underactive thyroid

key03 Posts: 26
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid 22 years ago, when I was just 18, despite regular blood tests (which always come back just on the border line) I have never been able to lose more than 1 1/2 stone, at the moment I take 200 mcg of levothyroxine a day.

what I would like to know is.... Is it possible for me to lose the weight????...is there anyone else out there with an underactive thyroid who has lost weight???

any advice welcome :smile:


  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    you can do it..its hard i lost about 70lbs prior to even knowing my thyroid was underactive mines pretty bad 21.74 im waiting to get in to see the GP ...it will be interesting to see the weight loss and if or how it progresses once on meds...i stuck firm to 1200 calories and working out all cardio 6 times a week
  • key03
    key03 Posts: 26
    Hi there, well I hope you like needles! , I hate the blood tests, I dont do well with needles. I cant even remember what my levels were when I first got diagnosed it was so long ago, I remember the Doctor saying it was virtually non existent and muttering something about it should of been picked up at birth.
    At the moment my doctor keeps sending me for blood tests as he says, and I quote "your on a whacking dose and your results should be better" lol I started off at 18 on 50 mcg which quickly went up along with my weight up to 300 mcg when I was pregnant with my last child....I'v come down to 200mcg now but I'm still tired and still putting on weight!!

    I never have a day when I dont feel tired but after 22years I'm kind of used to it, but I am desperate now to lose the weight. I hope you get in to see your GP soon and hopefully they will sort it out the right dose of thyroxine for you xxx
  • sara_xo
    sara_xo Posts: 195 Member
    you can do it..its hard i lost about 70lbs prior to even knowing my thyroid was underactive mines pretty bad 21.74 im waiting to get in to see the GP ...it will be interesting to see the weight loss and if or how it progresses once on meds...i stuck firm to 1200 calories and working out all cardio 6 times a week

    I would suggest adding some weight training! :)

    for every pound of lean muscle mass you have you burn an extra 50 calories at resting heart rate! :)
  • i was also diagnosed with an inactive thyroid and was put on medication. i was taking synthroid 10 mcg. after about a year and a half i forgot to renew my presription one day before i went on vacation, so i didnt take it for a few days. when i got back, i just stoppped taking it. since then, i lost 55 pounds. i was confused by this because my doctor told me that the medication was going to help me lose weight. it wasnt until after i stopped taking it that i did.
  • I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid 22 years ago, when I was just 18, despite regular blood tests (which always come back just on the border line) I have never been able to lose more than 1 1/2 stone, at the moment I take 200 mcg of levothyroxine a day.

    what I would like to know is.... Is it possible for me to lose the weight????...is there anyone else out there with an underactive thyroid who has lost weight???

    any advice welcome :smile:

    I have been dianosed with a boderline thyroid every time. I swear it just doesn't work! Anyway, I asked the doctor to do a calorie profile for me to try to finally lose weight. I found out that I burn only 1250 calories a day. He said I am very efficient [sounds a lot better than it is ---means I cannot eat hardly any calories!]

    Find out what your caloric rate is from your doctor and use that as your guide. I am going strictly on the calories in and calories out and it is working. 24 pounds since Labor Day after struggling to lose for almost ten years. I hope it works for you!!!! I tried every diet and personal trainer for years until I did this ---it finally worked!!!
  • key03
    key03 Posts: 26
    Thanks for the info millermichellelea, I will ask my Doctor about it next time I see him, I have another blood test on friday so will hopefully get to see him late next week for the results :)
  • key03
    key03 Posts: 26
    @ wideright019 - Honestly? all I feel if I dont take my tablets is exhausted lol
  • clb51
    clb51 Posts: 23 Member
    I started on 50 mg of synthroid almost 3 months ago. So far I haven't noticed any change at all. I go to the Dr. in a few weeks and wonder what kind of test you are talking about (caloric rate test) How do they test for that? Also, I hadn't been eating the calories expended from exercise and after reading some of the posts realize that we are supposed to. I will be curious to see if it makes any difference in weight loss.
  • key03
    key03 Posts: 26
    @ clb51 - I'm with you on this one have not heard about (caloric rate test) either or know what it is?... info welcome anybody :)
  • @ wideright019 - Honestly? all I feel if I dont take my tablets is exhausted lol

    i felt that way as well. you're right. luckily, my boss (a fitness guru) suggested that i go on a high-protein diet, so i drink a shake as soon as i wake up. that gives me the energy i look for.

    another thing about the medication was that i had to take it before and after i ate by at least an hour. that screwed up my entire diet plan
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member

    I have been dianosed with a boderline thyroid every time. I swear it just doesn't work! Anyway, I asked the doctor to do a calorie profile for me to try to finally lose weight. I found out that I burn only 1250 calories a day. He said I am very efficient [sounds a lot better than it is ---means I cannot eat hardly any calories!]
    Calorie profile? Never heard of that. Very interesting.
  • gembanana
    gembanana Posts: 13 Member
    I was always borderline hypo, with a strong family history of it – and my family physician(s) would never treat me.

    Last year I had another bought of weight gain despite healthy diet and exercise, along with hair loss and extremely dry skin so I went to a Naturopath.
    He tested me and put me on dessicated thyroid (natural from pork) - and it’s worked for me. Energy levels up, weight down, healthy skin, hair and nails.
    Ironically, my mum has been on synthetic for years and still having symptoms and she went on the armour (another natural occuring version) and had some additional symptoms clear up.

    A protein & greens rich diet helps – keep off the processed carbohydrates and sugars will help.
  • I was diagnosed almost 6 years ago right after I had my son. My levels were 24 and higher, I did a nuclear test to see how much, if any, of my thyroid was working. To my surprise my complete right side is dead. I bounced around every six weeks with blood work and prescriptions. Finally, they settled at 112mcg once a day. I take it the very first thing in the morning before I even roll out of bed. By the time I get my kids up, dressed, me dressed and make breakfast it is time to eat! It has really helped in making a routine with it. Make sure you don't take anything else with your synthroid, no vitamins or other Rx because then it won't work. I have learned this the hard way. I lost 35lbs right before I got pregnant with my daughter. She just turned 1 last week, and I am at my heaviest now. I had to have a foot surgery 2 months ago and I am finally able to walk half way decent again. But with all this added weight, my foot is very slow in healing. I have to say though, the difference in taking the generic and the synthroid saved me from having my blood drawn every six weeks!! Now I go every 6 months! I just started working out to my Wii - I like the Just Dance Party game to just get me started. When my foot heals I will be trying the Wii Fit and Zumba. Just hang in there it will be a SLOW process but it took me 6 months to loose 35lbs. Now I have to do again!
  • key03
    key03 Posts: 26
    Wow it's great to know I'm not alone, thankyou for all the information guys it is very much apreciated! :heart:
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    I take thyroid hormone, and don't have much trouble losing weight if I am stringent about calories and exercise almost every day. I would recommend testing for common vitamin deficiencies. When I was unbearably tired, I was deficient in D, while my thyroid level was fine. Thyroid hormone is really just one small part of weight gain/loss, and it shouldn't prevent you losing weight.

    If you aren't deficient in anything else, you might want to be worked up for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and/or Fibromyalgia. That is my problem. I have Fibro (a chronic pain syndrome) with extreme Chronic Fatigue. I can live with the pain, but the exhaustion can be so debilitating. It makes exercise painful, my Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) is excessive and goes on weeks longer than "normal", and I don't get the big uptick in energy that most other people get from regular exercise. There might be something more going on with you than you realize, but still, weight loss is possible.
  • Dodi64
    Dodi64 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there, I was diagnosed with under active thyroid 25 years ago and I was able to lose 96 lbs. The problem is that over the last 5 years I've gained it back. So, yes, it is possible to lose the weight.
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    Hey :smile:

    I have a thyroid that is severely underactive, and just recently had my dose increased to 162.5. A year ago I lost 100lbs just by watching calorie intake and working out (following MFP). I didn't have a huge amount of trouble doing it, but the synthroid dose is somewhat based on how much you weigh so as you lose you should continue to get retested. Over the last year I mostly maintained and then gained 20lbs in the last 6 months (losts of life stresses going on and I stopped paying attention). The answer is though it can be done, it may take longer or be a bit harder, but it can be done :flowerforyou:
  • key03
    key03 Posts: 26
    Hi Guys thanks for all the advice and for sharing your stories, I am feeling much more positive about losing the weight now :heart:
  • gembanana
    gembanana Posts: 13 Member
    oi! a perfect week with 45 minutes of cardio 5 days, weight lifting and pilates.... and a 5 pound gain :(

    so frusterating when fitness pal tells me i'll be down ten pounds in 5 weeks at the end of the day and the scale goes up instead!
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