Extreme weight gain in 1,5 months +10kg

Hi guys,

I feel very emberassed and please excuse my english..
In summer 2013 I was at my highest weight of all times... 73 Kilogramms! Then I started MFP again and until christmas I was at 66 Kilogramms... than slowly I got in the end of March to 58 Kilogramms. That was my ideal weight, I felt the happiest and was just fresh, never stressed, my skin got clear and I was jusr feeling good and wanted to stay there. The last two months have been rough for me and I gained extremly fast a lot weight. I was not at a doctor but i can clearly see and feel I lost muscles and got a whole damn lot of fat. My skin is not clear anymore, my stress level is high and eventough i actually do not like chocolaty things AT ALL I am craving and stuffing them in my mouth like crazy.

How can I go back to 58kg?
Please I need your advice.. i feel so gross.
-I joined the gym a few weeks ago and am a pescetarian (i eat fish, because of the protein)
-I try to eat a lot of Protein
-i still live with my family and sadly I can not just throw the sweet stuff away because it is actually my dads
-Do you kow a good shedding Programm?
-I am a girl and doing my a-levels currently

Thanks so much!


  • Tapilo
    Tapilo Posts: 14
    Forgot to add I now weigh 68 Kilogramms
  • Tapilo
    Tapilo Posts: 14
    Anyone who can help?
  • Annesoucy1957
    Hi, if you did it in the past it means whatever you were doing was working for you and you do have the willpower to achieve your goal. Just start over, take it one day at a time. For the sweets if you are enjoying them make them fit in your daily calories, you will probably realise fast enough that it is limiting your other food. I am sure your dad wont be offended. he will understand why sometime you say no. Good luck.