(rant) Done with the "you don't need to lose weight" types



  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    My grandma is one of those old fashioned types that ask you if you are hungry until you eat something. So she is the only one that tells me I'm too skinny....
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member

    Maybe people are just trying to be polite by saying "you don't need to lose weight" instead of "Yeah lardo, you could stand to miss a few meals".

    Like water off a ducks back, let it slide.


    Not when you're at the gym doing your cardio and a well meaning older woman interrupts you to discuss a possible eating disorder.

    Does this happen a lot? Or one time? Was it a stranger? Or was it someone you know and we are not getting the whole story. What are you even ranting about?

    They don't live your life, bottom line. Who cares what they think?

    If thats the bottom line why not be happy to let OP and others have their rant?
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member

    Maybe people are just trying to be polite by saying "you don't need to lose weight" instead of "Yeah lardo, you could stand to miss a few meals".

    Like water off a ducks back, let it slide.


    Not when you're at the gym doing your cardio and a well meaning older woman interrupts you to discuss a possible eating disorder.

    Does this happen a lot? Or one time? Was it a stranger? Or was it someone you know and we are not getting the whole story. What are you even ranting about?

    They don't live your life, bottom line. Who cares what they think?

    If thats the bottom line why not be happy to let OP and others have their rant?
    Perspective? Ain't that why she came to rant?
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I've been straddling the line between overweight and obese for a while now and have been asked more than once if I have hit my goal weight. Not even close.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    You also have to figure that with some people, the thinner you get, the bigger they get in their head.
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    Hang in there; people are kinda stupid sometimes. I'm a hair under 5'3". My SW was 161 and I've only lost 6 lb so far, and boy has it been slow, but I feel like I finally "get it" - and I think I'm going to start noticing a few NSV's - non-scale victories- in another lb or two. My goal is 135 and then my ULTIMATE goal is 120. Rants like these (I see them so often of MFP) make me worry a little what my family will say when I start getting close to goal, I hope they remember that I was perfectly healthy and looked fantastic at 120. I'd be REALLY annoyed it I started getting "You're too skinny" comments. :/ But maybe my concerns are way too premature...
  • bakemma
    bakemma Posts: 161 Member
    I have a similar experience from my own mother. She was massaging my shoulders and telling me that I have lost too much weight.
    I still have lots of fat on my body, I just have a thin neck and shoulders. It drives me crazy when people say "You're getting too skinny!" and it's always someone a bit bigger than me. My healthy weight is about 120-130 and I'm sitting at 140!
    Just because I'm no longer overweight doesn't mean I've lost too much!

    Isn't that just dumb!

    Hey Zurgan without being a creeper, what's your height? You look awesome in your profile pic and we are the same age, and I have the same goal as yours. Just curious....again, not trying to be creepy. lol
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    You also have to figure that with some people, the thinner you get, the bigger they get in their head.
    Love this logic!
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member

    Maybe people are just trying to be polite by saying "you don't need to lose weight" instead of "Yeah lardo, you could stand to miss a few meals".

    Like water off a ducks back, let it slide.


    Not when you're at the gym doing your cardio and a well meaning older woman interrupts you to discuss a possible eating disorder.

    Does this happen a lot? Or one time? Was it a stranger? Or was it someone you know and we are not getting the whole story. What are you even ranting about?

    They don't live your life, bottom line. Who cares what they think?

    If thats the bottom line why not be happy to let OP and others have their rant?
    Perspective? Ain't that why she came to rant?

    So she shouldnt care what other people think, but should listen to other people tell her what to and to not care about. Right. Got it :tongue:
    Im off to the gym forums are way to much of a distraction! :flowerforyou:
  • Alisontheice
    Alisontheice Posts: 9,611 Member
    People just love sticking their noses into other people's business.
    I would just say thanks I'll think about it then walk away.
    I had someone asking me if I knew what my ideal weight was because I was getting too skinny. Yes I did and I wasn't there yet. Everyone has an opinion. I think lots of times they don't like seeing changes in others. So just grin and bear it.
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    I hear this from a friend who has been on WW for a couple of years. For the past year, she has been either at a plateau or gaining. Of course, there's the chips and dip, non-existent counting of points (HUGE bowls of fruit with 2 bananas, piles of strawberries...for her salad), coffee that's 1/3 International Delight creamer and fresh baked cookies. When I mentioned bringing a zip bag of veggies next time I go to her house, she started telling me about this awesome bean dip that would work for veggies. I like my veggies just plain...I don't WANT her to make a dip for me and told her that. She said that if she's eating veggies, she has to have dip.

    She constantly tells me how "wonderful" I look as she's putting out food to graze on. So...I've not been to her house in a bit over 3 weeks. I've lost 18 pounds so far (lost 10 before I joined MFP). She found out this morning I've lost that much and she's already planning what to make for lunch the next time we get together. Although I hadn't been actively working on weight loss before last month, I've tried to watch my weight so it didn't increase (it made sense at the time!) and she continues to have our get togethers revolve around food.

    I'm not sure if she's a "you don't need to lose weight" type or just unconsciously sabotaging me. :frown:
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I hear this from a friend who has been on WW for a couple of years. For the past year, she has been either at a plateau or gaining. Of course, there's the chips and dip, non-existent counting of points (HUGE bowls of fruit with 2 bananas, piles of strawberries...for her salad), coffee that's 1/3 International Delight creamer and fresh baked cookies. When I mentioned bringing a zip bag of veggies next time I go to her house, she started telling me about this awesome bean dip that would work for veggies. I like my veggies just plain...I don't WANT her to make a dip for me and told her that. She said that if she's eating veggies, she has to have dip.

    She constantly tells me how "wonderful" I look as she's putting out food to graze on. So...I've not been to her house in a bit over 3 weeks. I've lost 18 pounds so far (lost 10 before I joined MFP). She found out this morning I've lost that much and she's already planning what to make for lunch the next time we get together. Although I hadn't been actively working on weight loss before last month, I've tried to watch my weight so it didn't increase (it made sense at the time!) and she continues to have our get togethers revolve around food.

    I'm not sure if she's a "you don't need to lose weight" type or just unconsciously sabotaging me. :frown:

    I don't think that has anything to do with you. It sounds more like she's in denial about how much / how healthy she actually eats.
  • catb58
    catb58 Posts: 239 Member
    I hear this from a friend who has been on WW for a couple of years. For the past year, she has been either at a plateau or gaining. Of course, there's the chips and dip, non-existent counting of points (HUGE bowls of fruit with 2 bananas, piles of strawberries...for her salad), coffee that's 1/3 International Delight creamer and fresh baked cookies. When I mentioned bringing a zip bag of veggies next time I go to her house, she started telling me about this awesome bean dip that would work for veggies. I like my veggies just plain...I don't WANT her to make a dip for me and told her that. She said that if she's eating veggies, she has to have dip.

    She constantly tells me how "wonderful" I look as she's putting out food to graze on. So...I've not been to her house in a bit over 3 weeks. I've lost 18 pounds so far (lost 10 before I joined MFP). She found out this morning I've lost that much and she's already planning what to make for lunch the next time we get together. Although I hadn't been actively working on weight loss before last month, I've tried to watch my weight so it didn't increase (it made sense at the time!) and she continues to have our get togethers revolve around food.

    I'm not sure if she's a "you don't need to lose weight" type or just unconsciously sabotaging me. :frown:

    I don't think that has anything to do with you. It sounds more like she's in denial about how much / how healthy she actually eats.

    Oh good...sorta...that's SO much better than thinking she's trying to sabotage me!!!
  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    I have a good friend who knows how important and motivated I am to lose weight.
    About 10 lbs ago, she starting commenting that I did not need to lose anymore.
    I just flat out told her, Yes I do.
    My goal was 140 and she keeps saying NO more than that ! I am 5'7.
    I have changed my goal to 138, but I am not telling her. Lol

    I posted this because she is 5'1 and weighs 102 !!!!
    So why would she be so insistent that I not go under 140 ? I don't get it.
    I tried to explain to her that if we compared height and weight between us I could weigh 114- 2 lbs for every inch over 5 ft.
    Just like her. Went in one ear and out the other.
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    I've just learned that most people are bad at accepting change. I lost about 30 lbs which doesn't sound like that much, but I'm a small frame and at 5'0", it was significant. My best friend at the time wanted to basically set-up an intervention because she thought I was fitness obsessed and going to extremes. That was three years ago. We don't talk about fitness or health related things anymore.

    Ignore it. Like you said, you know what you're doing. Other people will come around. It just takes them a helluva lot longer sometimes.
  • amaysngrace
    amaysngrace Posts: 742 Member
    Yep, I know the feeling....
  • klfoster88
    klfoster88 Posts: 65 Member
    I agree with your rant. When I started trying to lose everyone said I looked fine but looks can be deceiving. My fat % and BMI were over too. Now I'm down so I'm in the healthy range but I'm still at the end of it. I just gain weight very proportionately. I wear a size 4/6 and I also try to dress my fat and hide it but it is there and it was definitely there 15 lbs ago. Just do what makes you happy and healthy.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member

    Maybe people are just trying to be polite by saying "you don't need to lose weight" instead of "Yeah lardo, you could stand to miss a few meals".

    Like water off a ducks back, let it slide.


    Not when you're at the gym doing your cardio and a well meaning older woman interrupts you to discuss a possible eating disorder.

    Does this happen a lot? Or one time? Was it a stranger? Or was it someone you know and we are not getting the whole story. What are you even ranting about?

    They don't live your life, bottom line. Who cares what they think?

    If thats the bottom line why not be happy to let OP and others have their rant?
    Perspective? Ain't that why she came to rant?

    So she shouldnt care what other people think, but should listen to other people tell her what to and to not care about. Right. Got it :tongue:
    Im off to the gym forums are way to much of a distraction! :flowerforyou:
    Asking questions is not telling her what to do. Why your swooping in to white knight is amusing, though. Carry on mfp, carry on.
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    I gained 50lbs and for the last 15 of it that i've lost I have had people telling me to stop. I am still overweight BMI. Yes I know I have high LBM and know what to wear to cover my bad spots but I think like many people have said "normal" is now to be overweight so a healthy person is looked at as being skinny.

    Also from the health perspective, i can relate. My doctor kept upping my meds and in the end after I lost the weight I cured the reason I was even on the meds in the first place. (migraines with no known cause)

    So keep you head up you will be fine, worry about doing you and what is best for your health.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    I agree, being the sex symbol I am....its hard to hear that. Women can sometimes just be plain mean.