80/20 Plant Based Living

Would love to talk to anyone who follows this way of eating? Essentially the majority of the time following a plant based, no processed food (or as little as possible) diet - eating for nutrition and then allowing yourself the odd day off or restaurant trip.

I've been doing this for over a week now - dropped a couple of pounds but feeling more alert and energetic than I have done in a long time. Also found myself craving bread less which is a big step for me.

I lost 40 pounds last year, and have put 22 of that back on :( - realised yoyo dieting, in fact any diet just doesnt work. Am aiming to do this for the rest of my life rather than for the next 2 weeks to drop weight and would love to hear other peoples experiences with it.


  • I eat a plant based diet, but I eat 5 times a day small meals 7am(breakfast)10am(snack),1pm(lunch),4pm(snack),7pm dinner. I have more energy.
  • Janette3x4
    Janette3x4 Posts: 135
    I eat plant based at least 80 percent of the time. It immediately made me feel healthier. I still don't eat meat but I do add in some egg whites and yogurt. Mainly because of the medication I'm on, it processes better in my body with a little dairy, go figure! I enjoyed going plant based. There are so many foods I really never thought of eating before. Just be careful and stay away from the processed vegan foods. they have a lot of salt in them, & a lot of calories in most cases.
  • hey! I am a vegan so everything I eat is plant based. I'm not strict with my macros though but i tend to fall about 70:30 (70carbs 20fat 10protien)
  • I eat plant based at least 80 percent of the time. It immediately made me feel healthier. I still don't eat meat but I do add in some egg whites and yogurt. Mainly because of the medication I'm on, it processes better in my body with a little dairy, go figure! I enjoyed going plant based. There are so many foods I really never thought of eating before. Just be careful and stay away from the processed vegan foods. they have a lot of salt in them, & a lot of calories in most cases.

    I agree with that - it's why I decided not to go vegan but more plant based as I couldnt believe the amount of rubbish in some of the foods!

    I've also added eggs back in (but not dairy) to try get some protein as im really struggling with that at the moment.

    Definitely a better way of eating though - my energy is the best it's been for a long time!