For the ladies--best hair removal technique

tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
I wasn't sure which topic to put this under. Maybe it should be in chit-chat, but that is so full of "would you hit on the person above" threads that it makes me ill, so I thought I would try here, as this is a serious question for me.

So, I have achieved my bikini body and I have bought three (!!) beautiful bikinis to wear on my Caribbean vacation next month. But my "bikini line" is not ready! I tried a razor first, and ended up with razor burn. Since then I have been using a hair removal cream which is okay, but not as smooth as I want, plus is still get red bumps.

What do you ladies do to remove the hair without the icky side effects????


  • Holly_penguin
    Holly_penguin Posts: 149 Member
    no one likes to hear this...but the results you are looking for are achieved via wax.
  • SaraSaraBoBeara
    SaraSaraBoBeara Posts: 6 Member
  • Iri_2
    Iri_2 Posts: 349 Member
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    Brazilian wax. Really it's not that bad and lasts for weeks!! I get mine done so yeah you gotta be comfortable with a woman placing hot wax on your lady part and RIIIIIPPPP!! :blushing:
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I like using an epilator. Some pain but I find it less horrible than waxing. You will still get some red bumps but I don't find it as itchy as razor burn and usually only last 1-2 days for me. Then I am hair free for a while.

    (it looks sorta like a razor but it is basically automated tweezers and pulls the hair out with the root)
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Brazilian wax. Really it's not that bad and lasts for weeks!! I get mine done so yeah you gotta be comfortable with a woman placing hot wax on your lady part and RIIIIIPPPP!! :blushing:
    Yep! Totally worth the pain and lasts for a long time. I do every time before a huge vacation.

    Otherwise, if price isn't an issue, get laser hair removal.
  • kinkyslinky16
    kinkyslinky16 Posts: 1,469 Member
    I love waxes. They last SO much longer.
  • phantasmagical
    phantasmagical Posts: 66 Member
    Wax, or if you're a one-toe-in-the-water-at-a-time kind of girl like me, tweezers. Takes forever, but it gets the job done!
  • Have not done yet, but when I go on my 30th anniv vacation next year with DH to an island, I will be getting a Brazilian. I want to not have to worry about shaving.DD knows several women she works with who love it, so am going to use who they use.
  • I use a little hair conditioner (whatever brand I happen to have at the time) instead of shaving cream and just shave my 'bikini line', I don't get red bumps like I do if I just shave with water.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Wax, or if you're a one-toe-in-the-water-at-a-time kind of girl like me, tweezers. Takes forever, but it gets the job done!
    This would be straight up torture :sad:
  • Anathas
    Anathas Posts: 1
    Waxing or epilation work well and lasts. a tea tree cream or gel is good for cooling skin afterwards
  • ekat120
    ekat120 Posts: 407 Member
    Epilator and in-grown eliminator pads :smile:
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,069 Member
    Laser is well worth the investment IMO but EMLA cream is a must - worst pain ever and I have had 2 kids :o

    That's long term though so wouldn't do for your holidays so, wax or epilator.
  • kikiboniki
    kikiboniki Posts: 398 Member
    sugaring- like waxing but main ingredient is... you guessed it: sugar.
    Its a great way to remove and doesn't irritate me like wax does. Wax always leaves red bumps in place of individual hairs. My advice: DONT DIY! Go see a professional =)
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    Wax and then be sure to exfoliate regularly afterwards to avoid ingrown hairs.
  • Kitten2629
    Kitten2629 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Wax or use condidioner. Though I don't use anything but water to shave my legs.
  • AilinaHavalii
    AilinaHavalii Posts: 8 Member
    Get a Groupon for laser hair removal. As a random example from googling, this ( will get you a full Brazilian for $189 total, which I can guarantee you is less than you'd spend on waxing over a few years, and you'll be hair-free for pretty much forever (with occasional touch-ups much later on). I don't know where you live, but I'm sure you can find a Groupon deal near you. I used to wax all the time, but I got frustrated with the waiting period where it's growing out enough to wax; during that process, I don't want to wear a bikini or tank top or shorts (if underarms and legs are waxed too), because the hair is visible, and I have dark enough hair that I can't really afford that.

    If you must wax, though, I'd recommend a European Wax Center. They're a bit pricier, but much less painful than traditional waxing.

    Most people avoid laser removal because of the price, and I never would have considered it if a friend hadn't referred me to Groupon. I had no side effects whatsoever, and the pain was less than a waxing session (more like a prickling than actual pain).

    Hope this doesn't make me sound like a shill, and that this information helps you.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    If you're going to shave, shave down...shaving up is usually against the way the hair grows and that leads to bumps. Use a relatively new razor, too. Also, if you're a bit out of control and um...bushy to start with...don't start with the razor. Trim with scissors or an electric shaver and then use a razor to get smooth.

    My sister has been going to laser hair removal sessions....she said it hurts like hell, but it's worth it. (She got a groupon, too)
  • klfoster88
    klfoster88 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm on team wax. I have finicky skin and it the only one that A) Lasts awhile and B) Doesn't irritate my skin in some way