Lunch ideas?

Kagemori Posts: 88 Member
Hey all,
I recently got a new job at a local petsmart in my area and this is the first time in almost 10yrs that i wont be working at a restaurant. Because of this i will have to start bringing my own lunch to work. Ive never had to do that before because i was always able to eat for free at work, hence why in my journals there would be a lot of subway or blimpie, cause those were the two places i worked.

Anyways, this works out really well for me and i think its a great way to start not only cutting out fast food but also to be able to try new things.

But i am on a budget and i dont do much cooking during the week either, so things that can be made on a budget and are fast and easy are always a plus.

Also major thing here is i am allergic to seafood(translated: i DESPISE all seafood and get majorly sick from the smell of it alone and will never eat it even if someone would be willing to pay me a million dollars so please no fish recipes).

aside from that any lunch ideas would be much appreciated!


  • peejaygee1
    peejaygee1 Posts: 3,588 Member
    Pita pockets stuffed with cream cheese, baby spinach, baby rocket, cucumber and turkey/chicken breast.

    Pita pockets stuffed with oven roasted vegetables (think capsicum, zucchini, mushroom, eggplant, sundried tomatoes etc) and cottage cheese.

    Left overs from the previous night's dinner.
  • IndecisiveGirl2013
    IndecisiveGirl2013 Posts: 67 Member
    Get a cool bag if you haven't already got one. Keep your food fresh and gives you more choice what to bring.
    Stuff like Greek yogurt mixed with fruit, chicken salad wraps, leftovers etc..
  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    I've been taking egg beaters and ham cubes, bacon bits and whatever else I want to throw in to work, microwave for 2 minutes and voila, quick and easy egg scramble. High in protein and low in cals. YUM.
  • erin6989
    erin6989 Posts: 29 Member
    I bring my lunch almost every day, it might be:

    leftovers from dinner the previous night (that's what I'm having today!)
    A turkey sandwich, berries, yogurt
    a big salad with grilled chicken, radishes, cucumbers, carrots etc.
    lunch meat roll ups (if i'm keeping the carbs low at lunch in order to eat more of them later), applesauce, veggies and hummus
    a can of soup and a banana and pretzels
  • lore11a
    lore11a Posts: 166 Member
  • jaecobb86
    jaecobb86 Posts: 25 Member
    Pita pockets stuffed with hummus, feta cheese, onions, sweet peppers and romaine with some carrots or a piece of fresh fruit

    a bag of steamfresh vegetables and a morning star farms burger

    good old fashioned peanut butter and jelly on a wheat wrap

    salads are always great ( try making your own dressing with balsamic vinegar and spicy brown mustard!! To die for!

    once a week, get together a variety of vegetables and stir fry them or oven roast them. Also, cook a whole chicken and shred it or any protein you like and then portion it out for the week.

    Hope this helps!!!
  • theraylene
    theraylene Posts: 20 Member
    Example lunch that I pack for spouse: He has now lost almost 60 pounds.

    Use a 1/2 pint wide mouth canning jar.. (got some plastic screw lids )Fresh fruit + 1 cup cottage cheese. Or, Fresh fruit + 1 cup greek yogurt

    Cut up apples in a zip-lock bag (maybe a sprinkle of cinnamon or clove)
    Cut up bell peppers or carrots or celery or cucumbers (about 1 cup)

    A fiber one bar

    Sandwich on whole grain bread--usually tuna with lots of lettuce, or bologna, or peanut butter with banana

    Little kid cup of unsweetened applesauce

    Cheese sticks.
  • Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich, greek yogurt, and apple... cheap and you get a healthy proportion of protein, fats, carbs, and natural sugars.
  • mrsjones2005
    mrsjones2005 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been doing spinach salads with thinks like grilled chicken or chick peas, hard boiled egg etc. The trick is to find a low call dressing that you like. This isn't as low in calories as you would think though, but it's great protein and veggies and low carb. I usually use a divided container and pack in 2 cups of greens, and 1/4 to 1/2 cup of the toppings. No more that 2 TBSP of dressing. It keeps well and you can pre chop things the night before.
  • TxLdy4
    TxLdy4 Posts: 3
    I really like Progreso Light soups, they have A TON of choices. I'll have that with an apple & greek yogurt, My favorite greek yogurt is from Yoplait. PB & J are also good with carrots & pretzels. Just remember to pack healthy snacks for later on in the day too. It takes a little bit to get used to new eating habits.
  • Dee_84
    Dee_84 Posts: 431 Member
    Caesar Turkey Wrap:

    Grab a tortilla/wrap, spread with low-fat Caesar dressing, top with shredded romaine lettuce, sliced turkey and some shaved parmesan. Roll it up and wrap tightly in plastic wrap. Yummy and filling.

    Veggie sticks and dip (made with yogurt).
    Cut up fruit
    Salads: take a container with a tight fitting lid, throw all your fixings (lettuce, different veggies, meats, cheese etc) in the container. Pour the dressing over just before eating, put lid back on and shake the container. Distributes the dressing well so you don't need as much.
  • chezzabelle82
    chezzabelle82 Posts: 302 Member
    Cous cous mixed with roasted med veg on a bed of salad, tastes just as good cold as it does hot, frittata's, pasta with tomato and herb sauce, also a good idea to keep your lunch cold is to freeze grapes in a freezer bag and when it's lunchtime they would have kept your lunch cool and be defrosted so you can eat them ????
  • 1FearlessFighter
    1FearlessFighter Posts: 114 Member
    some recipes just some to me randomly in the morning and then i cook it for lunch - but i have to think randomly quickly cause i dont want to be late, today i put chicken, onion, courgette and peppers through a skewer, put water beneath ,wrapped in foil and put in the oven, cooked some wholewheat couscous and added pine nuts, pomegranate and mixed coloured tomatoes, put the couscous in a tupperware put the skewers on top and voila!

    yesterday i made plaited wholemeal spelt bread and inside the bread it had spinach and chicken so basically a meal in one

    day before i made sushi with half short grain brown rice and wild rice and half quinoa, i filled some with avocado, smoked salmon and red peppers and the other with tofu, tomatoes and egg, weird but worked, rolled it in nori, and lunch was ready

    i dont know why but i always take time for lunch and is probably my most attractive meal, sometimes i even garnish it with coriander or something, lol,
  • Kagemori
    Kagemori Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks for all the ideas! Some of them were really good and I will definitely try others were obvious ones that I forgot all about or didn't think of so thanks allot for that!