Been eating right, Working out and still only lost 1 pound t

MilfShakeIt Posts: 15 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
So I've been working out for 2 weeks now and eating right, eating only my alloted calories. Working out for an hour each day and all I lost this week was 1 pound!!!

I'm feeling so discouraged. :ohwell:

What should I do? Why did I only lose a pound when I've been working so hard? :frown:


  • Sheila_KI
    Sheila_KI Posts: 206 Member
    Don't be too hard on yourself. 1 pound a week is 52 pounds for the year. Just take it a day at a time.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I noticed you seem to eat a lot of processed could be that your sodium levels are high and you are retaining lots of water? Don't sweat it either, I always retain water when I work out. Take a rest day, drink lots of water, keep sodium down and weigh in tomorow.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Try drinking much more water, it looks like you're only taking in roughly a pint a day.
    Water is very important in weight loss.
  • Hi there. I lost 20 lbs last year and gained it all back, but heres what I can tell you. The hardest part was that for the first two months I wasn't losing- it was ridiculous and I was busting my hump. MUSCLE GAIN! Check your measurements and forget the scale. Youre doing better than you think.
  • atampa
    atampa Posts: 57 Member
    are you logging your exercise? you have to eat those calories. It is usually a slow start anyway.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    Actually a pound a week is healthy weight loss. This question is asked over and over and there are a lot of threads on here about going into starvation mode and making sure you eat back your exercise calories. You might want to take a look around for those threads.

    Another though - your diary is open so I looked at the past few days and you don't eat real "clean" You might want to make a switch to more "real" foods versus packaged. I recently picked up the Eat Clean Diet recharged and have read Ultra Metabolism by Mark Hyman. They both have websites. They base their food recommendations on the idea that artificial sweetners, HFCS, trans fats, additives etc all prohibit "fat" loss.

    It is a struggle though - I will have a good day that I am really good (like Monday) but then blow it at dinner by going out or wanting a sweet etc. I think I had a pretty good day yesterday -I did eat a few dove dark chocolate promises. You can add me as a friend and look at my diary if you want.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Do you realize to lose a pound you must create a 3500 calorie deficite? You did just that! Congratulations is in order. :bigsmile:
  • TuRboJamEVeRydaY
    TuRboJamEVeRydaY Posts: 19 Member
    Are you eating less than your daily limit on calories? If you arent eating enough then your body will go into starvation mode and store any fat that you eat thus making you either gain weight or not lose. Best of Luck to you!
  • I had a really similar start. Just don't give up! Chances are you'll drop several all one go pretty soon. Do you feel better? Are you measuring inches lost? Try to focus on the positive. In the end it's making a huge difference to your health and well being. the pounds will follow:-)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Make sure you are eating most of the extra calories burned through exercise. If not your caloric deficit may be too large.

    It is not all about the calories look at what you are putting into your body. If a food item has things you cannot pronounce or has more than 5 ingredients you probably don't want to eat it. This site is more than just about weight loss but health as well, and low cal does not mean healthy.

    You may also want to start eating breakfast to break your body from sleep mode, many suggest that your largest meals should come early in the day (breakfast and/or lunch)

    Way too much processed foods and not enough fruit and veggies.
  • oneof9
    oneof9 Posts: 106 Member
    Don't get down. I have to agree about the water. Process food can have a lot of salt that might be why. Just don't give up. I noticed that once people start to loose weight. It tends to go fast the first few weeks then it slows down on how much they loose a week. The reason is that the body is getting used to the routine of the workout. Try to change your workout and do other exercises, or work out longer if you can. See if that helps
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I do think processed foods are the culprit..if lifestyle doesnt allow for you to have home cooked meals perhaps limit the processed things by having fresh fruits and veggies instead of chips and stuff...also try to have some breakfast even if just some wheat toast or also should be eating at least your 1200 per day I saw on your diary somedays your not which will stall you out..BUT 1lb a week isnt a stall at all I think your expecting to many pounds in such a short time.....give up the processed and add a bit more healthy type calories and you will be fine in the long run..spinach,lentils,veggie soups etc....less snacks more food...good luck
  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    You have been at it for two weeks? Hang on, keep working, tweak your diet- TOSS the processed foods and eat real food. You and your body deserve better- think about getting healthy! You have to put in some true effort to see big changes! Keep WORKING on it!

    Coffee is not something- oatmeal !!!

    And drink water - enough that you think your best friend is the toilet because you see it more than anything else in your life!... and then... repost on this thread in another month. :-D That's what I want to see. KEEP GOING.

    Also- for all you "STARVATION MODE" addicts- your body is not going to go into starvation mode immediately- a temporary slow in your metabolism probably...starvation mode (which comes WAY after that metabolism slow down)...unlikely- unless she is under 700-800 calories and burning 500-600 calories in a workout-- which she is NOT. Give your body credit- it is smarter than you think, and check to see if posters have open diaries to SEE what they are eating.
  • vickthedick
    vickthedick Posts: 136 Member
    Are you eating less than your daily limit on calories? If you arent eating enough then your body will go into starvation mode and store any fat that you eat thus making you either gain weight or not lose. Best of Luck to you!

    Idk...I ate about 1200 cals a day from 225 down to 125 and never went into this this starvaion mode you speak of. Lost 100 lbs in a year. Something is amiss. Are you drinking calories ie soda or some coffees, or alcohol or something that is passing under the rader???
  • Jartexas
    Jartexas Posts: 59 Member
    Take it a day at a time, don't fret over how much or how little you are losing, just stay with it
  • MilfShakeIt
    MilfShakeIt Posts: 15 Member
    I do eat a lot of processed foods, I know. It's embarassing, but I don't really know how to eat healthy other than the packaged foods that are for "weight loss". I'm not a cook (hubby does the cooking) and I'd like to learn. I have no idea what direction to go in to learn what foods to eat and how to prepare them. If anyone has any tips of where to start, I'm all ears!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    spinach is your friend hah I used to grill chicken and toss it over spinach with a warm dressing ..or use spinach instead of lettuce in cold salads...the eating part isnt really hard ..lean meats ,fish ,chicken ..lentils, lots of green veggies ..try the library for maybe some easy low cal cookbooks
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    One pound is great Mary! Congrats!

    I started losing weight the day I started eating at least my minimum calories, my breakfast every morning, drank at least 8 cups or more of water each day and watch my sodium intake. I see days in your diary that you don't eat enough calories and some that you go over the recommanded sodium intake per day. When I eat process food which containing lots of sodium I see a weight gain on the scale because of the water retention. I know it's frustrating but now I know no to eat too much process food anymore.

    Good luck on your weight loss!

  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    I do eat a lot of processed foods, I know. It's embarassing, but I don't really know how to eat healthy other than the packaged foods that are for "weight loss". I'm not a cook (hubby does the cooking) and I'd like to learn. I have no idea what direction to go in to learn what foods to eat and how to prepare them. If anyone has any tips of where to start, I'm all ears!

    I know what you mean, sometimes it is just easier. I still eat fast food at times and things from the can or freezer. I guess it's how much you eat that matters. Maybe you should try getting a book or something that tells you everything to eat, when to eat it and how to cook it, just for a month or something. My husband and I have done both ediets, and biggest loser (both which cost a little bit) and they both offer you the option of saying what foods you hate, or what your diet goals are then give you a menu, a grocery list and recipes for the foods that you will have to cook. I have to admit, I ate things that I might not even considered, and I learned a lot. Both of the plans you ate nuts or fresh fruit or veggies as snacks. Plus three meals a day of mostly unprocessed foods. Might give you some ideas anyway. I'm sure their is a book or something out their you can get that has similar plans. I am not a snacker, but I think eating small amouts throughout the day does help your metabolism. When I was eating exactly as I should I always lost weight. But 1 pound is definitely worth smiling over.

    Drink water, eat breakfast, and have a rest day where you don't work out or maybe just an easy walk.
  • I agree with all the folks who spoke to eating your exercise calories. Make sure your goal and net calories are very close. Doesn't it seem crazy that you have to eat to lose? It's true, it's true.
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