose slllllooowwwwly LOL... 1200 is pretty low but I don't think 1500 is bad. I always leave about 200 calories on the table. I could eat more at breakfast but I just don't have the time to make an elaborate meal!