Starting my healthy lifestyle is dauting.

Hello! I'm really nervous, so please excuse me.
I'm 22, female and going into my final year of Uni. I had a really stressful year and even though I was already over weight, I gained so much more and I began to binge eat. My binge eating is somewhat under control, but as I have so much weight to lose, I am beyond daunted by this prospect. I don't really know where to start.
I log my calories but I find exercise difficult as I have had a long term health issue so I have to start small. I've been given an 'exercise plan' by my physio and it is a means of building up my strength an stamina.
I also get disheartened quickly. I was having a good day and then I caught sight of myself in the mirror and I have some new, big, red stretchmarks on the side of my back appearing and I just burst into tears. Don't get me wrong, I know this is all self inflicted, but it still took me by surprise.
Is this all normal? Feeling daunted and a bit scared? I hope my ramble makes sense and thank you x


  • daychasingnight
    daychasingnight Posts: 11 Member
    Hey there! I'm just starting to have a healthy lifestyle too, so I know what you mean by daunting. It's a bit hard to get into the swing of things but I'm hoping in time it just gets easier and routine. I can see my social life fading away already. I've also been a huge binge eater in the past, as I've always just tackled my problems by eating them away.

    I also think that since I've started to have a healthier lifestyle, I'm starting to be far more critical of my appearance. I think it's because you've reached the acceptance stage of being like 'yeah I'm overweight and unhealthy' rather then before you just buried your head in the sand and ignored it. Or maybe that's just me :)

    I've also got a health issue which is making exercise difficult for me. I'm just starting out small by trying to get out for a few walks every week. Hopefully in time I can build this up.

    Feel free to add me and maybe we can help each other through this!
  • likeelili
    likeelili Posts: 6
    Hey daychasingnig!
    That sounds so similar to me! It's nice to find someone who also if finding adding exercise into their lifestyle a bit of a challenge. I feel so much pressure from others who say they are going to the gym 5 times a week and I know I would never be able to achieve that.
    I would be happy to add you, thank you :)
  • sheedy17
    sheedy17 Posts: 128
    Its very scary in the beginning and very hard but the first step is trying, if exercise is hard, try walking on the spot, if you are watching tv, stand up and walk on the spot, grab a couple 5 pound weights and just lift them while you walk on the spot, or just extend your arms while you sit there!

    I would be happy to follow your journey and try to give any motivation I could, I hope you find the strength to do this because i know you can do it, add me if you want!
  • likeelili
    likeelili Posts: 6
    Hello sheedy! Wow, 63lbs, that's amazing! Well done!
    Those are great ideas to incorporate a little bit of movement into my day, thank you.
    I'll add you now
  • ams9364
    ams9364 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello everyone! I am starting my new healthy lifestyle too and would love to have some friends on here for support! I am 31 and have 3 little girls 4,2 and 1. After 3 pregnancies in 4 years, I have about 20-25 lbs to lose. Please add me! Thanks!
  • MN_HGirl
    MN_HGirl Posts: 15 Member
    I think losing weight is more then just dropping the pounds.

    It is about finding yourself, creating goals, and holding yourself accountable to reach them!

    It is daunting though and often times you will feel alone, uncapable, and just plain frustrated!
    I thing it is overwhelming to change too much at one time. I would not worry about getting to the gym right now and instead start with setting a goal of logging your food everyday. After a week take a look at where you might be struggling... too many calories from drinks? Maybe cut out one calorie filled drink and have a glass of water instead. Little changes, do not feel like you need to drop tremendous amounts of weight in a short time. Then after you feel that the food is under control, add in a walk 3-4 times a week. Even just 15-20 minutes will help you and then build from there. Record your successes and mistakes, and when a setback occurs do not dwell on it, but instead learn from it continue on!

    I'm constantly in struggle with it, often I'm tired, hungry, and just upset with how it can be easier for others. I think it is normal to get emotional with it because it is a life change. As you get going and find a pattern you will start to feel better and happier!
  • likeelili
    likeelili Posts: 6
    Hi ams9364 & MN_HGirl!

    MN_HGirl- you're right, small goals and little changes. Thank you & good luck with your journey!
  • clarehd
    clarehd Posts: 8 Member
    Change is scary. Losing weight can be difficult. But the fact that we all have recognized the need to lose and then purposed in our hearts and minds to do it, speaks volumes about all of us here on MyFitnessPal. It does get easier as you go. Don't beat yourself up when you "fall off the wagon," occasionally. Just get back on and keep working toward your goal.

    Some things that have helped me are:
    I recognized that stress and boredom cause me to stuff my face. With sweets especially. So I try to keep my mind and body active. And believe me, my favorite place is not the gym.
    Although I have an overall goal of losing 27 lbs., I try to focus on 5 lbs., at a time. That way it does not seem so daunting to me.
    Recognizing that my desire to lose weight is not only image motivated, but health motivated as well.
    Hanging out with like minded people.
    Not filling my mind with negative crap. Finding humor in everyday things.
    I praise God for every pound I lose!