Scales not budging :(



  • marjoleina
    marjoleina Posts: 189 Member

    You might want to read this excellent post ^^ 1000 calories net consumed a day is not enough, in my opinion, and you probably don't have enought to lose to expect to lose at 1 pound a week. Eat part of your excersise calories back, and at least eat the 1200 calories that MFP recommends. I did the VLC diet for years (like 20) and would lose/gain the same 10 pounds. I increased my calories to 1400-1700 depending on the amount of excersise, and am losing about .3 KG a week. (0.66 us pounds). Alcohol does convert to sugar, but you will have to decide if that is worth it, and Chinese food usually is high in sodium, which does not help with weight loss. Mostly it takes patience, and eating real food.
  • wicket100
    wicket100 Posts: 2
    Thankyou very much Marjoleina for the info. Some good food for thought here, pardon the pun! :)
  • marjoleina
    marjoleina Posts: 189 Member
    Feel free to add me, my diary is open to friends. I log every day.