Weighing food

I just got my hands on a food scale tonight. I've never weighed my food before then, only measured using measuring cups/measuring spoons. I was measuring out some peanut butter for a snack, and a strong realization hit me: without the food scale, I would have doubled what I put in the bowl thinking that I was getting the right amount. I feel like this is a huge reason why in the past, regardless of how healthy I ate and how much I worked out, I wasn't seeing results. I wasn't getting an accurate calorie count.

When you all started weighing your food, did you notice a big change in the amount of food you were consuming? Did you notice any change in your weight loss when you started weighing your food opposed to measuring it with other utensils?


  • justjumpit278
    justjumpit278 Posts: 96 Member
    I've always been pretty good about using measuring spoons, especially for things like peanut butter that I can very easily eat half the jar and say that was 2 tablespoons, right...? :bigsmile:

    My family recent got a food scale and I immediately started using it. SO SO SO helpful. For example, I had no idea what 4 oz of chicken actually looked like. I always guessed.

    I'm a very organized and precise person so knowing EXACTLY how much of what I'm eating so I can log it correctly, is helping me tremendously. I highly recommend keeping one in your kitchen and always leaving it out on the counter. Ours always stays out, so it's always within reach!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    yes, weighing food is an eye-opener. You have found the secret. :)
  • stephanieluvspb
    stephanieluvspb Posts: 997 Member
    I couldn't believe how much I was under estimating my meats!! Deck of cards my butt!! lol
  • sandmama
    sandmama Posts: 25 Member
    I love my food scale, it makes me feel like I am eating a decent amount of food and I have not been hungry while using it. 4 oz of chicken is actually quite a bit! I measured a cup of pasta and it looked tiny in the cup, I always felt deprived (emotionally, even if I wasn't actually hungry). When I see the 8oz measured out on the scale it looks like a huge amount of food!

    I know I look silly and anal weighing all day long, but it makes me feel so much more in control of what I eat!